Feathers Up Monthly Newsletter
September 2023
News from Mr. Culbreth
Warrior Family,
I'm excited to say that we have had a great start to our school year. In August, all of our students were sorted into their Houses at the House sorting party and now we watch as the competition begins for who can earn the most House points. Encourage your student to earn House points at school by going above and beyond to display the Warrior Way: Learning to Succeed, Making Responsible Choices, and Showing Respect. Students can earn points for academic and behavioral performance. Please take a moment to talk with your student about their House.
There are a few things to remember as we go into September. Please remember there will be no school on September 4 for Labor Day. We will also begin our Color Battle fundraiser on September 25. More information on this will be coming soon.
As always, I want to encourage you to communicate with the school any time you have questions or concerns. We know that student success increases when there is a strong relationship between the school and the home. Please do not hesitate to email me at mculbreth@catoosa.k12.ga.us when you have questions and/or concerns.
Feathers up,
Matt Culbreth
Lakeview Middle School
Office: 706-866-1040
Cafe News
Please fill out the lunch application for free and reduced lunch! Even if you do not think you qualify, you still should complete the information.
You can pay for lunch with the Online Payment System for Meals.
Payments up to $95.00, there is a convenience fee of up to $1.95
Online Parent Portal and Google Classroom Workshop
There is also a google classroom guide and video to help parents understand and guide you and your student. This is always available on the LMS website.
Thank you
Stacey Newell
Title I Coordinator
Title I Family Compacts
Students received Family Compacts on September 1st, 2023.
Please make sure you go over the Family Compacts for Student Achievement with your child and keep the compact information sheet at home.Please sign and have your child return the Compact signature sheet to their homeroom teacher.
Students who return their signed Compact signature sheet by September 21st will be entered in a drawing for all 4 Math/ELA/SS/Science resource books!
Title I Fall Survey
Below are the results from our Fall Title I Survey. The LMS parent coordinator, staff, teachers, and administrators will review the results and establish a plan for the Title I needs of 23-24.
Rambler Cheer Classic
LaFayette High School
Counselors Corner
Classroom Code: "olzilrn"
Title I Information
Many parents completed the fall survey. Thank you!
I am sharing several avenues for parent information in the September/October newsletter on subjects like
Parent Portal
Google Classroom
How to Help with Math
How to help with reading
Students with ADHD
Self Esteem
and more.
Websites for Families
Educational and Emotional
Building Self-Esteem https://mosswoodconnections.com/activity/encouraging-children-to-have-healthy-self-esteem-2/
ADHD and ADD Tips for Parents
Many other helpful resources on this page about parenting, education, special needs, and anxiety
There are several books for emotional support in the parent resource room and can be checked out via Google Form,
Click here for the Digital Resource Room and check out information
Please Scan Your Grocery Receipt for Box Tops
Publix Partners Donates to our School
School Bucks Challenge
Lakeview Middle School
Email: snewell.lms@catoosa.k12.ga.us
Website: https://lms.catoosa.k12.ga.us
Location: 416 Cross Street, Rossville, GA, USA
Phone: 706-866-1040
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Education/Lakeview-Middle-School-1764378973848802/
Twitter: @WarriorsLMS