Roncalli Middle School Flyover
May 21-24, 2024
Education breeds confidence, confidence breeds hope, hope breeds peace.
What is Happening this Week !
Monday, May 20 - Field Day
Field Day - Today is Field Day, students can dress down as we will be walking to Westfield Park and having a picnic and activities for the day.
If there is rain, we will move it to Tuesday.
- Students who are in tennis will have an early release at 2:45.
- Students who are in golf have an early release at 2:15 and parents need to pick them up at Westfield park unless it is raining.
Tuesday, May 21 - Hawaiian/Vacation Day
Students can dress in Hawaiian or vacation wear for the day. Sandals and crocs are allowed this day.
Wednesday, May 15 - Summer Sports Team
Students should wear their favorite summer sports team apparel this day!
5th and 6th Grade - Trip to Meadow Lanes West and Schuette Park
Thursday, May 23
School Spirit Day - Wear your Roncalli clothing!
8th Grade Graduation practice - 10:30 am at Waldo Site
Yearbook signing in the afternoon!
8th Grade Graduation Mass - 5:30 pm at Waldo Site
***8th graders should be at church by 5 pm, they will meet down in the mini gym in the basement of church.
Friday, May 24 - Last Day of School
Today is the last day of school!! Reminder that the Middle School is done at 11:45 am!!
Mass - 8:15 am - Teachers Mass - Students can wear shorts, but should have a nicer shirt for the last day of school mass!
Please have your student check lost and found as what is there will be donated to St. Vincent de Paul's!
Have a great summer!!
8th Grade Awards
Each year the middle school presents awards for students in the areas of academics and service. This year the different awards were awarded to the following students:
The President’s Award for Educational Excellence - Gold Award
Juliana Doerner
Jenna Ewen
Clare Vadney
The President’s Award for Educational Excellence - Silver Award
Elizabeth Bemis
Michael Putman
Anthony Wall
Johanna Wilke
Physical Education Fitness and Academic Award
Juliana Doerner
Bru Wernli
Roncalli Middle School Service Award Winners
Juliana Doerner
Bru Wernli
Presidential Gold Award
Presidential Silver Award
Presidential Physical Fitness Award and Service Award
Report Cards!!!
This year both the elementary and middle schools will be sending the 4th quarter report card via SwiftReach. So if you did not get this newletter by email. If you did not receive it in your inbox double check to make sure it is not in your junk mail folder!!
Open Board meeting
The May school board meeting is an open meeting at 6p.m. on May 20,2024 in the Roncalli High School Atrium.
PIA Information
Volunteer Opportunity!!
VBS Volunteers needed!
We're looking for volunteers for this summer's VBS "Scuba: Diving into friendship with God!"
July 29th-Aug 2nd
Volunteers needed 8:30am-12:00pm
Held at Roncalli Elementary & St. Francis Waldo Church
* High schoolers needed for small group Crew Leaders
* Middle schoolers needed for small group Junior Crew Leaders
* Adults welcome to support stations, help with registration, float in rotations
This is a GREAT community service to help fulfill Confirmation requirements, as well as include on college and scholarship applications to demonstrate your involvement and service to your community!
~ Invite younger siblings, cousins, neighbors or friends to participate if they will be a rising K-5th grade student this summer!
Sponsored by St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Manitowoc.
Roncalli Youth Sports Camps
This summer Roncalli High School will be offering a variety of summer sports camps for students in grades 3-8. Please see the attached file for more information and the sign up sheet for it. If you have any questions please contact Mr. Kaderabek at nathan.kaderabek@roncallicatholicschools.org.
MPSD Summer School Opportunities
Here is the link to the Manitowoc Public School District Summer School Classes.
Please see the flyer for more details on classes and how to sign up.
Lion King Jr.
The middle school is happy to announce that our middle school musical for next spring will be The Lion King Jr.
The show will be performed February 28 - March 2nd!!
Middle School Band Concert
If you have any pictures from a sporting event or any other event that our students participate in please feel free to send them to Mr. Thiele via email, steve.thiele@roncallicatholicschools.org. Thanks and Go Jets!!