RJ Richey Family Newsletter
Week of February 10th
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RJR Important Dates & Parent Info to Remember:
Feb. 10: BCISD Loteria Bilingual & ESL Family Night @ 5:30-7 @ SGE (all RJ ESL & Bil families welcome)
Feb. 11: BCISD Parent Community Preview of Curriculum/Instructional Materials
- @ 5:30-7:00 (come and go) @ BCISD Central Office
Feb. 12: Spring 3rd-5th grade STAAR Benchmark Testing (Math)
Feb. 13: End of 4th Six-Weeks & Classroom Valentine's Parties
- Party times: (3rd @11:45, 4th @ 12:45, 5th @ 1:45)
Feb. 14: BCISD school holiday (no school for students or staff w/prof. development credits)
Feb. 17: Professional Learning Day ( no school for students)
Feb. 24th Week: RJR Spring Book Fair All Week (Monday-Friday)
Feb. 25: Spring Book Fair open late for parent shopping @ 4-5PM
March 10: RJ UIL Celebration & Awards @ 5PM & Spring Open House @5:30-7 (TBD)
March 13: 5th Six-Weeks Progress Reports Post to Family Access
March 17-21: Spring Break
Reminder/ Mark your calendars: Parent & School Events Coming Up:
RJR Upcoming Class Valentine's Day Party Information:
Parents are welcome to join us at RJ on Wednesday, Feb. 14th for our class valentine parties:
You will be receiving more information from your child's homeroom teacher about party needs, treats, and info soon:
Class Party times:
3rd grade @ 11:45-12:45 PM
4th grade @ 12:45-1:45 PM
5th grade 1:45-2:45 PM
*Valentine's party visitor tickets will be sent home on February 10th for RJ families, parents, and visitors.
*Due to increased safety and security measures, these tickets must be brought on the day of the parties to avoid sign-ins with IDs in the front office. Having these visitor tickets completed and brought in, allows our families to skip sign-in lines. If visitor does not have the visitor ticket on this day, a sign-in through the front office will be required.
*All visitors will have visitor badges and should wear them throughout their visit at school.
*Although we encourage all students to remain at school after their party time, any parent wishing to check their student out of school after the classroom parties may do so only with their ID.
*We will have checkout stations in each hallway where staff will verify parent/guardian identification. Anyone checking a student out of school must sign the student out with appropriate staff and be listed as "pickup" in the Family Access/Skyward system.
Spring Book Fair is Coming & Parent Late Shopping Opportunity:
Celebrating, Recognizing, & Cheering on RJ Staff:
BCISD Education Foundation Prize Patrol Visits RJR
Thank you BCISD Education Foundation:
Congratulations to RJ's Library, and Ms. Torres our librarian, Ms. Brewer our Behavior Support Teacher, and Ms. Evans 4th grade teacher for being prize recipients from our BCISD Education Foundation this week:
On Monday, February 3, our wonderful Burnet CISD Education Foundation visited campuses to surprise and award 3 of RJ's lucky teachers/classrooms with over $4,500 to help with some amazing and innovative ideas for our classrooms, programs, and library. We are so thankful for the support that the Education Foundation has been able to provide to our schools, teachers and our most important stakeholders - the students! They are truly helping all of our Bulldogs #GrowBigGreen!
RJ celebrates School Counseling Week & Ms. Townsend
RJR's GEM of Appreciation goes to Mr. Taylor
RJR is proud to recognize and celebrate Mr. James Taylor as the January Gem of Appreciation! Mr. Taylor serves as our School Safety and Security Specialist.
Mr. Taylor has been nominated for appreciation by both teachers and students for his unwavering commitment to creating a safe and welcoming environment at RJ since joining the team this year. His proactive involvement in campus activities (even dressing as the Grinch, leading social studies lessons as William B. Travis, and rocking daily Red Ribbon week daily themed dress-ups), dedication to keeping the school informed about safety procedures, and approachable, effective communication make him an invaluable asset to our school community. Mr. Taylor consistently goes above and beyond, ensuring that everyone feels supported and confident in their understanding of safety protocols, all while fostering an open and collaborative atmosphere. His efforts are truly deserving of recognition and appreciation.
Congratulations to RJR's Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Dillard!
