Ferber Family Connection
September 2024

Edna Ferber Elementary School
Appleton, WI 54911
(920) 852-5465
Dates to Remember
September 3- First Day of School
September 23- PTO meeting - 6:30 pm in the LMC and Virtual
September 30- No School
October 3 - Picture Day
October 5- Fox Valley Tough Kid Challenge at Highlands Elementary
October 22 & 24- Parent Teacher Conferences (PTO Bake Sale)
Ferber School Hours
8:10 a.m. Supervision begins on playground
8:22 a.m. First Bell
8:27 a.m. Classes begin
11:15 a.m. – 12:05 p.m. Lunch/Noon Recess
3:20 p.m. School Dismissal
3:30 p.m. Students should be picked up/walk home
The school office is open every day students are in attendance between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
Student Drop Off and Pick Up
Ferber Elementary provides playground supervision beginning at 8:10 a.m. For your child's safety, please do not drop off your children before this time.
Doors will open at 8:15 am for children to begin entering the building.
If you are dropping your child off in the morning, please be reminded that the driveway in the front of the building is for buses, cabs, and daycare vans only.
On days of inclement weather, students should watch for a green apple on the windows of the doorways. A green apple will indicate that the children are to come in and sit in the hallway outside their classroom until the bell rings. A red apple indicates students are to stay outside until the bell rings.
All students should be picked up from school by 3:30 p.m. There is no outside supervision past 3:30 p.m.
- Drive slowly in our school zone before and after school.
- Do not park in front of the mailboxes or driveways of peoples' homes.
- Be kind to our crossing guards - they are paid to protect all children.
- Be kind to our safety patrol if they are out- they are students and are helping everyone stay safe.
- Leave enough time to deal with heavy traffic.
- Don't impede taxis, busses, and transport vans from entering circle drive.
Parking is at a premium at Ferber. Do not use the parking lot located in the front of the building. It is reserved for staff and traveling staff.
Please observe the No Parking signs around the block. The City of Appleton has issued the following reminders to schools regarding signs posted on the streets:
No Parking on School Days – May be used to drop off or pick up students if the driver does not leave the vehicle. Vehicles parked without a driver are subject to a parking fine.
No Stopping, Standing, or Parking – These areas must not be used as a drop-off zone. They are created for the safety of the students and violators are subject to a fine.
All parking restrictions around schools are created for the safety of the students. Do not drop your child(ren) off in the parking lot or the circular driveway from 8:00 to 8:30 AM. Please do not use the parking lot or circular driveway to pick up children from 3:00 to 3:30 PM.
If we have Safety Patrol on duty, barriers will be in place at the entrance and exits to the school driveways between 8:00 and 8:30 AM and from 3:00 – 3:30 PM. When these barriers are in place, please do not enter the driveway or parking lot for the safety of everyone.
If you have a child on crutches, or are otherwise in need of temporary assistance, please check with the office and we can try to arrange other accommodations.
Drive slowly at all times around school.
Please take special note to always use caution when you are dropping off or picking up your child, especially on inclement weather days. We encourage you to drop your child(ren) off on Capitol in a safe area and have them walk up the sidewalks to the school building. We also ask that all parents and students use the sidewalks to get to and from the building.
The circular driveway may be used for picking up and dropping off your children between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. You may also park your vehicle for short periods of time in that area between 8:30 AM and 3:00 PM. We do ask you leave room for buses and other vehicle traffic to get through.
Crossing Guards/Safety Patrol
Please make your child(ren) aware that the crossing guard and safety patrols are there for their safety. It is very important that our students and parents respect and follow the rules these individuals enforce.
The city crossing guard is on duty at the following times: 7:30 to 8:25 and 3:00 to 4:00. The crossing guards cross students at the intersection of Meade and Capitol and at Capitol and Windward. There are no city crossing guards on duty during the Ferber lunchtime.
When the group is up and running, our student safety patrols are on duty from 8:15 to 8:27 and 3:16 to 3:25. The safety patrols cross students at the intersection of Capitol and Durkee and at Capitol and Lawe. As these are highly trafficked areas, please review safe-walking routes with your children and remind them to only cross where there are crossing guards or safety patrols.
Safe Routes to School
This information is provided as a courtesy by the Appleton Police Department and the Department of Public Works. Thank you for your support!
School Attendance
Running late?
Stuck in traffic? Car troubles? Alarm didn't go off? We've all had those days. If you will be dropping of your child late to school, please call and let us know or walk them into the lobby.
Ferber Phone Number: 920-852-5465 Option 1
Student Absences
It’s very important that you notify the school when your child will be absent. This can be done by phone call, email, or parents/guardians can use the Absence Request found on Campus Parent/Parent Portal tool to submit a request that informs the office in advance when their student is not going to be in school.
Ferber Phone Number: 920-852-5465 Option 1
Email: HARTJESKAREN@aasd.k12.wi.us or KOEPSELLMANDI@aasd.k12.wi.us
For any absences 3 days or more a Notification of Student Absence Form is required and needs to be turned into the school office at least one week in advance of the absence. This form can be found on the AASD website or in the school office.
Here are a few practical tips to help support regular attendance:
- Make sure your student keeps a regular bedtime and establishes a morning routine.
- Lay out clothes and pack backpacks the night before.
- Ensure your student goes to school every day unless they do not feel well.
- Avoid scheduling vacations when school is in session. Families are encouraged to take vacations during the eight weeks of summer vacation, two weeks near the holidays, or over spring break.
- Try to schedule regular doctor and dentist appointments at the beginning or end of the day or days students are off of school so that your student will only miss a portion of the day.
- Talk to teachers and counselors for advice if your student feels anxious about going to school.
- Develop backup plans for getting to school if something comes up. Call on a family member, neighbor, or another parent to take your student to school.
- Monitor your student's attendance through Infinite Campus to keep track of absences. If an absence is marked unexcused, please contact the school attendance secretary as soon as possible.
- Reach out for help if you are experiencing tough times (e.g. transportation, unstable housing, loss of a job, health problems) that make it difficult to get your child to school. We are here to help! Other parents, your child’s teacher, principal, social worker, school nurse, after-school providers, or community agencies can help you problem solve or connect you to a needed resource.
Before and After School Care Options
Before care hours are from 6:30 AM until school starts. After-care hours are from school dismissal until 6:00 PM.
APPLETON SCHOOL DISTRICT | YMCA of the Fox Cities (ymcafoxcities.org)
Boys & Girls Club of the Fox Valley
After school until 7:00 pm, Monday – Friday. 8:00 – 5:30 on all AASD no-school days.
Boys & Girls Club of Appleton | Boys & Girls Clubs of the Fox Valley (bgclubfoxvalley.org)
Picture Day
Help Wanted
Ferber is currently looking for 1-2 lunch supervisors. This is a paid, part time position and can be a lot of fun!
The hours are 11:15 am - 1:30 pm.
Pay is $11/hour.
Please contact the Ferber Office if you are interested. The number is (920) 852-5465.
Celebration Treats
- Book donation to your child’s classroom (see teacher for book suggestions).
- Small tokens such as stickers, birthday pencils, and pencil toppers can be distributed to the class.
- Donate a game or item to the classroom (see teacher with ideas).