BES Principal Newsletter
September 13th, 2024
Good evening BES families,
Last year, our EAGLES surpassed our goal of 13,000 SOARing tickets by almost 5, 000 tickets and earned a GAGA ball pit as an award. After fundraising, playground construction obstacles and weather delays, our GAGA ball pit is installed and fully functional! All classes were shown a video for rules and practiced those rules with adult supervision today at WIN time. Then they got a chance to play some GAGA Ball and what a joy it was to witness! It's a great game of strategy, movement and endurance. Below is a video that was borrowed (we do not own rights to the video) that was shown to classes to explain the common rules. Chat with your kiddo today and see if they played GAGA ball and what they think!
What are SOARing Tickets?
SOAR tickets are used to reward students for exhibiting desired behavior throughout their school day.
Who gives the tickets?
ANY staff member in the school can reward ANY student when they observe the student(s) performing positive and productive behavior in ANY area of the school.
How do students receive their award?
Each month, students will be selected at a random drawing and announced at our Ticket Assemblies. K-2 have separate awards/assembly from the 3-5 grades.
As always, if you have a concern or question regarding your student's day, please reach out your child's teacher. If you have changes in transportation, absences, or other logistical events, please contact Mrs. Vandemark or Mrs. Sonnenberg. Thank you for your partnership in your student's education. We are blessed and grateful to be a part of it!
Educationally Yours,
Mrs. Johnson
Important Dates
- 9/16 Homecoming Week
- 9/16 Board Meeting (HS LIbrary 6:30)
- 9/18 Picture Day
- 9/20 Homecoming Parade/Varsity Football Game @ 7 pm