Ridgeview STEM Junior High School
Back to School Edition-VOL. 3
The Countdown Has Started!
The school year is fast approaching! About 50% of our families have completed the back-to school online forms. Thank you! If you have not done so already, please CLICK ON THIS LINK to access directions for Back to School . This will take you to the Pickerington website. Update or complete your child's demographic and medical information. This critical contact information assists us should your child become ill or injured while at school.
From the Principal
Hello Ridgeview families!
Last week we sent out a mailing with student schedules and other information. Please contact the office if you have not received your information. If there are issues with the schedule, please contact Kris Owen (7th grade) or Courtney Smoot (8th grade). Schedule changes will be made for not having the correct core classes or courses being out of order (ie Medical Detectives 2 before Medical Detectives). Due to limited space and balancing in electives classes, we cannot switch elective classes or make other changes at this point. Check out this week's video on how to read your schedule and other important information.
Remember to have your student start checking their PLSD email account next week for important information from their teachers. This may include welcome videos, Google Classroom codes, etc that the students will need to know to start school, especially for those students who are cohort B.
Continue to refer to the Ridgeview Back to School page and Pickerington's News page as we are constantly updating it. If you have questions regarding VLA, the district has updated the VLA information on the PLSD website. Click here
Looking forward to seeing all your students soon!
Beth Richardson
Schedule's are out! Check out this week's video to get some tips & tricks on reading and understanding your Ridgeview schedule.
Previous Videos You May Have Missed!
This week we take a look at how students will enter the building and some new procedures for the cafeteria. Next week's video will review how to read your schedule.
Building TourJoin Us for a Virtual Open House!
Ridgeview STEM Junior High School administration will be holding a virtual open house on Wednesday August 26th at 6:30 pm. The open house will consist of a short presentation orienting families to the school (including highlighting increased safety procedures for COVID), a tour of the building, and a question and answer session. The open house will have an interactive chat feature to answer questions throughout the presentation. In order to help us provide the most relevant information in our open house presentation, we would like to invite families to fill out the form below:
Ridgeview Virtual Open House Questions
We look forward to meeting with our families next week!
A Message From Our School Nurses
The following immunizations are required to enter the 7th grade:
Please email a copy of the immunizations to our school nurse: Marcia_Stewart@plsd.us
According to Board Policy 5320 and 5320 AG, immunizations in compliance with state law and the Ohio Department of Health are required for each student unless the parent(s) file an objection. The board of education also requires tuberculosis examinations in compliance with law.
Students new to Pickerington Schools must present written evidence of similar immunizations, or written evidence to indicate that they are in the process of receiving immunizations, to be completed no later than the day of entrance. Students failing to complete immunizations within 14 days after entering are not permitted to return to school.By state law, 7th grade students may not attend school without the following immunizations:
Quickly Reset Your Student's Password
Click to link below to reset your student’s password:
From Our Counselors
Attention WEB Leaders:
Next Wed. 8/26 at 1:00 we will be having a virtual meeting with all of you . The meeting link will be posted in classwork on your WEB Google Classroom the morning of the meeting. Please login early so you are connected and ready to go at 11:00. We can't wait to see you! The link for the Google Classroom was sent via Remind. If you haven't already, make sure you sign up for Remind. You were sent a link in your email in the spring.
"Ask PLSD" Video Series
What will PLSD’s hybrid model look like?
That’s the question Instructional Technology Director Brian Seymour answers in this first video in the brand new “Ask PLSD” video series. The series will feature a member of our team responding to your question(s) in a short video. You can submit questions to ask@plsd.us and we will do our best to respond to each one!
Did you know Pickerington Schools relied on feedback from staff, parents, students and community experts to prepare our “Flexible Learning 2.0” back-to-school plan? With the Ask PLSD video series, we want to continue to partner with you and offer a direct line to ask your questions so that you feel prepared for the school year.
2020-21 Bus Route Info is Now Available!
The 2020-21 bus routes are now available via the interactive online system on our Transportation page under “Your Child’s Bus Route.” Once there, you will find detailed instructions to help you log into the system. Check it out!
FYI: All passwords have been reset to the default (which is the student ID number), so any password changes made by a user last year will not be saved. Once you log in for the first time this school year, you will be asked to change the password.
