The Falcon Zone Flyer
August 3rd, 2023

November 5th, 2024
Hello Falcon Zone ~
The Falcon Zone is holding its Quarter 2 Zone Wide SAC meeting at Bennett Ranch Elementary School this THURSDAY, November 7th. Dinner starts at 5 and the meeting will begin at 5:30. Please RSVP below so we know how many to expect and plan for. Hope you see you there!
Engage49 LIVE - Join us for a conversation on children's health, covering topics such as nutrition, sleep, and exercise on Wednesday, 11/13 at Sand Creek High School. We'll also discuss hazards to be aware of, including vaping, tobacco products, and common addictions that students face. To foster open, two-way communication, we will have time for families to network with the experts and other families. We hope this will bring support and value to your questions, concerns and knowledge of health and hazards. Dinner will be from Jersey Mike's beginning at 5:30 pm. Please see below for more information and to RSVP for dinner and/or childcare!
FHS Theatre is offering discounted ticket prices on Thursday night if you bring a can of food for the FZ Community Closet and Pantry. See flyer below for more information!
Do you need some extra help this Christmas with presents for your children? If so, please use the QR Code below, or click the photo, to apply for assistance from Christmas Unlimited!
In Partnership ~
Cari Muresan
FZ Community Liaison
Empowering Moments
From Superintendent Smith...
District 49 is unique as we have a Student Board of Representatives (SBOR) that help to represent the students of District 49. Student Board members are elected by their respective high schools and engage with the other Student Board of Representative members from around the district. At each month's District 49 Board Meetings, two members of the SBOR sit with the D49 Board and help provide valuable insights into action items on the agenda and other things taking place around the district. During the meeting, the students participating also share highlights from their school and respective zone.
In the Falcon Zone, we are honored to have Danielle, Aaliyah, Meghan, and Cy as our Falcon Zone SBOR members from Falcon High School. Each of these students have a strong interest in hearing from students on things impacting their education and school so that they can help highlight strengths and advocate for needs. Last week, our four SBOR Members joined our Falcon Zone Principals and Instructional Coaches for a meeting to network about how things are going around the zone. They also worked to plan some times where they can visit Falcon Middle and our Elementary Schools to further network with students and get additional feedback.
Our SBOR reps were excited to also collaborate on our Earn Your WINGS Portrait of a Graduate as many of them were in the focus groups last year that helped to develop this. They also want to help inspire our elementary and middle school learners with the importance of developing these critical skills of Wisdom, Integrity, Networking, Grit, and Self-Confidence so that they can further their endeavors past high school once they graduate. The SBOR hopes to engage with additional students at Falcon High to find opportunities for our students to volunteer and support our middle and elementary schools with various opportunities where students can Earn their WINGS. We are excited to see what they do and appreciate the collaboration with our Falcon Zone Student Board of Representatives! Thank you Danielle, Aaliyah, Meghan, and Cy!
Empowered Falcon Zone Staff
🐮🐔🐷 Sponsored by Texas Roadhouse 🐷🐔🐮
Partners in PE, taught by Coach Cates and Coach Warneke, focuses on physical, intellectual and social growth. Students with and without disabilities interact to work on team-building, skill development and relationships. General education students have to apply to be in the class and several shared that they apply semester after semester!
Ms. Gonzalez, CLDE teacher at FMS, works with small groups of English language learners to elevate their understanding of Persuasive Writing. Students played a game then began working on a learning plan to support their understanding of making claims to support an argument.
2nd grade students in Ms. Smith's class use different math strategies to help them in math. Students worked to identify a Mystery number using a "guess and check" strategy and their knowledge of place value. They were eager to work with their shoulder partners to "solve the mystery."
Mrs. Kelleher's 2nd graders are pros at Partner Reading. They sit shoulder to shoulder and knee to knee to practice reading a few sentences at a time from their readers. Students can be heard encouraging one another and helping with unknown or tricky words. Mrs. Kelleher is able to pull a student or two back to her table for small group reading fluency practice while her students read with their buddy.
Mrs. Ross worked with her 5th graders in Art to practice molding clay. Students are learning how to manipulate and shape the air-dry clay before working with clay that will be fired in her kiln. Students worked to mold pinch pots, coiled pots and roses while she was able to give feedback on shape, size and thickness of their creations.
Mrs. Macklem's Kindergarteners use Learning Plans and SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) during their ELA block to work independently while she pulls students for extra support or progress monitoring. Students used their ipads, worked on practice sheets and played games to help reinforce reading skills.
Falcon Zone Staff Recognition
In the Falcon Zone we pride ourselves on having the most incredible staff! We want to give our community a chance to recognize those people that make a difference in our schools and for our students every day! Please let us know who is making a positive impact for your student. Let us know who has gone above and beyond to enhance your experience in our zone. Let us know who is doing an outstanding job!
Every staff member that is recognized will receive a note of recognition and a shoutout in our community newsletter. Staff members include not only teachers but secretaries, administrators, custodial & kitchen staff, paras, etc.
We want to know who is making a difference! Thank you for taking the time to fill out this quick form!
Crystal Pecic (BRES) - Mrs. Pecic starts her day welcoming our little Bulls…and she does this with a friendly smile and ‘I am glad you are here today!’ We are lucky to have you as our Dean of Students!
Upcoming Falcon Zone Events
11/07 - Falcon Zone SAC @ 5
11/08 - D49 Team Pro Day (No Students)
11/12 - MRES PTA Meeting @ 4
11/13 - Engage49 LIVE Event @ 6 - Sand Creek High School
11/14 - FZ Community Pantry & Closet @ 3:45-4:45 & D49 Board Meeting @ 6
11/20 - WHES PTA Slim Chickens Dine to Donate @ 4
11/25 - 11/29 - D49 Thanksgiving Break (No School)
Future Falcon Zone SAC Dates
Quarter 2 SAC - November 7th @ Bennett Ranch Elementary
Quarter 3 SAC - February 6th @ Falcon Elementary School
Quarter 4 SAC - April 17 @ Meridian Ranch Elementary