The OMS Community Newsletter
Week of May 13 - 17, 2024
Principal's Message
Dear OMS Community,
We are already near the end of the school year with only a few weeks left. Parents/guardians, please check the Powerschool Parent Portal to monitor your child's grades.
If you take a look at the F1 column, it shows the final grade for the year. Students must be passing (60% or higher) at least three out of their four core subjects (ELA, Social Studies, Math, Science) in order to move on to the next grade level. If students are failing two of the four subjects for the year, then they will need to go to Remedial Summer School in order to move on to the next grade. Students who are failing all four core subjects are in danger for retention.
There is still time left in the year to make an academic plan! Students can stay after school with teachers on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays until 2:45pm.
Mrs. Katrina Crowley
Important Dates
Upcoming Events
Spring Picture Day
Spring pictures are on Monday, 5/20! See below for ordering information.
School Bus Registration for 2024-2025
Attention Stoughton Public Schools families looking for bus transportation for the 2024-2025 school year: The registration period for bus transportation for 2024-2025 will open Monday, May 20, 2024 and run through Friday, June 28, 2024. Please keep in mind that no applications will be accepted after June 28 and there will not be a waiting list.
Once again, there is no cost to families to ride the bus next year. Bus transportation is available for students in grades K-12, but there are limited seats. Students will be placed on the bus in the order the applications are received. The registration form will be available on the PowerSchool Parent Portal starting May 20. Families will need to complete and submit an application for each child who will be riding the bus.
An email will be sent to families next week with instructions on registration. If you have any questions, please send them to Transportation@stoughtonschools.org.
Ms. DeCoffe, SPS NCTA Rookie of the Year Nominee
Ms. Hailey Decoffe, Grade 7 Math Teacher, is our district's nominee for the Norfolk County Teacher Association's Rookie of the Year Award.
Ms. DeCoffe was nominated by her 7B team for this award. Team 7B shares, "Hailey DeCoffe exemplifies positivity, patience, and professionalism in her teaching, both in and out of her classroom. She consistently reaches out to every student in order to best teach and mentor them, while pursuing her own growth as an educator. She routinely takes a leading role in team projects, such as Student of the Month, parental communication, team meeting agendas, and team liaison for various meetings. She and a fellow teacher created and implemented an after school dance program, which builds confidence and maturity in students, while also fostering community at the OMS. She also has participated in various STA functions, like acting as a silent bargaining representative during contract negotiations. Her value to the OMS students and SPS staff continues to impress everyone who knows her."
All school districts that are members of the NCTA can nominate a teacher who has been a classroom teacher for 1-3 years for the Rookie of the Year award. The nominees should show promise as exceptional educators who are meeting the needs of students and are developing professional expertise. All the nominees will be honored at the NCTA banquet on June 4th and the winner will be announced at that time.
We are proud to have Ms. DeCoffe as a member of our OMS Faculty. Congratulations on the nomination, Ms. DeCoffe!
Students of the Month
As part of our school's PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports) program, five students on each team are recognized as Students of the Month for demonstrating traits of readiness, responsibility, and respect. Each winner receives a certificate and a Daddy's Dairy ice cream gift certificate. Take a look at our April Students of the Month.
Team 6A
Sarai Asmath, Andreana Gelin, Brianna Ciafrei, Jayson Frierson, Isabel Mauskapf
Team 6B
Jeremiah Thomas, Bao Long Do, Millena Braganca, Layjah Alexis, Nikela Laurenfils
Team 6C
Sadie Famulari, Caleb Thompson, Joey Kirkwood, Catalina Vernot-Vivas, and Amaiya Ward
Team 7A
Kaniah Washington, Claudia Joseph, Omolola Falade, Jeremiah Marin, Anthony Marotta
Team 7B
Mariana Kramer, Katie Gorman, Vivian Ferreira, Owen Amorim, Jace Vaughn
Team 7C
Lya Beauvil, Isabella Ramos, Avery Monkiewicz, Danilsa Eximond, Colin Waterbous
Team 8A
Malachi Ulysse, Erik DaSilva, Brooklyn Hand, Jayden Huynh, Anzhelina Zhozef
Team 8B
Davi Gonsalves, Palmer Mofford, Jaheim Grove, Erica Solow, Vallentina Piettra Nascimento
Team 8C
Cameron Pierce, Anthony Ferreira, Trinity Davis, Alina Daley, Nicolas De Oliveria
Grade 8 Yard Signs
Attention: Families of 8th Graders
If you would like to purchase a yard sign, please order here: https://odonnell-middle-school-ptso.square.site/. The cost is $21 each and the first order will be placed on 5/13. Our vendor requires a minimum of 10 signs per order so we will continue to place orders as often as possible. We will contact you when your sign is ready for pick up! Please email ptso.oms@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Grade 8 Class Day & Promotion Ceremony
The 8th Grade Class Day Promotion Ceremony will take place on Friday, June 14, 2024 at noon in the Stoughton High School auditorium. Because there is limited seating in the Stoughton High School auditorium, each 8th grader will receive two (2) tickets for in-person guests to the ceremony. The event will be livestreamed for other family members to watch live.
The 8th Grade Class Day Ceremony celebrates the successful completion of the middle school program. More specific details will follow as the date approaches.
Grade 5 Showcase Night
Dr. Randi Shuster Podcast
At this year's SHS/OMS Health & Wellness Fair, Dr. Randi Shuster gave a talk for parents/guardians. This podcast episode covers many of the topics she shared in that presentation. Check it out below!
Where's My Handbook: Owning the Science
Let's dive into some more science around adolescent substance misuse with Dr. Randi Schuster. Some of her headlines: Most teens don't use alcohol, cannabis or nicotine. Delay first use as long as possible while the adolescent brain develops. The difference between impulsive use and compulsive. All of that and how to use that info to talk to your teen from a place of curiosity and compassion.
Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/smacast/id1733108835?i=1000654160296
SPS Summer Programs
Parent/Guardian Workshops
Previous Newsletters
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