LMS 2024-2025 School Year
August 2, 2024
Principal's Message
Hello, LMS Tiger Families,
It's August and it is officially back-to-school season! This week we have kids back in action here at LMS for fall sports try-outs and practices and our staff are starting to make their way back from a much deserved summer break. I hope the summer has treated you and your family well. We're excited to get back up and running and welcome our Tigers back to school!
As we are starting to get busy here at school, we know this is also a very busy time for your family, too. Below you'll find everything you need for the start of the school year at LMS including information about school fees, school open house times, school pictures and Family Information Night, among others.
We know there is always so much to figure out and process at the start of the school year. Back to school shopping, coordinating schedules, getting back into routines, etc. Take a deep breath :) You got this! Please let us know if you have any questions or if there is anything you need and we'll see you soon!
Oh, and don't forget it's currently Ohio's tax-free holiday. It's a great time to get that back-to-school shopping done :)
Take care and Go Tigers!
David Knapp
LMS Principal
LMS Summer Office Hours
The LMS office will operate on adjusted hours through the summer. Hours are as follows:
- Now - August 8: LMS Office open M-F, 8:00-3:00
- August 9: Normal LMS Office hours resume, 7:00-3:00
You may reach the main LMS phone line during these times at 683-3100 or email Nichole Sartain, LMS secretary at sartaini@lovelandschools.org.
Important Dates
- Mon, 8/5: LIS/LMS New Loveland Family Welcome, 10:00-11:30
- Thurs, 8/8: Student Schedules Available at TigerParent.me
- LIS/LMS Open House, 8:30-11:30 am, 12:30-2:30 pm and 5:30-7:30 pm (more info below)
- Weds, 8/14: First Day of School for Students Last Name A-L, Picture Day information below
- Thurs, 8/15: First Day of School for Students Last Name M-Z, Picture Day information below
- Fri, 8/16: First Day of School with ALL Students
- Thurs, 8/22: LMS Family Information Night, 6:00-7:00 pm
Student Schedules Release
Student schedules will be released through TigerParent.me on Tuesday, August 8th. Please make sure you are able to log into TigerParent.me so that you can access your child's schedule. If you have any problems, please contact the LMS office.
When you log in to TigerParent.me you will see your student's "Current Schedule" on the right side. For your student's full schedule including their locker number and combination, you need to go to "File Attachments" (scroll down on the right). You will see a file attachment with your student's 2024 schedule. Click on the eyball and you will have a full, printer friendly version of thier schedule.
TigerParent.me Instructions
LIS/LMS Open House Days
For back to school, LIS & LMS will be hosting an Open House for students and families to walk their student's schedule, explore the building, practice their locker and drop off school supplies. This is a great opportunity for our families to check out the school prior to the start of the school year.
This year, LIS and LMS will consolidate to one Open House date which will be take place on Thursday, 8/8 and coincide with the release of student schedules through TigerParent.me. We love seeing our students and families here and we hope you can make it during one of the following times:
Thursday, August 8th: 8:30-11:30, 12:30-2:30, 5:30-7:30
Although there will be no formal tours, school staff will be available to help answer questions you may have and we will also have staff available to help with the completion of Final Forms/Emergency Medical Form as well as TigerParent.me.
Staggered Start Days for Back to School 24-25
Loveland Schools will be continuing with a staggered start schedule for the start of the 24-25 school year. This "rolling start" allows our teachers time with smaller groups of students and supports the transition process to the next grade across the school district.
Wednesday, August 14th - First Day of School Students A-L: Only students with last names A-L will report to school this day.
Thursday, August 15th - First Day of School Students M-Z: Only students with last names M-Z will report to school this day.
Friday, August 16th - First Day of School for All Students
LMS Picture Day - Augsut 14 & August 15
August 14th - Picture Day for Students Last Name A-L
August 15th - Picture Day for Students Last Name M-Z
Pictures can be ordered at: mylifetouch.com
Picture Day Code : EVTHHRZ9W
Medication Drop Off
If your child will need to receive medication while here at school, please contact the LMS clinic to arrange a time to drop that off. Please note a signed permission to dispense form will need to be provided with all medications. See link for full details, Permission to Dispense Medication.
