BTMS Community News
November 2024

Dear BTMS Students, Families, and Partners,
BTMS hosts a variety of activities and opportunities for our students. We encourage our families and stakeholders to participate as partners in supporting the learning and growth of our children. Dates and activities are subject to change. The Family Newsletter is published bi-weekly and can be accessed on the left-hand corner of the website. Please visit the BTMS website for ongoing updates.
Thank you, Dr. HillBTMS Community Newsletter - 23/24 (Archived)
November 15th - 29th 2024
Parent & Community Engagement
Synergy Directions: For directions and information on Synergy, please click on the Synergy ParentVue Presentation link.
10 Ways to Help Your Child to Succeed in Middle School
PGCPS Parent Guide: Ways to Help Your Child Succeed in Middle School Support from parents and families is critical to helping children succeed academically. Here are ten ways you can put your middle schoolers on track. For more information, please contact the Department of Family and School Partnerships at 301-618-7456.
Book of the month
Middle School Matters: The 10 Key Skills Kids Need to Thrive in Middle School and Beyond--and How Parents Can Help
PGCPS Family Information Sessions
These virtual sessions are free for all and packed full of information to support student success! Use the link below to access the Zoom information. See the attached flyer to find the remaining dates and topics through December. ALL SESSIONS START AT 6PM.
Parents Needed ASAP!!
When parents are engaged in their children’s lives, students have the home support and knowledge they need to not only finish their assignments but also develop a lifelong love of learning. Research shows that when parents get engaged in their child’s education, the motivation, behavior, and grades of every child in class are positively impacted. Volunteering is a great way to engage.
There are many reasons for parents to volunteer. It’s a great way to show your children that you are interested in their education and sends a positive message that you consider school a worthwhile cause. Here are many reasons to volunteer in PGCPS.
The PGCPS Volunteer Process are just three easy steps however, it may take up to a month to be cleared
School Parking Lot Safety
School parking lot safety is crucial to creating a safe, welcoming environment for learning. When students, staff, and visitors come to your school, navigating where they need to go and parking are the first steps in their journey.
With so many people moving through an area and cars all around, it’s crucial to have safety measures in place to protect each person in your school parking lot. Families, we ask that you please be:
Be considerate & Kind: Be courteous and patient with other parents and drivers.
Use drop-off zones: Use the designated drop-off and pick-up areas Students must stay in the crosswalk when walking.
Cross at crosswalks: Use crosswalks when crossing from the parking lot to the building
Follow safety guidelines: Don't speed, drive recklessly, or engage in horseplay.
Support school efforts: Work with the school to improve drop-off and pick-up systems.
The Department of Special Education & Psychological Services
The Department of Special Education & Psychological Services are sponsoring a series of Family Workshops.
Wednesday,November 20, 2024: Asking Educators the Right Questions about Instruction and the Individualized Education Programs - Asking Educators the Right Questions
*Please see the see the Flyer for more information.*
Lost & Found
Please have students check the lost and found for any missing items located in the Cafeteria. All lost electronic items are located in the main office. Any unclaimed items will be considered a donation to a local organization. Thanks
Upcoming Dates
Friday, November 15
- Benchmark I - Makeups
- PGCPS Science Night
- Girls in Cyber event
Monday, November 18
Basketball vs College Park (Home)
Postponed - Honor Roll Assemblies (New Date will be announced)
PTSO Meeting (Virtual) 7:00pm
Tuesday, November 19
Grade Appeal Window
8th Grade Mini Golf Trip
Field trip to MD Public Television-Pollack
Wednesday, November 20
American Education Week -Educator Support Professional Day
Grade Appeal Window
8th Grade Mini Golf Trip
Basketball vs Eisenhower (Away)
PBIS - 6th Grade (5th & 6th Mods)
Thursday, November 21
Grade Appeal Window
8th Grade Mini Golf Trip
PBIS - 7th Grade (5th & 6th Mods)
Friday, November 22
Grade Appeal Window
PBIS - 8th Grade (5th & 6th Mods)
Monday, November 25
Grade Appeal Window
Basketball @ Hyattsville (Away)
Tuesday, November 26
Battle of the Baked Goods (Staff Fundraiser)
Wednesday, November 27
Thanksgiving Break
Thursday, November 28
Thanksgiving Break
Friday, November 29
Thanksgiving Break
New Information & Highlights
Honor Roll Assemblies UPDATE
Honor Roll Assembly:
Period 1: Grade 7- 8:45am - 9:36am
Period 2: Grade 6- 9:40am - 10:36am
Period 6: Grade 8- 2:14pm - 3:00pm
Grade Appeal Information: PGCPS Grade Appeal Form
Quarter 1 Benchmarks: Please review the Benchmark 1 Parent Letter about the upcoming Benchmark Assessments.