You must use the “Parent Communication” tab for sharing sitter information. The sitter’s address must also be in the child’s boundary of attendance. Each address corresponds with an established bus stop that meets or exceeds conditions set forth by the Ohio Administrative Code. If the address meets the necessary requirements, you will receive confirmation from Petermann Bus Services.
The number of bus stops on each trip is limited to enable buses to maintain a reasonable average speed. PLSD is quad-tiered and only provides 35 minutes between the building’s schedules, which requires transportation to use the fewest amount of stops to service as many students as possible.
Sign Up Now for All Athletic Seasons!
Parents, you are able to sign up for ALL SEASON's sports online. This will enable you to start receiving communications from the coach/program when anything is going on. We are now transitioning from summer workouts to in-season practices/tryouts. Some winter/spring sports have suspended any activity for now, but likely will resume mid-September. If you sign up now, you will receive all the necessary communication from the coach prior to the start of the season. Visit Pickeringtontigers.net and click on "Final Forms" to register your athlete today. All athletic announcements and updates can be found at the website as well.
Junior High Pay-to-Participate Fee Information
Payment Options:
1 payment of $155.00
2 payments $80/$75
Fee Payment Dates for FALL NON-CONTACT SPORTS:
August 14, 2020 (for full payment or 1st payment)
September 11, 2020 (for second payment)
First payment of $80.00 is due by September 4, 2020
Important Dates
August 21-Curbside Device pick up for NEW (to the district) students @ Diley Middle School-time 8:30-3:30 and follow the student drop-off/pick-up route to the curbside pickup location (purple tent). Please let the PLSD staff member know the name and grade of your student. They will then give you a Chromebook and power cord, as well as numerous pieces of information.
If your new student will be attending the Virtual Learning Academy (VLA) they will still be issued a device and they need to pick it up at Diley Middle School on August 21st from 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
August 26-1:00-WEB leaders virtual meeting
August 26-VIRTUAL OPEN HOUSE-6:30 P.M.-please see additional information above
**August 31-UPDATED First day of school COHORT A-in house/COHORT B-virtually
September 7-Labor Day-NO SCHOOL
September 18-Cohort B Picture Day (more info to come)
September 21-Cohort A Picture Day (more info to come)
September 25-DEADLINE to purchase the Technology Protection Plan
Parents are Required to Update Back-to-School Forms Online
Now, more than ever, it is imperative that you update your contact information, in case your student needs to be picked up from school. We’re making it easier for parents to fill out 2020-21 back-to-school forms online with the launch of a new “one-stop shop” with a single login! Now, all student-related forms — except for sports/extracurricular activities forms — will be entered directly into the Parent Portal. Read the full article for instructions on how to get your forms updated. IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO LOG IN, PLEASE COMPLETE AN INFINITE CAMPUS HELP DESK TICKET.
Please note that your student will not receive their schedule until this information has been updated.
School Supplies List
We know that some of you like to take advantage of the early Back to School Sales and have been waiting for supply lists. With the reopening of school buildings, we are recommending that students carry a minimal amount of supplies. Keep in mind that your student will attend 6 different classes during the day and that these supplies are for personal use only as we are trying to limit shared supplies. Thank you!
Suggested materials:
Notebook/Folder for each class
1 Composition Notebook
2 colors of Highlighter
Colored Pencils
Wired Headphones/Earbuds (NO Bluetooth)
Pen (2 colors)
1 Package of tissues
Pencil Pouch
Non-glass water bottle
A mask for daily wear (we recommend a second mask be kept in a plastic bag in their backpack)
Did You Miss the Pickup Date for Your Pre-Ordered Yearbook or Want to Purchase an Extra?
To make arrangements to pick up a Pre-Ordered Yearbook or to purchase an extra ($30.00 cash or check), please call Carolyn Weidner in the main office (614) 548-1700 or email Carolyn_Weidner@plsd.us and she will set up a time for you.
Ridgeview Values
Ridgeview STEM Junior High School
Email: beth_richardson@plsd.us
Website: pickerington.k12.oh.us
Location: 130 Hill Road South, Pickerington, OH, USA
Phone: 614-548-1700
Facebook: facebook.com/RidgeviewStem
Twitter: @RSJHSPrincipal