McPherson News for Sept. 17, 2023
Principal's Message
Hello McPherson Families,
Our PTSA Fall Fundraiser is in full swing! Thank you to all of our families who have registered and shared emails with friends and family.
Please review this week’s newsletter for notes from our Assistant Principal, Linda Manion, elementary parent teacher conference dates, a link to vote for our School Site Council parent representative and information from about the PTSA Arts Reflection Program. Also, be sure to save the date for our first monthly Flag Ceremony followed by a PTSA meeting on September 27.
Have a great week Meteors,
Dr. Brenna Godsey
Notes from the Assistant Principal - Mrs. Manion
Sept 15, 20203
McPherson Meteors ROCK!
We are Responsible, Organized, Caring, and Keep each other safe.
Our four core foundational expectations are shared and discussed throughout the campus in all grades. This positive behavior system (PBIS) communicates our shared vision and expectations which provides opportunities for positive acknowledgment for all students. This school-wide approach to discipline focuses on building a safe and positive environment in which all students can learn.
Students in grades K-5 can earn ROCK Tickets which can be used to purchase items each month at the ROCK Store. Students can work as a class and earn Meteor Tickets to earn extra recess when they receive 10 Meteor Tickets.
Middle School Students can track their points on the 5-STAR app. All students have a bar code in their agenda that can be used for quick scanning in their classrooms. Students can redeem their points for REWARDS at the ROCK Store as well. Also, the top 10 students on the ROCK ticket leader board on Thursday, will earn free dress on Friday! Let's go Meteors!
FALL FUNDRAISER - The PTSA launched the Fall Fundraiser on Wednesday, September 13th. The PTSA is raising funds for Meet the Masters, the Music Program, Teacher Classroom Supply Grants, and fun community activities throughout the year. We chose Fund Hub as the online giving platform this year because it is easy to use and over 90% of the funds raised come straight back to the PTSA. Please check your child's backpack for all the information on this exciting fundraiser!!
PTSA Reflections Program 23-24 "I am Hopeful Because..."
Is your student interested in art, music, dance, writing, producing film or taking photos? Encourage your child to showcase their talents by participating in the national PTA reflections program. California State PTA and its members, families and kids are on the forefront of this amazing program, which increases community awareness of the importance of arts in education.This year's theme is "I am Hopeful Because..." There are opportunities for awards and fun prizes just for participating!
More information can be found at:
All submissions will be submitted electronically by 10/13/23:
Any questions can be emailed to
School Site Council - Please Vote
Please use the following link to VOTE for 1 parent to serve on the McPherson School Site Council.
Our first School Site Council (SSC) meeting will be held virtually on September 25 at 3:00pm.
Our first ELAC meeting will be held in person on September 25 at 8:15am.
PTSA Meeting & Principal's Coffee - 9/27
Come and enjoy coffee and donuts and join our Principal's Coffee/General PTSA Meeting on SEPTEMBER 27 @ 8:45am in room 500. All Parents are welcome to join us!!
Meteor of the Month
Our first Flag/Awards presentation will be on Wednesday, September 27th. Each grade level will be recognizing one student each month as "Meteor of the Month". All parents are welcome to attend. If your student is receiving an award, you will be notified via email.
Parent Teacher Conferences - Elementary
Parent-teacher conferences for elementary classes are October 2 - October 6. Teachers will send out their schedules directly to parents to fill in a time for their conference. Elementary students will be on a minimum day schedule Monday - Friday, 10/2-10/6. Middle school students are on a regular schedule this week.
Interested in Joining Cub Scouts?
Pack 453 is recruiting Boys grades K-5th.
Our Pack meetings are the 3rd Wednesday in the McPherson Cafeteria.
Wednesday, September 20, 2023 At 6:30pm-8pm
Raingutter Regatta - Boat Race
Questions: Please Contact
City of Orange - Movie in the Park
McPherson Wellness Center
We are developing the McPherson Wellness Center for the support and well-being of all students on our campus. If you would like to support us with purchasing any of the items on the Amazon Wish List or Target Wish List. The Links are listed below, we would appreciate your kindness and assistance.
Amazon Wish List Link:
Target Wish List:
It is always fun to post a special message for your child's birthday. You can purchase Birthday Marquee messages now at -
All birthday marquee messages must be purchased by the Wednesday prior to the week you are requesting.
Welcome Back McPherson Families! My name is Trinh and I'm your school Box Top for Education Coordinator.
Our school is participating in Box Tops, which means that you can earn cash with the products you already buy to help our school earn money for classroom supplies. We need your help, collecting Box Tops to earn cash for McPherson. Each one is worth 10¢! Everyone’s participation is helpful. Let's work together to give our students what they need to succeed — and see how much we can earn this year!
Here's how you can help:
· If you haven't done so already, download the Box Tops app on your smartphone.
· Buy Box Tops products, scan your receipt with the Box Tops app within 14 days of purchase and earn for McPherson with every Box Tops product you buy. The earnings through the application are recognized immediately.
· Our school will get a check to spend on classroom supplies. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE STUDENT & TEACHER’S NAME UNDER “GIVE CREDIT MEMO.”
· Refer your friends, family and other parents in the school to sign up for Box Tops. You'll earn Bonus Box Tops for our school when your referral scans their first receipt!
· Turn on notifications in your Box Tops app to get scan reminders and stay updated on special offers, new products and opportunities to earn for our school. Go to your Communications Settings by tapping on the person icon in the upper-right corner of the app.
· If you shop online, you can earn with your digital or email receipt, too.
If you have trouble scanning your receipts, please email Trinh a copy of the receipts immediately. Thank you for your support of the Box Tops Program and McPherson! We couldn’t do it without you!
Trinh Guevara
Box Tops Coordinator
Monday, September 25
ELAC Mtg. - 8:15am
SSC Mtg. - 3:00pm
Wednesday, September 27
Meteor of the Month Award & Flag Ceremony
Principal's Coffee & PTSA Meeting
September 13 thru September 29
PTSA Fall Fundraiser
October 2 thru October 6
Parent Teacher Conferences for Elementary K-5
Friday, October 13
PTSA Reflections Due
All Games Start at 3:00 PM
Monday, September 18th
McPherson Girls @ Portola Girls
Portola Boys @ McPherson Boys
Monday, September 25th
Yorba Girls @ McPherson Girls
McPherson Boys @ Yorba Boys
Monday, October 2nd
McPherson Girls @ El Rancho Girls
El Rancho Boys @ McPherson Boys
Monday, October 9th
Santiago Girls @ McPherson Girls
McPherson Boys @ Santiago Boys