Instructional Design
News You Can Use from Bianca and Andrea - NOVEMBER 2022
Exploring Strategies for Supporting Veterans’ Success in Classroom
As we move further into the month of November and continue to honor Veterans, we encourage you to think about how your course environments support Veteran students. What opportunities are there to incorporate new strategies into your course design and delivery that support Veteran students? The Veterans Resource Center (VRC) has developed several resources to support working with Veterans and military-connected students. Check out this short video about Strategies for Veterans’ Success in the Classroom to learn more. Looking for additional support? Connect with our new Veterans Counselor, Gina Ciardella Palmer.
Syllabus Lab - Drop in and join us!
Peer Course Reviews by your friendly Instructional Designers
Bite-Size Professional Learning
Thinking about course design? Here are four resources for bite-sized professional learning:
- Thinking about humanizing your course? Learn a bit more about the WHY behind humanizing and its link to brain and the limbic system. Check out this video: Hacking the Limbic System: Comfort, Fear, Excitement and Learning (see below).
- Browsing for ideas? Explore our searchable Faculty Repository including tutorials and Flex Day materials.
- Ready to drive? Check out the No More Easy Button: A Suggested Approach to Post-Pandemic Teaching (podcast) from Cult of Pedagogy.
- On Social Media? Follow CTTL on Twitter.
Contact us
Email Andrea | Email Bianca | Browse the Repository
Email: skylinecttl@smccd.edu
Website: https://skylinecollege.edu/cttl/design.php
Location: Building 5, Room 118
Phone: 650-738-7080
Twitter: @CTTL_Skyline