East End Parent Newsletter
September 20, 2024
East End Back-to-School Night - September 25
Join us on Wednesday, September 25 for East End's Back-to-School Night 5:30 - 7:00pm
Genesis Parent Help Night - September 25 4-7 PM
It is important that all parents/guardians have access to the Genesis Parent Portal, fill out the necessary forms, and update contact information to ensure we can effectively communicate throughout the school year.
We will be hosting a Genesis Parent Portal Help Night on September 25 from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM, where assistance will be available in both English and Spanish. If you need help logging into the portal or completing the forms, please join us.
East End Construction Letter
Please click below for a letter regarding the construction at East End beginning Monday, September 23.
21st Century Community Learning Center FREE After-School Program (Gr 3 & 4)
We are proud to announce that you now may register your child into the 21st Century After-School Program. This program is open to students in grades 3-6 and will run from September 30, 2024 - May 23, 2025.
To sign up, log into your Genesis Parent Portal, navigate to Forms, and you will see a published form for 21st Century After-School Program Sign Up. We also created a tutorial on how to find and submit this form correctly. Once registered, the student will be informed if they were accepted into the program.
Questions? Please contact jerard_stephenson@nplainfield.org.
North Plainfield Fall Festival - September 28
Fall into FUN! We hope you can join us for our annual North Plainfield Fall Festival!
NJ School Climate Survey - Fall 2024
The North Plainfield School District is participating in survey data collection using the New Jersey School Climate Improvement (NJ SCI) Survey to help obtain multiple perspectives on aspects of school climate. Collecting data is important for understanding strengths and needs in our school and how it feels to be a member of the school community.
Please see the below letters explaining the parent and student surveys. Parents are able to take the survey by scanning the QR code below or clicking the image below. The password is 'parents'. We appreciate your input!
Parent Letter about the Parent Survey (Survey available September 20 - October 11)
Parent Letter about the Student Survey (Survey given at school)
Taking Nominations Now: Governor's Educator of the Year Awards
It's that time of year again. The GEOY program recognizes one teacher and one educational services professional from each school. This is a fantastic opportunity to recognize someone who meets the following criteria.
Find the nomination link here: https://www.nj.gov/education/recognition/educators/geoy/materials/NominationForm.pdf
Nominations are due to the East End Main Office by September 30.
East End PTO
Donation Appreciation!
A huge shout-out and thank you to one of our East End alumni, Peg C., for her generous donation of school supplies to Ms. Zipp's 1st grade students!
Maschios Lunch Menu
Nurse Notes from Nurse Joy
Immunization notices have been sent out this week. Please provide documentation to the school nurse once your child receives his or her vaccines in order to keep your child compliant. Harrison School will be hosting a vaccine clinic on October 17th. If you are interested in signing your child up for this vaccine clinic, please email Joy_Griffith@nplainfield.org for an appointment. Limited space is available.
Reminder for Pre-K Families: Flu vaccines are mandatory for Pre-K students. Please schedule your flu shot and submit documentation to the school nurse.
Please make every attempt to send your child to school when they are healthy. Please keep your child home and report their absence to the office if they have the following:
Translating the East End Update
Did you know that the East End Update can be translated into many languages with the click of a button? Click the "Translate" button at the top of the screen to translate the entire newsletter.
Awesome Acts
*During recess, another student was crying. Lilian went over to her, hugged her, and invited her to play.
*Felix saw that a student didn't have a partner and he took it upon himself to invite that student to his group.
*London is our Student of the Week! We look forward to celebrationg her and seeing all the ways she demonstrates C.A.R.D.
*These students were leaders when cleaning up after art class. Both Zoey and Eduardo followed the directions quickly and quietly, and Mirely, Ke' yani, Parker and Jerson offered to help gather a large heap of papers and organize them!
*This is Amberly’s special week. Amberly is very helpful. She makes sure that her table is cleaned up. She helps her friends put their things away when they leave them out.
*Celeste was the only student in my class to use the words "thank you" when given the fun Friday reward! GOOOO CELESTE!
*Benjamin circled the room, unprompted during our transition, and pushed in all of his classmates chairs. Thank you Benjamin for your kindness and act of caring
*Abigail is always ready to follow directions and is always ready to learn. She is on task all day! Thank you, Abigail!
*Ian is a brand new EE student and he is such a wonderful addition to our classroom. He is caring, respectful, kind, and is always ready to listen and follow directions. I am so proud of Ian's first two weeks at EE!! Keep up the great work, Ian!
*Oscar has been so helpful and kind to another student in class by showing him where his backpack needs to be hung up and giving kind reminders throughout the day. Nice work, Oscar!
*Celeste showed caring for her classroom during art clean-up. Without being asked, she went around the room and picked paper up off of the floor, and helped other students put away their supplies.
*Both Adrian and Jahzara showed caring during art class. Adrian offered to translate instructions to some of other students for me. And Jahzara helped some students get their artwork on the drying rack and clean up.
The Mustang Monthly
Next edition coming Fall 2024!
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, September 25 (5:30 - 7:00 pm): Back-to-School Night
Tuesday, October 1: Fall Picture Day
Thursday, October 3: No School - Rosh Hashanah Observed
Contact Information
East End Elementary School
Email: East_End@nplainfield.com
Website: https://npeee.nplainfield.org/
Location: 170 Oneida Ave, North Plainfield, NJ 07060, USA
Phone: (908) 769-6070
Updates from the North Plainfield Library
North Plainfield Community Updates
North Plainfield Recreation
North Plainfield Family Resources
Welcome to New Jersey Welcome Booklet
Welcome to New Jersey provides information to families that have recently moved to New Jersey. You will find information about resources and services including legal services, food and income assistance, health care and mental health services, school enrollment, getting a state identification card, and transportation. All the topics have links that will direct you to the indicated websites. There are also flyers and contact information regarding the different services and resources available to New Jersey residents.
Family Resources from Somerset County (Webinar in Spanish)
In addition to the Upcoming Events section of the East End Update, families can review upcoming events in the 'Calendar' section of the new East End website.