MCAP Reports: Please keep an eye out, as MCAP Reports were sent home on Thursday, October 17, 2024.
BTMS STEM Fair: Please Click here for more information regarding the BTMS STEM Fair
BTMS Scholastic Store: Please help us grow our classroom libraries throughout the school. Shop for all of your reading needs through the BTMS Scholastic store!! https://orders.scholastic.com/RX482
The Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) club
The Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) club at Prince George’s Community College will be hosting an event for girls interested in Cybersecurity or in any Information Technology careers this Friday. Females are still a minority when it comes to Information Technology fields particularly Cybersecurity. Please share the attached flyer with your students. Students should register with an email address that can receive a Zoom link. We will send the Zoom link to all registered participants.
Science Night English Flyer
Join us for a Family Science Night of Innovation and Exploration
Nov. 15, 2024
6:00 PM-8:00 PM
Admission: FREE
Families and students of all ages are invited to explore our newly renovated Planetarium & Animal Exhibit Room, and to participate in innovative, hands-on science activities.
9601 Greenbelt Road, Lanham, Maryland 20706 (301) 918-8750
Science Night French Flyer
Rejoignez-nous pour une soirée scientifique familiale d'innovation et d'exploration
15 novembre 2024
18 h 00 - 20 h 00
Les familles et les étudiants de tous âges sont invités à explorer notre planétarium et notre salle d'exposition d'animaux récemment rénovés et à participer à des activités scientifiques innovantes et pratiques.
9601 Greenbelt Road, Lanham, Maryland 20706 (301) 918-8750
Science Night Spanish Flyer
Ăšnase a nosotros para una Noche de ciencia familiar de innovaciĂłn y exploraciĂłn
15 de noviembre de 2024
18:00 a 20:00
Entrada: GRATIS
Se invita a las familias y estudiantes de todas las edades a explorar nuestro recientemente renovado Planetario y Sala de ExhibiciĂłn de Animales, y a participar en actividades cientĂficas innovadoras y prácticas.
9601 Greenbelt Road, Lanham, Maryland 20706 (301) 918-8750
Math Mania Family Fun
ESSA & Title I Family Fun Nights
Will also provide information on our Family Fun Nights where master teachers will be leading virtual sessions for grade 6th, offering practical insights and advice to help parents engage in their children’s learning in a fun and supportive way.
Attached and linked below are the flyers for easy access, as well as a FAQs page if you have questions. Families can use the links to learn more and register
New Opportunities
Instructional Support & Tutoring:
Math Tutoring:
Math Unit Study Guides by Math Level: The following guides share what your child is currently learning in math, as well as how they are learning.
The FAA invites kindergarten through 12th-grade students to participate in our Airport Design Challenge!
This interactive and collaborative learning opportunity allows students to design virtual airports in Minecraft. Participants will meet aviation professionals, engage with other designers, and learn about the aerospace industry.
What you can expect:
Small teams of students learn about their local airport and complete development tasks in Minecraft.
Organized lesson plans cover topics such as airport layout, pavement, lighting, structures, and innovative growth.
Students, parents, and teachers collaborate in a virtual environment.
Have questions? Email avsed.challenge@faa.gov.
