2nd Grade Sienna Hills Newsletter
February 10, 2025 - February 13, 2025
Important Dates:
February 17th: No School in observance of Presidents' Day
Here are some expectations:
- Make sure your scholar knows how they're being picked up from school (bus, pick-up, walking - with signed waiver)
- The scholars are expected to wear their green Odyssey polo, black bottoms and laced up tennis shoes.
Pizza is available each Wednesday for $5. Money must be turned in Monday or Tuesday. Money turned in Wednesday will not be accepted.
Second Grade Teacher Contacts:
- Mrs. Geren: jgeren@topamail.com
- Mrs. Imiolo: eimiolo@topamail.com
- Mrs. Roof: jroof@topamail.com
Monday, February 10, 2025
Fundations Unit 11 Week 2 Day 2: The scholar will practice using double vowel syllables.
*Scholar will write the word of the day valley in their journal.
Wit and Wisdom
Module 3 Lesson 14: The scholar will answer questions about historical photographs to understand how they contribute and clarify texts.
*Scholar will complete Assessment 14A: New-Read Assessment 1.
Eureka Math
Module 3 Lesson 10: The scholar will choose and defend efficient solution strategies for addition.
*Scholar will complete lesson 10 exit ticket.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Fundations Unit 11 Week 2 Day 3: The scholar will practice writing words with suffixes.
*Scholar will write the word of the day greedy in their journals.
Wit and Wisdom
Module 3 Lesson 15: The scholar will understand and recount the narrative elements of a text.
*Scholar will complete a SCAPE chart.
Eureka Math
Module 3 Lesson 11: The scholar will choose and defend efficient strategies to add up to four two-digit numbers.
*Scholar will complete lesson 11 exit ticket.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Fundations Unit 11 Week 2 Day 4/5: The scholar will complete Unit 11 Assessment.
*Scholar will complete Unit 11 Assessment.
Wit and Wisdom
Module 3 Lesson 16: The scholar will describe how repetition adds meaning to a song.
*Scholar will complete Handout 16A: Lyrics to "This Little Light of Mine."
Eureka Math
Module Lesson 12: The scholar will take from a ten or a hundred to subtract.
*Scholar will complete lesson 12 exit ticket.
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Fundations Unit 12 Week 1 Day 1: The scholar will write and identify words with the double vowel syllables oi and oy.
*Scholar will write the word of the day coin in their journals.
Wit and Wisdom
Module 3 Lesson 17: The scholar will determine the essential meaning of a text by reading and answering questions.
*Scholar will complete Handout 16A: SCAPE Chart.
Eureka Math
Module Lesson 13: The scholar will use compensation to subtract within 1,000.
*Scholar will complete lesson 13 exit ticket.