#EagleNation Updates
Week of 11/26/23/ Semana del 26/11/23

Welcome to the week of February 23rd
D A T E S * T O * R E M E M B E R
- Feb. 24: Official Start of Cellphone Collections
- Feb. 27: School Dance
Feb. 28: Early Release
March 4: Community Work Session for A NEW EASTERN
March 7 & 8: Musical
2/27 Eastern's SGA Hosts the Winter Dance
Attention Parents and Guardians! If your student plans to attend both the basketball game and the SGA dance on Thursday, please note that they cannot remain at school between events. Students must leave the school immediately after the basketball game and may return at 5:00 PM for the dance. Thank you for your cooperation!
Soccer Tryouts for 7th and 8th Graders!
Registration for middle school spring sports is now open! If your 7th or 8th grader is interested in Girls or Boys Soccer, please register them on ParentVUE. All students must have an up-to-date physical on file to try out—no exceptions! Once your physician has completed the Pre-Participation Form, you can upload it to ParentVUE or email it to Eastern’s Athletic Director, Gwen Rosero, at gwendolyn_roserowilliams@mcpsmd.org.
Interest Meetings
Mandatory for students who didn’t try out last year
⚽ Girls' Meeting: Tuesday, February 25
⚽ Boys' Meeting: Thursday, February 27
📍 Location: Cafeteria, after school
📅 Start Date: Tuesday, March 11—Thursday, March 13
🕒 Time: After school
📍 Location: Cafeteria
*Soccer tryouts are extremely competitive and students should plan to attend all three days of tryouts.
Need help with registration?
📌Watch a step by step video here
For assistance in obtaining a physical, check out Care for Kids and School Health Services - School-Based Health and Wellness Centers.
For any questions, please reach out to gwendolyn_roserowilliams@mcpsmd.org.
Eastern continues with our Away All Day cell phone policy from the past two school years: phones & all personal mobile devices (PMDs) should be turned OFF as we turn the learning ON during the school day. (Find the detail reminder from the fall here.)
Monday February 24th begins our full implementation of supporting this effort through morning cellphone collection.
Consequences when cellphones or any Personal Mobile Devices (PMDs) violates the school Away All Day Policy are:
1st time: a cellphone or a PMD is observed by any staff, it will be brought to administration and a virtual or in-person meeting will be held with the caregiver/parent. The phone will be returned to the student in the main office at the end of the day.
2nd time: a cellphone or a PMD is observed by any staff, a parent/caregiver will have to come pick up the device.
3rd time: a cellphone or a PMD is observed by any staff, the school will revoke the privilege to bring a phone to school. If a cellphone or a PMD is observed after privileges are revoked, a parent/caregiver needs to come pick up the phone.
Students with documented concerns were vetted by administration and passes to hold phones were issued by the grade-level counselor or the school nurse. In these cases, the phones are expected to be Away All Day when not being used for the documented reason. Please contact the grade-level administrator if you have questions.
While we are making every effort to collect cell phones and are implementing all necessary measures to secure them in a locked and safe location, we cannot accept financial responsibility for phones or any other personal mobile devices. However, we have taken extensive steps and carefully considered security measures to ensure their safety.
3/4: Eastern Middle School Meets With The Architect
We held a kick-off meeting with the architect last week. Eastern has secured an architect to begin the deigns for a NEW Eastern Middle School. The next step is to engage in stakeholder meetings to gather feedback from the community, staff, and teachers. Here are the timeframes for each meeting and the topic for each. Meetings will be held in the cafeteria around 7:00.
- Stakeholder Meeting #1 – Week of March 3, 2025 (3/4/25)
Review of preliminary analysis of existing conditions - Stakeholder Meeting #2 – Week of March 24, 2025
Presentation of diagrammatic concepts - Stakeholder Meeting #3 – Week of April 28, 2025
Presentation of refined concepts - Stakeholder Meeting #4 – Week of May 26, 2025
Presentation of final concepts
3/27: Cultural Heritage Night Is COMING!
Mark your calendars for Eastern's Cultural Heritage Night. On 3/27 from 6-8pm, the Eastern Community will celebrate Cultural Heritage Night with food, performances, and information reflecting our rich diversity. Sign-ups for students coming soon.
2/20/25: MCPS Things to Know
Please find MCPS Things to Know for Thursday, Feb. 20: https://bit.ly/4hNT9W5
F A M I L Y * R E S O U R C E S
* H E R E * T O * H E L P !
Emails and phone numbers for support in the school:
- Main Office: (240) 740-6280
- Admin Secretary: Ms. Perez: priscilla_b_smith@mcpsmd.org
- Attendance Secretary: Ms. Blanco: isaura_m_blanco-flores@mcpsmd.org
- Front Office Secretary:
- Financial Assistant: Ms. Zhang: rui_zhang@mcpsmd.org
- (Last Names A-Q): Ms. Meyer Jessica_A_Meyer@mcpsmd.org
- (Last Names S-Z): Ms. Birkett shondell_birkett@mcpsmd.org
- (Last Names A-R): Ms. Greene- rachel_m_greene@mcpsmd.org
- (Last Names S-Z): Ms. Birkett- shondell_birkett@mcpsmd.org
- Ms. Cwerner cayla_cwerner@mcpsmd.org
- Principal - Ms. Shorts: lisa_n_shorts@mcpsmd.org
- 6th Grade Assistant Principal- Deidre Levin: deirdre_m_mcshealevin@mcpsmd.org
- 7th Assistant Principal- Katherine Estes: katherine_e_estes@mcpsmd.org
- 8th Grade Assistant Principal- Charles Feamster: charles_s_feamster@mcpsmd.org
Family Supports:
- Parent Community Coordinator - Mirna Medrano-romero: mirna_a_medrano-romero@mcpsmd.org
- PTA President- Shripal Shah: eastern.ptsa.president@gmail.com
#EagleNation: Matching to students, staff & community needs for a 5-Star Experience!
Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/easternms
Location: Eastern Middle School, University Boulevard East, Silver Spring, MD, USA
Phone: (240) 740-6280
X : @EasternMS_Prin