Mrs. Dillard was nominated by her fellow colleagues and selected by a campus team and committee as the R.J. Richey Elementary 24-25 Teacher of the Year!
Mrs. Dillard teaches 4th grade math and science at RJ and serves as the fourth grade team leader. Her colleagues applaud how she seeks to help grow every single student in her class and beyond by tailoring instruction to each individual student so that they learn at their own level and pace. Mrs. Dillard is a team player, always willing to help mentor another teacher and she's an avid, eager learner, always looking for how she can best help support all RJ Bulldogs toward success!
Congratulations Mrs. Dillard!
RJR Parent Reminders
Order Your R.J. Richey Yearbook Online Now before Price Increases in March:
Our RJ Yearbook Online Ordering is Open Now!
Check out the direct Strawbridge link below to order your yearbook now!
- be sure to order yours now while supplies last and before the price increase at the end of March!
- ALL yearbook sales will be online only and no cash orders are accepted this year through the office
- all yearbooks will be shipped and delivered to school, and parents will be notified when they are coming home with their students in early May
RJR Parent Frequently Used Links
Transportation change request process:
How do I request a change in transportation?
Submit an email on the same day as the transportation change request by 1:30 p.m. to:
Include the following details in the email:
- Student’s full name
- Student’s grade level
- Student’s homeroom teacher
- The transportation change you want made for today (bus rider to car rider or car rider to bus rider)
Requests made after 1:30pm will not be processed. Notes, phone calls, text messages and emails sent to any other email will not be processed.
RJR 24-25 Parent School Procedure Brochure:
RJR 24-25 Parent Procedure Brochure
Have questions about arrival, dismissal, transportation changes, visitor procedures, etc?
Always find RJ Richey School Information about daily school procedures here:
RJ & BCISD Parent & Family Information & Resources:
Care Solace & Community Counseling Resources
Happy 2025 to everyone at Burnet Consolidated ISD. We look forward to a successful year. This year, we encourage you to show self-compassion as you think of your New Year’s Resolutions. When we show compassion for ourselves, we allow space for changes, mistakes, or missteps and we open ourselves up to future possibilities. Showing self-compassion is a healthy way to start a successful and happy 2025.
We also encourage you to reflect on this past year. How have you changed from the beginning of 2024 to now? What did you enjoy about 2024? Click here for some great questions to ask yourself as you reflect.
Often, we need to lean on others to help us with our goals and aspirations. Below are community resources and opportunities to connect, learn, and grow together.
(Include upcoming events and additional resource information.)
If you need mental health or substance use support, Care Solace is a complimentary and confidential care coordination service that can help you quickly find treatment options matched to your needs, regardless of circumstance.
Burnet Consolidated ISD partnered with Care Solace to support the well-being of students and their family members.
If you or a family member are looking for help and would like to use Care Solace to find a provider:
- Call 888-515-0595. Support is available 24/7/365 in over 50 languages.
- Visit caresolace.com/burnet and either search on your own OR click “Book Appointment” for assistance by video chat, email, or phone.
Parent & Community Flyers for Around BCISD & Burnet
Updated Wednesday Night Live Information:
Free After School Program information here:
Spring Break Camp Offerings:
Check out YMCA for more information for upcoming Spring Break Camps:
YMCA Spring Season Sports Flyers: (Soccer, Volleyball, Gymnastics & Swim)
Find information about Spring Soccer Registration here:
Find information about Spring Volleyball Registration here:
Find information from YMCA of the Highland Lakes Coed Gymnastics Program for registration below:
Find YMCA Spring Swim Team & Swim Lessons information here:
Private Swim Lesson Information & Registration:
YMCA Swim Lesson Registration Information:
Always find More RJ & BCISD Parent Quick Links Here:
RJ Richey Elementary School
7:15am Front Doors Open
7:15am Student Drop Off/Breakfast7:25am Front Office Opens
7:45am School Begins
7:45am Tardy Bell
9:00am Students not in attendance are marked absent
1:30pm Transportation changes due, please email: rjr-transportation@burnetcisd.net
3:25pm Student Dismissal
4:00pm Office/School Closes
Website: https://rjr.burnetcisd.net/
Location: R J Richey Elementary School, East Graves Street, Burnet, TX, USA
Phone: 512-756-2609
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rjrichey