For more information, visit faa.gov/adc. Let your creativity soar, and enroll today!
reEarth invites Benjamin Tasker Middle School to submit photography, painting, drawing, digital art and illustration created by its students
Submission Deadline: 31 December, 2024
Results: January 2025
Art Forms: Painting & Drawing, Photography, Digital Art & Illustration
Age Group: 4 to 25 years old
Fee: USD $10
Discount: 20% discount for schools/groups E-certificates for All Participating Children and Youth
Cash prizes for Artists Selected by Jury Exhibition Events in Auckland, New Zealand, and Venice, Italy
Lumiere Education: The Junior Explorer Program is an 8-week program designed for middle school students (Grades 6-8) to explore their academic interests in fields such as economics, astrophysics, biology, history, and computer science. In the past, we have had students create research papers, case studies, and analytical presentations.
Nature Quest Art Contest: You are cordially invited to enter this year’s Nature Quest Art Contest!
Explore the beauty in your backyard, a local park, or other outdoor environment and tell your nature story by drawing, painting, photography, or through poetry. Enter the art contest by uploading your artwork to be displayed in our Nature Quest exhibition and possibly win a cash prize! M-NCPPC will recognize three winners from elementary, middle, and high school! $300 for 1st place winners, $200 for 2nd place winners, $100 for 3rd place winners. Must be a Prince George’s County resident, 18 years old and under. You may enter as many categories as you want! Entries must be inspired by nature. DEADLINE for Submission: December 6, 2024 Link to eligible requirements
Join us in celebrating the Washington Capitals with the Caps in School 50th Anniversary Fan Wall, presented by KPMG! This is a unique opportunity for students to showcase their artistic talents while honoring the rich history and future of the Washington Capitals. We encourage students to create artwork that captures the spirit of the Capitals, their love for hockey, and this incredible milestone. This is a great way to engage your students in a fun, creative project while celebrating a beloved team with deep ties to our community. Select pieces will be featured throughout the season, helping to tell the story of 50 years of Capitals pride! We can't wait to see what students create to help celebrate this exciting anniversary! Link to the submission form
Congressional App Challenge: We are excited for all Middle School and High School Students to participate in the 2024 Congressional App Challenge! This competition offers a fantastic opportunity for students to showcase their coding skills and creativity by developing an app, individually or as a team. You can find more information and register HERE
Nominations for the 2024 Baltimore Ravens Community Quarterback Award are NOW OPEN! Supported by the Ravens Foundation, Inc., T. Rowe Price and the NFL Foundation, the Community Quarterback Award recognizes individuals who exemplify leadership, dedication, and a strong commitment to improving the communities in which they live. Volunteers, ages 13 and up, who provide extraordinary service to area nonprofit organizations are eligible for the award. Charitable organizations are encouraged to nominate their volunteers and individuals can also nominate themselves. Recipients of this award will be acknowledged on December 1st at the Ravens-Eagles game at M&T Bank Stadium. Honorees will be given game tickets for themselves and a guest, Ravens apparel, and a financial grant benefiting their respective nonprofit organizations. Applications for the 2024 Community Quarterback Award will be accepted until Friday, October 18th, and can be completed online at https://www.baltimoreravens.com/community/community-qb/.
2025 C-SPAN StudentCam Competition: Where Students Become Filmmakers! The 21st year of C-SPAN’s StudentCam documentary competition for middle and high school students is officially underway. Students from grades 6-12 can participate in the competition and can do so as part of any subject area class, as an extra credit or enrichment activity, or on their own accord. This presidential election year's theme is: Your Message to the President? What issue is most important to you or your community? Examine your selected topic from multiple perspectives and assess what action(s) the president should take after Inauguration Day. Link to flyer
Annual Essay & Video Competition: The Board of Directors of the Henrietta Lacks Legacy Group (HLLG) is excited to remind you to submit your entries for the Annual Essay and Video Competition by Monday, November 25, 2024. Please see the attached flyer link for more information about the competition, the prizes, the opportunity to tour the community of Turner Station, Dundalk, MD., and Henrietta's singular contribution to modern medicine. We look forward to your exciting entries!
