Paw Print
Belmont Elementary: A PAWSitive Place to Learn!
A R T & A C A D E M I C S
Digital Art Show Now Playing!
Before Mrs. Gochis left for her maternity leave, she collected digital images of TONS of artwork by our Bulldogs so that she could share it with you tonight! We have a slideshow presentation that will be playing on the big screens in the cafeteria, gym, and most of the pods. Please stop to take it all in while you're enjoying your stroll through learning this evening!
The Projects are LITERALY Everywhere!
There will be something to see or do in almost every area of the school this evening!
Front Lobby: 5th grade Taco Trucks and the Kinder/Fifth Lemonade Stand Project
Gym: 5th grade Career Projects
Outside the gym: 4th grade bubble wands and Egg Contraption Drop Off and Drop Testing
West hallway: 2nd grade Animal Shelter Projects
North hallway: 3rd grade pixel art and 2nd grade place value art
300 Pod: 4th grade arcade games and K/1 Interactive STEM Bins
400 Pod: 2nd grade Butterfly Project
South hallway: Pixton comics and 4th grade bio-poems
600 Pod: 3rd grade board games and 4th grade roller coasters
700 Pod: More 4th grade roller coasters
Watch for QR codes in the hallways to view Stop Motion Projects from nearly every grade level!
To help protect our students' work, please keep your children with you and make sure that care is taken to view or use materials as intended. Thank you!
Egg Safety Engineering EGGstravaganza!
We WILL be THROWING EGGS OFF THE ROOF!! Okay technically, only Mrs. Hargrove will be on the roof, and the goal is that no eggs be harmed in the process. Students are encouraged to design and build an egg transport device that will protect a raw egg from breaking when gently dropped from the roof of the cafeteria. The egg should be safely tucked inside the device when you arrive, so please provide that from home! Devices should be labeled with student's name and be brought to the lift site just outside the south gym doors on May 3rd prior to launch time (7:00ish) Any devices utilizing peanut butter will need to be placed in the correctly labeled bin and will be launched last for safety.
Get Ready for Summer Reading
We WILL be shopping at the BOOK FAIR! Our cafeteria will transform into a massive book store! Please, note that the book fair is cash-free. Credit or debit cards are welcome, or follow the directions below to create an eWallet. Volunteers needed! Click here if you love books and could help for a bit! The book fair opens in the cafeteria at 6:00pm and you'll need to be in line to check out by 7:30! We're packing it up at 8!
F O O D & D R I N K
BE Lemonade Bliss!
Visiting Vendors!
We WILL be celebrating with FOOD TRUCKS! Dolelicious and Burritos Lagos will be in the west loop, ready to serve about 5:30. We will set up some tables in the gym for your dining pleasure- thanks for helping us bus those tables when your family is finished eating!
2024-2025 ENROLLMENT is Open
All returning Bulldog families must visit your child's Skyward Family Access account where you will be directed to complete enrollment forms for next year. We don't need your money until after the system rollover in July, so that's a bonus!! We do need to have the most current enrollment, health, immunization, transportation...you know...all of that stuff! The system will prompt you through the steps. If your family has planned a move and will be attending elsewhere next year, please let the office know so that we be prepared to send student records when requested by their new school.
All enrollment information for new students (just in case you found our newsletter and are wondering how to become a Belmont Bulldog!) may be found by following this link.
Coming Up at BE:
May 3 Family STEAM Night
May 8 BE Night at Papa Murphy's
May 13 PTO Skating Party, Skate City, 6-8pm
May 20 Yearbooks will be distributed to students
May 20 5th Grade Band Concert, 6:30pm
May 21 The SHOW 2024, 9:15am
May 21 5th Grade Celebration, 12:45-3:30
May 22 Field Day (3rd-5th AM and Kdg.-2nd PM)
May 23 Celebration of Learning, 9:30am
May 23 5th Grade Last Lap, 11:30am
May 23 12:10 Dismissal, No lunch served
Visit the BE Online Calendar of Events (by clicking on the button below) for a more complete list of activities!
2023-2024 Lunch Schedule
11:25-11:52 Kindergarten
11:55-12:22 5th Grade
12:05-12:32 4th Grade
12:35-1:02 2nd Grade
12:45-1:15 3rd Grade
Reservations required to join your child for lunch- CLICK HERE to reserve your spot at a family table!
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Community partner Country Club Bank is providing support to ensure this service is available in USD 232.
You'll find us at:
Email: phargrove@usd232.org
Website: be.usd232.org
Location: 5805 Belmont Drive, Shawnee, KS 66226, United States
Phone: (913)667-1810
Facebook: Belmont Elementary Bulldogs
Twitter: @BEBulldogs