Miss Embrey's Magical Classroom
"Where All Your Dreams Come True" - Walt Disney
Homework Expectations
In my classroom, I am not a fan of homework. I would much rather have the kids running around being kids after school than having to sit inside and work on hours of homework every night! I will be sending home a packet of different educational activities every Monday. Your child is required to have the packet done by Friday! I will be sending home more information in the future! The packets are nothing to be worried about! They are a lot of fun, and my past students have really enjoyed the packets!
Important People to Know
Mrs. Smith
Mrs. Smith is our wonderful Librarian. If your child is in need of a book for a project or would like a book to be ordered, Mrs. Smith is the person to go to! Her classroom is right across from the cafeteria!
Mrs. Clay
Mrs. Clay is our school's Principal. She is wonderful! If you have any questions or concerns, she is a magnificent person to work with!
Mr. Allen
Mr. Smith is our fifth grade math teacher! Math is usually a very hard subject, definitely with the new Go Math series, but Mr. Smith has went above and beyond and is having tutoring sessions if any kids need help!
This year is going to be a success!
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I allow students to have water bottles at their desk? Yes, I do, If there are too many spills, though, there might be a change in the rules.
What time is lunch and recess? First grade goes to lunch from 12:10 to 12:12:35. We have recess right after lunch until 1:00.
Do I allow birthday parties? Yes, but the food must be store bought. Homemade goods are not allowed. Because some kids are allergic to nuts, if the food has nuts, please label.
Contact Information
Feel free to contact me anytime after school! I will respond back to you as quick as I can! I look forward to working with you and your child!
Email: kaitlinembrey10@gmail.com
Website: MissEmbreysMagicalClassroom.com
Phone: 8128206934
Twitter: @MissEmbreysClass