The clinic will be open during our open house day on Thursday, August 8.
On Monday, August 12 during regular school hours.
Please be advised that there may be a bit of a wait depending on the volume of traffic at the time of your visit. You may reach the LMS Clinic by calling the mainline at 683-3100 or email Tonya Morrison, morristo@lovelandschools.org to make arrangements or with questions
LMS Start and Dismissal Times
7:05 - Main Entrance (Door 1) doors open for students being dropped off at school: The drop-off pattern for LIS/LMS will remain the same for next year. Students being dropped off will report to the cafeteria until 7:15
7:15 - School busses unload at LIS/LMS. Early students are dismissed from cafeteria.
7:30 - School day begins for LIS/LMS
2:10 - School day ends for LIS/LMS
2:15 - School busses depart LIS/LMS
Car Riders - Drop Off and Pick Up Process for LIS/LMS
We will be continuing our traffic pattern around the building at the start of the school year to evaluate the volume of traffic coming through in the morning. Our goal is to avoid cars ever backing up on to Lebanon Rd.
For those families dropping off and/or picking up your child from the LIS/LMS campus, you will pull in the main entrance and you will have to follow the line in the picture below before dropping off or picking up your student(s). This allows for more cars to get off Lebanon Rd. while the process of dropping off and picking up occurs. The area where students are dropped and picked up remains in the front of the building. You will pull all the way up in front of the main LIS/LMS entrance before your student(s) leaves or enters the car. Please see the pictures below for the traffic pattern and drop-off area locations.
Both LMS and LIS front doors will be open for drop-off in the morning beginning at 7:05 AM.
Car riders, please also be aware that we will have students walking and riding their bikes to school each day. Please be careful and keep an eye out for students crossing the street and driveway around our campus. You can see the marked crosswalk locations in the picture below where students and pedestrians should be crossing.
If everyone follows the process accordingly, we know it to be the most efficient and safe process possible given the volume and our campus layout. We appreciate everyone's cooperation in following the established process for our car riders. If you have any questions, please let us know.
LIS/LMS Traffic Pattern
LIS/LMS Drop Off Area
Crosswalk Locations
Walkers and Bike Riders - Crosswalk Locations
Many of our students walk or ride their bikes to and from school each day. If your child is a walker or bike rider, please make sure they know they should ONLY be crossing the street and driveway around the LIS/LMS campus at the marked crosswalks. Especially due to the increased traffic, if is very important that our students are using the crosswalk for their own safety and the safety of others.
You can see the locations of the crosswalks in the attached picture. Please take a moment to have a conversation with your child so they have an established plan and path for their walk or ride to school.
School Supply Lists and Fees
LMS 7th and 8th Grade Supply List
2024-2025 School fees for both 7th and 8th grade students will be $100. This includes the $50 technology fee for a school issued Chromebook and $50 general school fee. School fees can be paid online using PaySchoolsCentral.com or by check in the LMS office on 8/8 during Open House. If paying by check, please include the name of your student in the notes and make checks payable to "Loveland City Schools."
Student Success Guide
Whether you have a new 7th grade student or are a returning 8th grade family, we know the details of navigating middle school can feel like a lot for our students and families. With this in mind, we have put together our LMS Student Success Guide to provide you with a helpful tool to support your student and your family here at our amazing school.
The LMS Student Success Guide provides you with all the essential information for your child to have a successful year at Loveland Middle School. It includes a ton of information including everything from a staff directory to navigating middle school transitions to drop off procedures. You can access the guide bit.ly/lmssuccessguide.
We are here to help whenever and however you need it. Please let us know how we can be of
LMS Family Information Night
Mark your calendars for the Loveland Middle School Family Information Night on Thursday, August 22nd taking place 6:00-7:00 PM.
