Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 22nd December 2023
Nativity 2023 - Everyone Loves a Baby!
Everyone loves a nativity!
This year the children in Year 1 and Year 2 presented their nativity - 'Everyone Loves a Baby.' They sang some wonderful songs and worked together brilliantly to retell the story of Jesus' birth. A huge thank you to all the staff who have worked so hard on putting the nativity together, the Cathedral for their fabulous support and the children for their enthusiasm and energy. What a great way to begin the festive break, with a wonderful reminder of the true meaning of Christmas.
A photographer from the The Daily Telegraph came to our dress rehearsal to take some pictures which may feature in the paper over the next few days. We are never quite sure if and when the picture is featured, but when we receive a communication we will let parents and carers know by text.
For more pictures from the Nativity do click on the film below.
Christmas Wants and Needs
Christmas Wants and Needs
This year, we asked the children what they would 'want' for Christmas. They came up with some great ideas for presents, with phones, X Boxes and Lego being popular choices. We also asked the children about what they would 'need' for Christmas. Every child thought carefully about what would make Christmas special and they shared some lovely ideas. A key ingredient of a good Christmas according to the children was love and time with family.
Inter-House Quiz 2023
Quiz of the Year 2023
We finished the end of the year with an inter-house quiz. Each class in Key Stage 2 chose their representatives to be part of their quiz team. There were a number of rounds focused on general knowledge, film clips and spotting the close up object. A fun section was the Year 6 mastermind questions, when each Year 6 quiz captain had to sit in Mr Holmes' black swivel chair and have questions fired at them. It was an incredibly close competition with only a single point separating the top two teams. A big well done to Sharks who were our winners.
Christmas Party Fun
Fun Christmas parties
The children across the school had great fun at their Christmas parties. In Early Years and Key Stage 1 the children had a special visitor when Santa Claus came arrived. He reminded all the children that they needed to ensure that they put a drink and snack out on Christmas Eve for him and his reindeers. Santa gave each a child a present, before dashing back to finish preparations with his elves.
Christmas Update
It has once again been a very busy year at Ripon Cathedral School.
Many thanks for all the support that we have received. We are very blessed to have such a wonderful community and wonderful children.
Do have a lovely restful Christmas break. Enjoy time with family and friends and we look forward to seeing you in the new year when school reopens for children on Tuesday 9th January at 8.45am.
Merry Christmas.
Super Sewing in Year 4
Super Sewing
Year 4 have been looking at the question 'can a gift bag be as exciting as a gift?'. We started by looking at existing products and practising running, back and over stitches. When we were confident with our stitching, we learnt and practised different decoration techniques including applique and embroidery. We then designed our own Christmas gift bags or stockings ensuring that they met the requirements for a given user. After that, we got straight to work stitching and decorating whilst constantly checking and adapting our products to make sure they worked effectively. We were so pleased that everyone managed to get their product complete to use or gift over Christmas.
Superstars of the Term
Superstars of the Autumn Term 2023
Well done to all our superstars.
Autumn Term Superstars 2023
Reception - Iris
Year 1 - Martha
Year 2 - Ella
Year 3 - Esme
Year 4 - Freya
Year 5 - Isla
Year 6 - Isobel
Mr Holmes' chosen superstar - Jack
Dates for Diaries
Monday 8th January - Oscar's Holiday Club (booking essential, see below for details)
Tuesday 9th January 2024 - School reopens for the Spring Term
Community Events
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Email: admin@riponcathedral.n-yorks.sch.uk
Website: www.riponcathedralschool.org.uk
Location: HG41LT, United Kingdom
Phone: 01765 602355
Facebook: facebook.com/riponcathschool
Twitter: @riponcathschool