Merrymount Elementary School
October Newsletter
Important Dates
- October 3 Grade 4 Field Trip to Quincy Historical Society
- October 8 Picture Day
- October 8 Raising Multicultural Kids Family Information Session for Grades 3 and 4, 6pm via Google Meet LINK (meet.google.com/aps-ebfs-jxi)
- October 9 QPS School Committee Meeting 6:30 PM
- October 14 No School ~ Columbus Day/Indigenous People's Day
- October 16 Unity Day at Merrymount
- October 18 Grade 3 QFD Fire Prevention Presentation/QPS Grades 2-5 Strings Program Begins
- October 21 Battle of the Candy at Merrymount (see below)/QPS Citywide PTO Meeting 7-8PM on Zoom
- October 23 QPS School Committee Meeting, 6:30PM
- October 24 Quincy SEPAC Meeting, 6:30PM on Zoom (more information below)
- October 25 PTO Family Event ~ Trunk or Treat (more information below)
- October 31 Black & Orange Day ~ Halloween
October Days of Recognition
- October is Global Diversity Awareness Month
- October is Filipino American History Month
- October 2-4 Rosh Hashanah
- October 2 National Custodial Worker Recognition Day
- October 11-12 Yom Kippur
- October 14 Columbus Day/Indigenous People's Day ~ No School
- October 15 Hispanic Heritage Month Ends
- October 24 United Nations Day
- October 31 Halloween
Save the Date!
- November 15 Merrymount Fun Run
- December 5 'Tis the Season ~ QHS, 7pm
- December 6 Merrymount Winter Concert
- QPS 24-25 Calendar www.quincypublicschools.com
What's Happening at Merrymount!
September PBIS recipients ~ Respectful, Responsible and Ready!
Kindergarten is ready for JiJi!
Brookdale Quincy Bay Senior Living Trunk or Treat ~ October 24th
Merrymount Fun Run
Unity Day ~ October 16th
Raising Multicultural Kids Family Information Session for Grades 3 and 4
Band and String Opportunities for QPS Students
While Band lessons have just begun, it is not too late for students in Grades 4 and 5 to join the band and learn how to play an instrument. Band lessons take place during the school day. If interested, please visit the K and C Music Company to rent online the instrument your child wishes to play. The company will deliver the instrument directly to the school and your student will be able to attend the next band lesson.
Students in Grades 2 - 5 who are interested in learning how to play the violin, viola, or the cello can sign up on our String Registration Form. This is an after school program and students meet once a week. Lessons begin the week of October 15th and students can choose to enroll in one of the sessions below.
String Instruments can be rented online through the K and C Music Company and they will deliver the instrument directly to the school. Please see our String Program Letter for more details and if you have any questions about the Band or String Programs, please contact Mr. DeMarco, Citywide Music Department Chair, for further information.
Picture Day
**CONVENIENT ONLINE PREPAY OPTION** Click the link www.haywardphotography.com then the blue “Prepay for Photo Day” button. Enter your school code to place your preorder: MMS24 Preorder pricing above only available until 2 days after your school’s picture day. Individual Print Orders and Digital Download Cards will be mailed DIRECTLY to the mailing address provided at checkout (please be sure this is a complete address). Please add the $6.00 shipping/handling charge to your payment total for print.
What is ST Math?
Please see this link for an interactive introduction to ST Math! The introduction talks about how you can support your student and lets you play a few games!
QPS Benchmarking Testing
Fall Benchmark Data
Quincy Public Schools students complete the following benchmark assessments from September 9th to October 11th:
- mCLASS Amplify Literacy Screener: K-3
- MAP Growth Reading & Mathematics: Grades 2-5
- MAP Growth Science: Grades 4-5
Aspen Help
Do you need additional help with your Aspen Account or your Aspen Password Reset?
Please contact your child's school directly to have Aspen Password Reset first.
If they can't assist you, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/2UsHEicRmhgpVany6
QPS I.T. will reach out to you once your request is complete.
You may also send an email to: aspensupport@quincypublicschools.com
**Incoming Kindergarten families will receive information regarding their child's Aspen login ID at Kindergarten Orientation.
Merrymount PTO Information
Dear Merrymount Parents and Guardians,
We are so excited to kick off a new school year! As the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), we are thrilled to extend a warm greeting to each of you, our valued partners in education. Our mission is to foster a strong, collaborative community that supports our students and teachers in achieving their highest potential.
We believe that your involvement is key to the success of our school and your child's education. This year, we have a variety of engaging events and volunteer opportunities designed to enrich our school's environment and enhance the educational experience for all students. From classroom representative to event planning, there is a role for everyone. We have highlighted some monthly activities below - please attend PTO meetings or respond to this email to find out more!
Your participation in the PTO is a wonderful way to show your children the importance you place on education and to make a positive impact in our school community. Whether you have a little time or a lot, your efforts are appreciated and make a difference. We encourage you to attend our meetings, share your ideas, and join us in making this school year the best it can be.
Together, we can create a vibrant and inclusive community where every student has the opportunity to thrive. We look forward to your active participation and to working alongside you throughout the year.
