Summer Memo
July 26, 2024
Happy Summer, Mustangs!
We have some news to share in preparation for the coming school year.
Happy Feast Day!
Today is the Feast of Sts. Ann and Joachim, parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary and grandparents of Jesus! Click on the image above for more information on our patron saint.
O God, You bestowed
on St. Ann such
grace that she was
found worthy to
become the mother of
Mary, who brought
forth Your only
begotten Son.
Grant that we may be
helped by her
Summer Assignments
Remember to make progress on your summer assignments. Set a calendar to accomplish all required tasks between now and the first day of school! Don't forget that all electronic assignments completed on school educational apps must be completed by July 31, 2024 (before the technology rolls over to the new school year data). Good luck and keep learning!
School Uniforms
Don't forget to take stock of uniform needs! The school uniform closet is open for contributions and shopping during summer office hours, Mondays- Thursdays, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. All items are $1, donated to the missions. New uniform items can be ordered through our uniform provider, Flynn & O'Hara. Be sure to place school uniform orders with enough time for delivery! You can place orders here:
Dates to Know
- Thursday 8/22 - Ice Cream Social for New Students
- Monday 8/26 - First Day of School! Half-Day, 11:45 am dismissal
- Friday 8/30 - Half-Day, 11:45 am dismissal
- Monday 9/2 - No School, Labor Day Holiday
- Tuesday 9/10 - First School Mass
- Tuesday 9/17 - Picture Day
- Thursday 9/19 - Back to School Night