Grade Level Information
6th Grade News:
Field trip in December Greenbelt Cinema,December 17th and 18th
More to Come
Administrator: Ms.Provost Counselor: Ms.Hardy Student Advocate: Mr.Porter
7th Grade News:
Upcoming Field trip to JA Finance Park; VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED.VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for JA Finance Field Trip on December 3, 5, or 6, 2024. JA Finance is an opportunity for which all caregivers are excited to wait. It is the opportunity to witness our 7th Graders become adults. They are given a career, salary and lifestyle where they have a budget for everyday life. The students have to pay living expenses, family expenses, activities, vacations, loans, and debt. They have to select items that fit into the current income constraints. Witness them experience all the budgeting we try to make them aware of in our home lives. You do not have to be a 7th-grade family member to volunteer. Click here to volunteer on December 3, 5, or 6, 2024.
Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Young Scholars Program: The Cooke Young Scholars Program is a selective five-year, pre-college scholarship for exceptionally promising 7th-grade students with financial need. It provides comprehensive academic and college advising, as well as financial support for school, Cooke-sponsored summer programs, internships, and other learning enrichment opportunities. Link to site
More updates to come
Administrator: Ms.Hazel Counselor: Ms.Dzirasa Peer Mediator: Mr.McFarland
8th Grade News:
Maryland Center for School Student (MCSS): 8th-grade students are encouraged to become members of the Maryland Center for School Safety Student Focus Group. MCSS seeks energized and enthusiastic students who want to influence school safety efforts throughout the State of Maryland positively. The organization is now accepting student applications to join the MCSS Student Advocate for School Safety (SASS) program. Students in grades 8-12 during the 2023-2024 school year are encouraged to apply if they are interested in becoming an advocate for school safety. Link to application.
High School Specialty Programs: The High School Specialty Program Application Window is now opened Link to the application window for different programs
Administrator: Dr.Scott Counselor: Mr.Reid Peer Mediator: Ms.Sibila
Check out the latest information regarding out BTMS sports
Basketball Game 11/18/24
at Benjamin Tasker Middle School
Basketball Game 11/20/24
at Dwight D. Eisenhower Middle School
Basketball Game 11/25/24
at Hyattsville Middle School
Congratulations to the Benjamin Tasker 2024-25 Middle School Baseball Champions! It was a great game against Greenbelt Middle School. Both teams displayed excellent sportsmanship. Let’s give our Baseball team a LOUD ROAR!!
BTMS Softball finished the season as County Finalist falling to James Madison 6-4 in the County Championship. It marked the 5th consecutive appearance in the County Championship Game for BTMS Softball. Great Season Ladies. #GoTigers
🏆Celebrations, Achievements, & Awards🏆
Science Bowl: Congratulations to our fantastic Science Bowl Team, which competed in the 24/25 Science Bowl. They won their first competition against Andrew Jackson Academy. Unfortunately, we did not take the win against Kenmore, but our students were very stiff competition, and we are proud of them. Take a look at the competition: BTMS Science Bowl Link.
Congratulations to our Benjamin Tasker Middle School Talented and Gifted Coordinator JanetViana Clarke, 8th-grade educators Dr. Marties Melad, and Davlyn Hollie who presented at last week’s Maryland Educators of Gifted Students Conference. The yearly conference provides professional development, support, and growth opportunities for educators responsible for facilitating the education of gifted students. Link to Presentations
Student Spotlight
The Tasker Times
Our BTMS student led News Club has are so excited to finally publish and showcase all our hard work and effort! The newspaper will bring weekly relevant and exciting news to our community.
The BTTV News Team had an incredible day at FOX 5! We learned so much about the art of broadcasting and what it takes to be an anchor. From understanding the behind-the-scenes magic to experiencing the excitement of a live studio environment, it was an unforgettable experience! We even had the unique opportunity to be in-studio for the live “Cooking with Como” segment, where we got to watch Erin Como in action! We also had the pleasure of meeting Erin, Steve Shenvey, and Tucker Barnes in person, who shared valuable insights and made us feel so welcome. Here are some of our favorite moments from the day! #pgcpsspotlight #pgcpsproud #TaskerTigers #BTMSTV #BTTV
BTTV News Team behind the news desk
BTTV News Team behind the Scenes
BTTV News Team learning new skills
Clubs & Organizations
BTMS After-School Clubs & Activities
BTMS offers a wide variety of after-school clubs and activities. We encourage all students to participate. Please open the BTMS After-School Clubs & Activities doc to review the current offerings. Students participating in after-school clubs and activities must have their own transportation home.
