Center School Chronicle
Friday, May 30
to Mary Sawyer, who has been selected by
the East Hampton Teacher of the Year Committee
to be the 2024-25 Teacher of the Year.
Proud of our PRIDE
Congratulations to all of our PRIDE members who model ADAPTABILITY!
Thank you to all of the families and students for coming out and supporting the Ice Cream & Art event at Center School! It was great to see our students viewing and complimenting the work of classmates and peers. The variety and quality of the pieces was impressive!
Music News
In music class this month 4th and 5th graders are wrapping up their units as we get closer to the end of the year! 4th graders have been exploring how the music in movies contributes to character development, the storyline, and the portrayal of different emotions. Students worked hard creating their own hero or villain theme using a variety of musical elements that we've been learning about. When their projects were complete, students shared them with the class and we had to guess which type of theme they were working to create!
5th graders are wrapping up their unit on musical genres. We have been exploring a new genre every week ranging from jazz to hip-hop. Students have done a great job keeping an open mind to a variety of musical genres that they may or may not have experienced before! We have learned what musical characteristics allow us to categorize different songs and artists into certain genres. Song form has also been explored and students have used a variety of manipulatives to show their understanding of song sections such as verse, chorus, bridge, and outro.
Our Unified Friends continued their work of spreading inclusion. The team talked to classmates about including everyone during recess and field day and handed out "Choose to Include" bracelets.
East Hampton Public Library Visit
Thank you to Librarians Dylan and Keri who spent time in our classrooms to get students excited about all of the summer offerings and reading events. We appreciate this valuable resource for our students!
Book Buddies
The final Book Buddies meeting of the year had wonderful weather and the group appropriately read summer themed books and played outdoor games together.
Summer Learning Resources
Dear Center Families,
As we near the end of the school year, we want to make you aware of the various opportunities the district will be offering over the summer months in order to support your learner’s continued engagement with mathematics. We recognize there are many summer activities for students to support your student’s needs. With participation in any of the activities, your child will be able to maintain their math skills over the summer months. Your support in this initiative is greatly appreciated.
East Hampton’s K- 5 Grade-Level Summer Math Packets
EHMS Summer Math Review for Incoming 6th Grade Students
Commissioner’s Summer Math Challenge
Games to Play at Home
Games to Play with Deck of cards
Games to Play with a Pair of Dice
Details about the opportunities and how your learner can participate can be found by clicking the various links. All Center students received a hard copy of the district’s Summer Math Packet this week. We will communicate a due date for completed summer activities in the fall – and plan for a fun celebration!
Incoming sixth grade students will receive additional directions for completion and collection later in the summer.
Please reach out to district math specialists, Andrea Winiarski (3-5) and Camilla Lewis (6-8), with any questions.
We hope you have “sum” fun with math over the summer!
Click Below!
SBHC at Center School
If you have any questions, feel free to call Melissa at Center School or email:
Click below for an updated flyer if you are interested in this service.
Center Elementary School
Location: 7 Summit Street, East Hampton, CT, USA
Phone: (860) 365-4050
Please visit - Twitter: @ehepto
Facebook: PTO East Hampton Elementary
June 4 Parent Orientation for 6th Grade Students @ EHMS 6:30 pm
June 5 Field Day Grades 4 & 5
June 6 Grade 5 to New Britain Bees Game
June 7 Step Up Visits Grade 5 to EHMS
June 10 Center School Variety Show - 1:30 PM
June 13 Grade 5 Breakfast 8:00-9:15
June 13 Last Day of School 1:10 dismissal
June Lunch Menu
All Current EHPS Menus:
Important Reminders
School breakfast is a great way for students to start their school day and its FREE to everyone!
Please review your student(s)’s available balance for any lunch purchases at our secure “e-Funds for Schools” portal: Funds should be added on an as needed basis to ensure the account balance covers all purchases.
Communications to families about your meal account come directly from the payment portal. Please be alert to these emails and remove from your “junk” status the following addresses: