September 19, 2024

September 19, 2024
Book Fair
October 7-11
Preview Days: Monday and Tuesday
Purchase: Wednesday-Friday (school hours)
Open during conferences 4:00-7:30: October 8th & 10th
If you choose to, you may send cash or checks to school with your child to pay for books. It is NOT required to purchase from the Book Fair.
Want to go cashless? Set up an eWallet for your child on our Book Fair website
Share the Fair
Want to donate a book to a child that might not be able to purchase one– donate to the student donation eWallet so they can pick out a book (it says 3rd grade– but it is for all grade levels…I was required to choose 1 grade)
Or CLICK SHARE THE FAIR after you contribute to your child's eWallet-- all donations will go directly to BH students
- If you would like to donate your teacher’s eWallet to help them build their classroom library use this link:
Brimhall Families,
We are quickly approaching our fall family-school conference window. I always love this time of year when we set aside specific time for families and the school to sit together in collaboration to improve the educational experience for your child.
Our evening conferences are Tuesday, October 8 and Thursday, October 10. Your child’s teacher will be sending out invitations to sign up through our new sign-up system called My Conference Time. Two evenings are simply not enough time for a teacher to schedule all their conferences, so teachers will also have other alternative times to meet scattered throughout the two week window of September 30 through October 11.
The primary goal of this year’s fall conference is relationship building and sharing your child’s starting points as a reader, writer, mathematician, and scientist. When you participate in the conference you can expect to hear about your child as a learner, their beginning of the year assessments in reading and math. You will learn about the amazing things your child has done so far and also opportunities for growth. You will also be able to visit the art room, music room and PE gym to meet with our specialist teachers as well.
You will also hear about the critical importance of consistent school attendance during your conference. Even if a student misses just 1-2 days a month, it places them at much higher risk for falling behind in their academic and social learning. You will be hearing more from me about attendance in the coming weeks.
It is our goal that you leave conferences with a better understanding of your child as a learner and what we are doing to help your child grow as a student. Students soar higher when families and schools collaborate together.
Thank you and I hope to see you during conferences!
Ryan Vernosh
Book Fair Volunteers Needed!
We couldn't host our book fairs without your help. If you are able to volunteer for set-up, sales, or take-down-- sign up here!
October 1st
5:30- 6:00 Dinner
6:00- 7:00 Children move to childcare and the meeting begins
** correction to date posted last week (sorry for the error!)
JOIN our committee! It's lots of fun! email: BrimhallSilentAuction@gmail.com
School success goes hand in hand with good attendance. Research shows that consistent attendance at school correlates with student achievement. Therefore, we want to do all we can to ensure children are in school as much as possible. Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school—and themselves. Start building this habit in preschool so they learn right away that going to school on time every day is important. Good attendance will help children graduate from high school and do well in college and at work. Our hope is to partner with families to remove barriers so students can be in school as much as possible.
We also know there will be days when your child will miss school, especially if they’re sick. Missing school when you’re sick is OK. In fact, children should stay home when they are sick. The goal is for students to be in school 95% of the time. That means your student would miss 8 days or less for the entire school year.
Here are some things you can do to help:
- Set a regular bedtime and morning routine.
- Avoid medical appointments and extended trips when school is in session.
- Don’t let your child stay home unless they are truly sick. Keep in mind complaints of a stomachache or headache can be a sign of anxiety and not a reason to stay home.
- If your child seems anxious about going to school, talk to teachers, school counselors, or other parents for advice on how to make your child feel comfortable and excited about learning.
Here are some additional reminders regarding attendance:
- If your child has a doctor appointment, please bring them back to school after the appointment if possible.
- Excused absences include, but are not limited to: illness, doctors appointments, religious holidays, family emergency, and funerals.
- Unexcused absences include, but are not limited to: oversleeping, missing the bus, no transportation.
- There are also times students miss school due to family events. Some examples include cultural celebrations, weddings, funerals, graduations, and vacations. Up to five Family Event days will be excused. Day 6+ would be unexcused. Families could choose to take students out of school for family leave, but these days would be unexcused absences.
Thank you for all you do to support getting your child to school each day. Higher attendance equals higher student achievement! Thank you in advance for your support and partnership.
Update re: New Transportation Routing System
Roseville Area Schools implemented a new transportation routing system this summer to enable easier route updates, fewer delays, and streamlined communications with families. During this conversion we have also been shifting some bus stops to corners within a reasonable distance while considering student safety.
The conversion hasn’t occurred without challenges. We are aware we inadvertently have stops on busy streets that don’t meet our standards. Many daycare or alternate addresses did not convert from the old system to the new one and these addresses had to be set up manually. We have also encountered difficulties with some of our specialized transportation. Add to this an exceptional amount of ongoing road construction and it has made for the perfect storm.
We ask for your patience as we address and resolve the remaining issues. If you need to request a change to a bus stop or if you no longer require transportation services, please email us at transportation@isd623.org or call us at 651-635-1638. Please be prepared to provide the following information:
• Student Name
• Student ID
• Reason for the request (for example, relocation, change in transportation needs)
Please note that we are processing requests as quickly as possible. You will receive updates and information about any changes via email, so please ensure that your contact details are current. This includes verifying that your most recent telephone number and email address are on file to ensure you receive all necessary communications promptly.
The safety of our students is our highest priority, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this transition.
Join Us for the Foundation's 2024 Fall Fundraiser!
We’re one week away from the annual Roseville Area Schools Foundation 2024 Fall Fundraiser, which will take place Thursday, September 26, 5:30 p.m. at the Roseville Cedarholm Golf Course Community Building.
The event will feature a variety of fundraising activities including gift card pulls, a silent auction, and direct donation opportunities. Proceeds from the event will benefit a new Roseville Area Schools Foundation Relief Fund, which provides emergency funding to support students’ success in school and to eliminate opportunity gaps.
You will have an opportunity to hear from a number of representatives from the district including Superintendent Jenny Loeck, Senator Claire Oumou Verbeten, Foundation Chair Kezia Reeder, District Social Worker Peggy McLafferty-Yares, and representatives from the Office of Equity and Innovation.
Please consider giving back to make a direct impact for our students. This is a pay as you are event with a suggested donation of $35.
Limited Edition Apparel - Support Community Ed! 👕 🎉
Looking for fun Roseville Area Schools apparel? Choose from this selection of limited edition shirts! Your purchase will support Roseville Area Schools Community Education programs and services.
🔺 Heather black long sleeve ($20)
🔺 Heather red long sleeve ($20)
🔺 Gray short sleeve with school mascots ($15)
These shirts are a soft, comfortable tri-blend fabric (50/37/13 poly/cotton/rayon) in a unisex fit. Sizes are available in adult S - 3XL and youth S - XL.
Orders are due by October 4, 2024. ⏰ 🗓️ Shirt orders will arrive near the end of October! To place an order, call 651-604-3770 or CLICK HERE.
Drawing Palooza with Young Rembrandts 🖍️ ✏️
Got a little artist at home turning every corner into their personal gallery? It’s time for their creativity to meet the vibrant world of Young Rembrandts! Watch in awe as their pencils whirl across the paper, drawing everything from yummy taffy apples to charming seasonal scarecrows, and bunnies full of sass. We are even sprinkling a bit of Van Gogh magic with some vibrant sunflower sketches. Embark on an artistic adventure filled with colors and imagination they’ll absolutely adore.
Offered for grades K- 6 at all elementary schools this fall! Dates and times vary by school.
FREE Toy Lending Library! 🚂 🧩 📖
Do you have children ages 5 and under? Check out the Roseville Early Childhood Program's FREE toy lending library! 😊 Individuals, families, and childcare providers can check out a wide variety of toys, books, puzzles, and parenting resources at no cost. Borrow the items for a few weeks, then return them and check out new ones!
This library promotes sustainability, increased access to toys and resources, and healthy child development. ♻️ These toys can help children practice social-emotional skills, fine motor skills, literacy and more - all while saving caregivers from constantly buying new toys as their children age and outgrow them. ✅
The toy library can be found in our Early Childhood Center at Parkview (701 County Road B W, Roseville). 📍
Elementary Coding & STEM Club 💻 💡
This program offers a crash course in coding your own games on Scratch. Students will create and develop 3-4 basic games while learning many foundational computer science skills with boundless potential for creativity and expansion. Apply your Scratch coding skills to robotics or continue creating games. Test your robots by solving specific challenge problems generated during the program!
Offered for grades 1- 6 at most elementary schools this fall! Dates and times vary by school.
Fall Youth Camps and Activities 🍁 😊
Register your students for fall 2024 Youth Enrichment! We're offering an exciting lineup of camps, classes, and field trips for ages 0 - 14. Explore fun opportunities such as:
🌀 Raider Youth Wrestling Club
🌀 Anime & Manga Card Quest with Kidcreate Studios
🌀 Elementary Coding & STEM Club with CSGA
🌀 Afterschool Soccer with DASH Sports
🌀 Drawing Palooza with Young Rembrandts
...and more! Scholarships are available - contact us for scholarship information. To register, call 651-604-3770 or CLICK HERE.
Swim Lessons for Youth and Adults! 💧
Registration is open for fall 2024 swim lessons at Aŋpétu Téča Education Center. Sign up today - spots fill quickly! Our pool is a comfortable 86 degrees year-round, and we offer numerous different types of lessons:
💧 Adult/Child Swim (ages 9 months+)
💧 Pre-K 1 and Pre-K 2 (ages 3 - 5)
💧 Level 1 - 6 (ages 5 - 14)
💧 Adult Beginner (ages 15+)
💧 Women-Only (ages 15+)
To register, call 651-604-3770 or CLICK HERE! 📲