Cascadia Elementary
OCTOBER Newsletter
Principal's Message
Hello Cascadia Families,
We are so excited to see you tomorrow night at our Curriculum Night. I'm looking forward to time with you to share some of our priorities for the year, get your input on how we can partner and to share gratitude too. This month is anti-bullying month and I'm proud to say that our year has started off with lots of kindness. Our counselor will be teaching anti-bullying lessons in all classrooms, and on October 10th we have a special event for during the day and at night for families! Our PTO has sponsored a fun learning assembly that will happen during school to emphasize the anti-bullying that makes our school safe and a place where all students belong.
Your family is invited to attend our evening event on October 10th at 6:00pm! Learn more about our upcoming Zaniac assembly here: Science School Assembly in Oregon and Washington State (alexzerbe.com)
Reading Challenge Coming Soon
One of the most important academic skills we teach our students is how to read. When we are able to read well so many other things are made easier. After Covid we are finding that many students are not as interested in reading and prefer to play video games, watch YouTube or other media options. We are encouraging all children to read and/or be read to each day for an hour. We do thiry minutes in school and ask that you do thirty minutes at home. Thank you for helping your child set up a reading routine at home. You can call it homework or just encourage your child to read as part of their daily routine. They can read books, lists, magazine and you can read to them too.
Reminder to Vote
A reminder that an election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 5, 2024. If you are not registered to vote, you may do so by picking up the appropriate form at any Ferndale Schools’ office, from the Whatcom County Auditor’s Office in Bellingham or online at the link listed below. To register to vote in Washington, you must be 1) a citizen of the United States of America, 2) a legal resident of the state of Washington, and 3) at least 18 years old by Election Day. You must be registered to vote 30 days prior to the day of the election in order to vote. If you miss the deadline, you may register to vote in person at the county election’s office up to 15 days prior to the election.
If you need voter registration information or assistance, contact the county auditor at 360-676-6740 or http://www.sos.wa.gov/elections/. You may also call the secretary of state voter hotline at 1-800-448-4881; TDD service 1-800-422-8683. Thank you.
Child Nutrition & Bus Driver Subs
Ferndale School District is actively seeking bus driver and child nutrition substitute applicants. Anyone who is looking for part time/substitute work can apply via Fast Track.
Vegetarian Options For Lunch
If you’d like your child to have vegetarian options at lunch, please let us know! We’re happy to accommodate dietary preferences.
Your student should go straight to the cafeteria and let one of our cooks or Mrs. Pike or Mrs. Seig know they need a vegetarian option for lunch that day. The team will then hold the vegetarian meal for them to get at their lunch time.
Vaccine Clinic
Curriculum Night
We hope to see all of our families tomorrow night to learn more about what you can expect for this school year. TK, Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade families, we'll be excited to see you at 5:30 and 3rd, 4th and 5th grade families we will start at 6:00.
PTO is providing childcare, please use the survey link (https://bit.ly/Oct3PTO) to sign up if you need this option. They will also have pizza for sale and the same link will help you let them know how much pizza to have ready. Thank you!
Spirit Week
News From The Family Resource Center
WHO: Lummi Nation JOM and Ferndale School District
WHAT: Collaboration to offer office hours hosted by the district’s Family Resource Center
WHEN: The 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month, from 4-5:30 pm, October 10, 2024--May 22, 2025
(closed Nov 28, Dec 26, Apr 10)
WHERE: JOM Building, 2508-A Kwina Rd, Bellingham
WHY: To provide opportunity to meet with a Ferndale SD family liaison to connect with district
and community resources, obtain referrals (food, clothing, hygiene, etc.)
Family Resource Center
The Family Resource Center (FRC), located at Mt View Learning Center, 5780 Hendrickson Avenue, Ferndale, offers a safe place for Ferndale School District families to access information about and connect to available district or community services, including:
· Basic needs (food, hygiene supplies, school supplies)
· Clothing and housing referrals
· Assistance for students experiencing homelessness
· Holiday referrals
· Learning opportunities: Strengthening Families, Kinship Care, Coffee & Connect
Liaisons are available to meet at the FRC, a student’s school, or by Zoom or phone
Anne Flinn supports secondary schools (Ferndale High School; Horizon and Vista Middle Schools)
- Office/360.383.9972 or Cell/360.961.7419 o Anne.flinn@ferndalesd.org
- Available Mon/Tues/Wed, 7:30am-4pm
Kim Bunch supports elementary schools and the early learning center (Beach, Cascadia, Central, Custer, Eagleridge and Skyline Elementary Schools; Mt View Learning Center)
- Kim.bunch@ferndalesd.org
- Available Mon through Friday, 8am-4pm
Looking Ahead:
Nov. 4-8: Early Release - Conferences
Nov. 11: No School - Veteran's Day
Nov. 12: PTO Meeting 7:00
Nov. 15: Picture Re-Takes
Nov. 21: PTO Art Night w/Crafts, PE & Music, TBD
Nov. 27: K-12 Early Release
Nov. 28-29: No School - Thanksgiving