4-H Saturday Clubs @ The Depot
Programming for grades K-8!

How to register:
Please register by enrolling your child(ren) in 4-H Online. If you would like to participate in the Cloverbud Club, Project Club, or Jr. Boat Builders, please select that club as either your primary club or one of your secondary clubs. This guide has step by step information on enrolling.
4-H Cloverbud Club (grades K-2)
This club is similar to a project club and is geared for a younger audience. Each club meeting will highlight a different 4-H project area (i.e. STEM, arts and crafts, natural resources, food and nutrition) and give youth the opportunity to explore and complete a hands-on project, make new friends, and learn new skills.
When: 10:00-11:30 AM on the 3rd Saturday of the month-Oct. 19, Nov. 16, Dec. 21, Jan. 18, Feb. 15, March 15, April 19
Where: St. Louis County Depot, 506 W. Michigan St. Duluth, MN 55802
4-H Project Club (grades 3-5)
Each club meeting will highlight a different 4-H project area (i.e. STEM, arts and crafts, natural resources, food and nutrition) and give youth the opportunity to explore and complete a hands-on project, make new friends, and learn new skills.
When: 10:00-11:30 AM on the 3rd Saturday of the month-Oct. 19, Nov. 16, Dec. 21, Jan. 18, Feb. 15, March 15, April 19
Where: St. Louis County Depot, 506 W. Michigan St. Duluth, MN 55802
4-H Jr. Boat Builders Club (grades 6-8)
In partnership with the Duluth Faering Project, this club will work as a team to build a traditional wooden boat using hand tools.
When: 10:00-11:30 AM on the 1st & 3rd Saturdays of the month-Oct. 19, Nov. 2 & 16, Dec. 7 & 21, Jan. 4 & 18, Feb. 1 & 15, March 1 & 15, April 5 & 19 (Note: this club meets on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month)
Where: St. Louis County Depot, 506 W. Michigan St. Duluth, MN 55802
Cost: $5/meeting; Scholarships are available.
What is 4-H?
4-H Mission: To engage youth, in partnership with adults, in quality learning opportunities that enable them to shape and reach their full potential as active citizens in a global community.
We believe that kids learn best by doing. That's why all 4-H'ers do hands-on projects in areas like science, health, agriculture and civic engagement. We give them a positive learning environment and guidance from adult mentors. We encourage them to take leadership roles. And we offer opportunities for youth to learn, create, and practice new skills.
There are many ways to be involved in 4-H: from joining a club, participating in afterschool programs, the Incredible Exchange program, participating in county/state fair, or completing an independent project, there is something for everyone. St. Louis County 4-H also partners with local youth agencies to provide support, collaboration, and reach new audiences.
Join 4-H in St. Louis County today! 4-H is available for youth in grades Kindergarten through one year past high school.
The 4 "H's" stand for:
- Head: Youth engage actively in learning.
- Heart: Youth demonstrate caring and empathy for others and themselves.
- Hands: Youth share their experiences with others and help their family, peers, and community.
- Health: Youth learn ways to support their physical and mental wellbeing.
Kate Preiner
Extension Educator, Department of 4-H Youth Development
St. Louis County
Email: henry250@umn.edu
Phone: 218-733-2947
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