Warm regards,
Merrymount PTO
PTO Meeting Schedule
Monday, September 23
Monday, January 13
Monday, June 2 (Year End Meeting)
Year Round Activities: Grade Parent; Outdoor Classroom clean-up
September: Back to school ice cream truck and Kindergarten Night
October: Trunk or Treat
November: Fun Run
December: Holiday gifts for staff
January: Bingo Night
February: Trivia Night
March: Read Across America
April: Stock the Faculty Room
May: Cleaner Greener
June: Red Sox Game
… and many more!
- PTO Website link
- PTO Facebook Page: Merrymount School PTO
- PTO Email: merrymountpto@gmail.com
- School Council Email: merrymountschoolcouncil@gmail.com
- Citywide PTO link
Citywide PTO
Welcome to Quincy's Citywide PTO website!
We hope to be a resource for all families navigating the Quincy Public School System.
PTO Family Event ~ October 25th
PTO EDI Survey
EDI at Merrymount
Hispanic Heritage Month
Thank you to Mrs. Ricci for the wonderful resources that celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month! Mrs. Ricci also worked on the bulletin board to highlight this wonderful month!
Merrymount Pride FriDays!
On Fridays...wear your class shirt or Merrymount gear!
Volunteering at Merrymount
Statewide Applicant Fingerprint Identification Services (SAFIS)
This one-time process involves submitting your fingerprints at a specially designated center. The Statewide Applicant Fingerprint Identification Services (SAFIS) MorphoTrust USA IdentoGO registration website is available for all districts, charter schools and private schools to schedule fingerprinting appointments for the National Background Checks (NBC). Please be advised that the NBC fee for employees holding a professional license (DESE License) is $55 and the NBC fee for all other school personnel, including parent/guardian volunteers, is $35. If you schedule an appointment and miss it without rescheduling, you may be required to pay another registration fee. Please note, there may be Saturday appointments available.
Please go to https://ma.state.identogo.com/ to schedule your appointment for your NBC. Enrollment centers are currently available in Randolph, Norwood, and East Boston; see website for additional locations. The Quincy Public Schools Organization/Provider Identification Code is: 02430000. Please make sure you input this code into the appropriate field so that your information is sent to the Quincy Public Schools. If you do not input the correct code, your application will remain incomplete.
Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI)
Massachusetts requires all schools to conduct criminal background checks (CORI) every three years on current and prospective employees, volunteers, school transportation providers, and others who may have direct and unmonitored contact with students. Please note you will be asked to provide your MA driver’s license or other government-issued photo identification when your initial background check is conducted. Your school principal or HR staff will need to visually verify your identity and will make a copy of your identity document to accompany your CORI request form to the Human Resources office.
Sex Offender Registry Information (SORI)
Quincy Public Schools also requires a SORI check upon hiring or for volunteers who may have direct and unmonitored contact with students. The CORI request form includes an acknowledgement for the SORI check. This form is available in your school principal’s office.
Reminder: All parents/guardians who wish to volunteer or chaperone at school activities that include the potential for unmonitored contact with a student other than their child are required to complete SAFIS, CORI, and SORI checks prior to volunteering in the Quincy Public Schools.
Examples of activities that require SAFIS/CORI/SORI checks include but are not limited to: Volunteering at school book fairs
Chaperoning field trips
Volunteering at field day activities
Volunteering at school end-of-the-year activities
Chaperoning movie nights
Volunteers should assume any activity involving students will require a background check. Please contact your school principal for more information regarding the SAFIS, CORI and SORI requirements for a specific event
Communication via SchoolMessenger
Merrymount as well as QPS school officials use the SchoolMessenger system to deliver a single, clear message to parents or guardians by telephone, cell phone, email, or text message in any combination. SchoolMessenger can also be used to notify you of a school closing due to inclement weather and to communicate daily information, such as sports schedules, newsletters, attendance notifications, and other announcements.
The system is set up to automatically pull your contact information from what we have in our Student Information System (Aspen) and carry it over into SchoolMessenger. Please contact your school building office to update your contact information or confirm you are receiving SchoolMessenger communications.
If you have not been receiving district text messages, you may opt-in by texting "Y" or "Yes" to our school's short code number: 67587. This is a FREE service and you may opt-out at any time by replying to one of our messages with "Stop."
Helpful Links
School Lunch Menu
The 2024-2025 school year has brought more good changes for the School Nutrition Department! Quincy is now an entirely CEP District, which means all students are eligible for free meals! More info can be found here: https://www.fns.usda.gov/cn/cep
More information for both Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) can be found using this link.
SNAP specifically can help families receive benefits such as EBT, housing, discounts on heat and cable, and free SAT and AP exams. Here is the link to apply for SNAP enrollment.
Merrymount School General Information
Assistant Principal: John Rogan johnrogan@quincypublicschools.com
Secretary: Stacy Scott stacyscott@quincypublicschools.com
Guidance Counselors: Mairead Bastian maireadbastian@quincypublicschools.com and Marissa McGue marissamcgue@quincypublicschools.com
Nurse: Mollie Ehrlich 617-984-8925 mollieehrlich@quincypublicschools.com
School Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - 7:45 AM - 2:00 PM
Wednesday - Early Release 7:45 AM - 11:25 AM
4 Agawam Road
Quincy, MA 02169
Telephone: 617-984-8762
Fax: 617-984-8909