This is a great time for you to visit your student's classrooms, meet their teachers and get some important information about the school year. The format for this year's LMS Family Information Night will provide time for teams to meet with their group of parents, as well as time for parents to visit and meet teacher's in their classrooms. More information will be shared soon.
Transportation Needs
If your student is a bus rider and will be picked up or dropped off anywhere other than home during the 2024-25 school year, please let our Transportation Department know. For example, if your student will be dropped off to an after-school caregiver on certain days, our Transportation Department needs that information to plan school bus routes. Follow this link to log into Final Forms and update the Transportation section.
Athletics Updates
LMS Fall Sports
It's not too late to sign up for Fall sports at LMS! In the Fall we offer:
- Boys and Girls Cross Country
- Football
- Girls Volleyball
- Girls Tennis
- Golf (Club sport, not school-affiliated)
Getting Started in Athletics at LMS!
1. Register on Final Forms here https://loveland-oh.finalforms.com to show your interest in any sport/season and sign permission pages!
2. A current physical must be on file to begin conditioning/practices! Print the official form from your Final Forms account and take it to a doctor for an Annual Youth Sports Physical (valid for 13 months from date of exam). Submit options: upload to Final Forms (preferred) or drop off a hard copy at LMS Main Office. You can also download the OHSAA physical form here.
3. Fees ($265) will be due prior to the first contest and can be paid online through Final Forms or via check/cash AFTER teams are established. NO FEES ARE DUE RIGHT NOW, PLEASE DO NOT PAY BEFORE THE SEASON STARTS!
4. Coaches are now making contact with those students and parents who have registered through Final Forms.
How to register your child for Athletics and Clubs for the 2024-24 School Year:
Log in to your Final Forms PARENT account
Select “+Add Sports/Activities” for your player
Checkmark your sports/activity interest (any season)
Scroll down and click on “Update Sports/Activities”
If you have any questions, please contact Jayson Bruce at bruceja@lovelandschools.org
New LMS Athletic Director
Starting Monday, July 15th, Corbyn Litke will be taking over as the Athletic Director at Loveland Middle School. Corbyn will be taking over for Jayson Bruce who recently moved to the Athletic Director role at Loveland High School.
Corbyn comes to us via the Milford High School Athletic Department where she has been in many roles, most recently as the Assistant Athletic Director. Corbyn brings a wealth of knowledge of running big events, working with coaches to develop whole program continuity, and building an awesome game day experience for the students.
AD Litke can be reached here at LMS at 683-3100 or via email at litkeco@lovelandschools.org.
We are excited to welcome Corbyn to her new home at LMS! Go Tigers!
Hello families!
Can you believe the first day of school is just around the corner?!
We wanted to take a moment and thank you for being part of the MINT PTSA last year and invite you to join again this year. Your support of the MINT PTSA is invaluable as we work to provide teacher grants, field trips, hot chocolate day, science day at LIS, interview day at LMS, end of year parties, social emotional expert presentations and newsletters, and more. For those of you who have students who are now moving up to LHS, good luck! Be sure to check out the LHS PTO .
If you own a business and would like to support the MINT PTSA by becoming a business partner, please reply to this email to learn more.
If you are on campus for open access day on Thursday, August 8th, stop by the MINT table at the main entrance and say hi.
Loveland M/INT PTSA
We can do more together. Advocate, act, engage, unite, connect, champion: join.
www.lovelandmintptsa.orgGeneral Information
2024-2025 school days calendar
School Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 2:10 p.m
Office Hours: 7:00 a.m - 3:00 p.m.
To report an absence call 697-3602 by 9:00 a.m.
Loveland Middle School
Principal: David Knapp
Email: knappda@lovelandschools.org
Website: www.lovelandschools.org
Location: 801 S Lebanon Rd, Loveland, OH, USA
Facebook: www.facebook.com/lovelandcityschools/
Twitter: @MrDavidKnapp