BTMS NJHS Thanksgiving Food Drive
The BTMS NHJS Chapter our school community to collected Water, Rice, Hot & Cold cereal, Oatmeal, Canned Vegetables, Canned Fruit, Canned Beans and more. The donations will go to our local Bowie Food Pantry. Thank you Tasker Tigers for making this initiative a success.
The Bold and Beautiful Step Team (also known as TBB) is hosting their very first Holiday clothing Drive. Please contact Ms.Jenkins for more information
The Real Talk Male Mentoring Program: The Men of BTMS is a collective group of mentors who are committed and dedicated to volunteering their time, gifts, and talents to empower our male scholars in The Real Talk Male Mentoring Program, grades 6-8. The Men of BTMS will Mentor, Model, Mold, and Motivate mentees by empowering them to be academically, socially, and culturally well-rounded. Most importantly, developing and nurturing them to become productive and successful citizens within their families, school, and community.
BTMS Presents: Real Talk Mentoring Program for Male Scholars Grade 6 - 8 Tuesday & Thursday 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM 1st Saturday 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
The Leo Club
The Leo Club is now full. We do have a waiting list of students in case a space becomes available. If your child is in the Leo Club, be sure to return the signed permission slip. Information about our schedule and upcoming activities can be found on our Leo Club Google Site. Questions? Email ann.fleming@pgcps.org.
Meals (Breakfast/Lunch): Breakfast is available to all students from 8:00 am to 8:20 am. Students must be in line by 8:20 am to receive breakfast. However, all students arriving on a late bus will be permitted to receive breakfast, if they choose. Students may purchase breakfast ($1.60) and/or lunch ($3.00) daily
Please check your student's My School Bucks account status and balance My School Bucks Links
Important Parent & Student Information Forms
Grade Appeal Information: PGCPS Grade Appeal Form
Each year students are required to complete 3 forms (Emergency Contact Form, Publicity & Photography Release Form, & Parent Receipt of Acknowledgement form) to ensure BTMS has updated and accurate information in addition to ensuring important policy has been reviewed.
Review: Student Behavioral Expectations
Review: Student/Family Handbook
COVID-19 Exposure: As we enter Cold and Flu season, we must be mindful of not sending students to school when they are sick. If your child is sick, please notify the school via the Absence Notification Form so that the absence will be excused. If your child tests positive for COVID, please make sure you have notified the school so we can contact the families of students who may have been exposed. If a person tests positive, they should remain home for 5 days and can return on day 6 if asymptomatic. A mask should be worn for days 6-10. PGCPS Policy
Absence Notification : Parents, when you inform the school of your child’s absence, please use the Absence Notification Form rather than sending a note to the school. The school monitors this form, and excused absences will be noted. Students must still go to pick up their yellow Excused Absence Pass upon their return, which is taken to each teacher to retrieve any missed work. Sometimes, students forget to complete this step, but you can also email their teachers to retrieve work.
Transportation Issues & Questions: With the numerous transportation issues and concerns, PGCPS has provided some resources to assist families better:
Transportation Resolution System: https://apps.pgcps.org/pls/apex/f?p=358:1::::
Transportation Phone Bank: at 301-952-6570 (Monday - Friday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.)
Stop Finder: https://stopfinder.com/help/
Next PTSO Meeting
PSTO Winter Bazaar
The 2nd Annual Winter Bazaar is hosted by the BTMS PTSO on Saturday, December 7th, from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM! This event is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your products, connect with our community, and spread some holiday cheer. Whether you’re a student, parent, or staff member, we welcome all entrepreneurs to join us! If you’re interested, please fill out the vendor application using the link below: https://forms.gle/3PAEbDEpBPb2cnCs9 We look forward to seeing you and your creativity shine at the Winter Bazaar! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out and spread the word.
Benjamin Tasker Middle School
Website: https://www.pgcps.org/benjamintasker/
Location: 4901 Collington Road Bowie, MD 20715
Phone: 301-805-2660
X: @BTMSTigers
Instagram: @BTMS.TIGERS