Hawk Happenings
May 2024

Important Dates
May 20: Learner of the Month Celebration - 5:00pm to 5:45pm in our Heritage theatre - Learners that have been recognized as our learner of the month will have a celebration highlighting their greatness.
May 21: Instrument Rental Night - 4:00pm-7:00pm - Incoming 6th grade learners registered for band and orchestra please come if you plan to rent an instrument
May 23: Last day of School!
August 6: Hawk Camp - 12:30pm-3:20pm - Incoming 6th grade learners are invited to meet their teachers, participate in team building, tour the school, and learn about HMS.
August 20: Back to School Night - 4:30pm-6:30pm - All Hawk learners and families are invited to meet our educators, look over the schedule, and walk through the building.
August 21: First Day of School
A Message from Nurse Courtney
Medication Pickup
If your learner has a medication (prescription or over the counter) in the school office, it will need to be picked up by a parent or guardian by Thursday May 30th. All medications not picked up by June 1st will be disposed of. The only exception is if your learner will be attending summer school, then the medication can remain in the office during that time frame but must be picked up by the end of the summer school session.
Summer office hours are Monday-Thursday, 8:00am – 12:00pm. If you would like to make arrangements to pick up meds, please contact the school office at 701-356-5910 or 701-499-5015. You can also email the school nurse at cmisheski@west-fargo.k12.nd.us with any questions.
Health Information Reminder
At the end of this school year, West Fargo Public School Nursing staff will be mailing the 2024-2025 health paperwork for learners who have conditions such as allergies, asthma, seizures, diabetes, or any other medical concern that would require medication and/or nursing intervention and accommodations. This paperwork is required every school year and must be updated for our system.
Please reach out to Nurse Courtenay Misheski at 701-499-5015 or cmisheski@west-fargo.k12.nd.us if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s medical needs and required paperwork for the 2024-2025 school year.
Immunization Requirements (for incoming 7th graders)
According to North Dakota Century Code 23-07-17.1, children entering the 7th grade (or once children turn 11) are required to receive Tdap (tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis) and MCV4 (Meningococcal) vaccines for school.
Please make an immunization appointment for your child with a healthcare provider of your choice. Or for an appointment at Fargo Cass Public Health, please call 701-241-1383, option 2 when prompted.
Students who are not up to date with their vaccines at the start of the 2024-2025 school year will have until October 1, 2024, to get them completed or they will be excluded from school.
Please contact school nurse Courtenay Misheski at 701-499-5015 or cmisheski@west-fargo.k12.nd.us with any questions.
8th Grade Device Collection
West Fargo Middle School Families,
On Friday, May 17th, Heritage 8th grade learners will turn in their personal learning device (iPad) and all district-issued accessories (iPad case, charging cord and charging brick) to prepare for new devices upon starting high school in the fall. If anything is damaged or missing, it can be paid for online via MySchoolBucks following these directions. Learners will not be turning in their pens and can continue to use in high school. 8th graders attending summer school will still turn in their device and will have a device for use during the summer session.
The fee list and any missing or damaged item(s) are noted below.
· iPad Case: $40.00
· Charging Cord: $20.00
· Charging Brick: $20.00
· iPad First-time Breakage Fee: $25.00
· iPad Second-time Breakage Fee: $75.00
· iPad Third-time Breakage Fee/Intentional Damage/Lost: $300.00
WFPS Middle Level Administration and Technology Team
6th/7th Grade Devices
Optional: 6th/7th Grade Device Collection
Turning in Device over the Summer Break
Families can set usage boundaries for your learner at home. However, if families feel it is in the best interest of their learner to not have the device over the summer break, the device and accessories can be collected during the last week of school or the conclusion of summer school. If you would like your learner’s device to be collected and stored at school over the summer, please fill out this online form by Friday, May 17th. The learner should also turn in the case, charging cord, and charging brick. If any of these items are missing, they can be paid for online via MySchoolBucks following these directions.
This upcoming summer, middle school learners will have their iPad at home instead of turning them in to the school district during the last week of school. This allows the learners to have their iPads for learning until the end of the school year, use them at summer school, and continue to have access to technology throughout the summer. Your learner will bring their iPads on the first day of school.
Device Return (Not Returning to West Fargo Public Schools Next Year)
Social Work Happenings
Summer Resources
A Note from the Office...
Lost and Found
HMS lost and found items are located in the commons. Please talk to your learner and encourage them to pick up their belongings. All lost & found unclaimed items will be donated if not picked up in a timely manner. Thank you for your help!
8th Grade Happenings
Currently Learning:
ELA is finishing up with a narrative writing unit.
Currently Learning:
Algebra is working on their probability unit, including a carnival game project
Math 8 is finishing up volume of cones, cylinders, and spheres
Upcoming Units:
Algebra- Probability is our last unit!
Math 8- Equations review (including rational number coefficients)
Other news/events:
Twenty-eight students from Team Bobcat competed in a math competition at Valley City State University. There were over 600 7th – 12th grade students in attendance from schools all over North Dakota. Joseph (JJ) Kalash tied for 10th place in the individual 7th - 9th grade math test!
Social Studies
Currently Learning:
Modern US History 90s and 2000s
7th Grade Happenings
Currently Learning: The students are working on their final ecology show project.
Upcoming Units: Their ecology show project is the last unit for the year!
Social Studies
Currently Learning: We are learning about the Civil War. The students are going through a simulation from the point of view of a Union or Confederate soldier.
Upcoming Units: Reconstruction (Last Unit!)
6th Grade Happenings
Currently Learning: Narratives! Students are either writing a children’s book, graphic novel, or short story.
Currently Learning: Sound Waves (Open SciEd Curriculum)
Currently Learning:
Statistics and Data Displays
Foreign Language
8th grade:
Currently Learning: Wrapping up French with the topics colors, body parts, and the Olympics by creating their own Olympic mascots!
7th Grade:
Currently Learning: Starting our last language, German, on 5.14. We will be learning some basic vocabulary as well as touching on Culture topics such as fairy tales, the black forest, cuckoo clocks, and more.
6th Grade:
Currently Learning: Starting our last language, German, on 5.14. We will be learning some basic vocabulary as well as touching on Culture topics such as Neuschwanstein Castle, the black forest, and more.