Principal's Newsletter
🦁 From the desk of Dr. Tiffany Jacobson
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
This week was packed with excitement! On Monday, our students had a blast at the Touch-A-Truck event, where they explored various vehicles and learned about the important roles emergency responders play in our community. Tuesday’s Back to School Night was a fantastic opportunity for families and staff to connect, fostering strong partnerships for the school year ahead. Wednesday’s Fire Safety Assemblies, hosted by firefighters from the Westfield Fire Department, were both fun and educational, providing our students with essential fire safety tips.
Looking ahead, we’re excited for next week’s Week of "Extra" Respect, where we’ll celebrate the values of kindness and respect throughout the school. Families are encouraged to join in by participating in the theme-days:
Monday 😀 Community of Respect
wear Lincoln gear or school colors, blue or purple
Tuesday 😀 Being Respectful is No Sweat!
wear sweatpants/sweatshirt or workout clothes
Wednesday 😀 Respect our Differences
wear tie dye or mismatched clothes, socks, shoes, hair accessories
Thursday 😀 Huge Fans of Respect
wear something you are a fan of
e.g. a favorite team, movie, character, or singer
Friday 😀 Everyone Counts!
wear something with numbers on it
These activities help reinforce the importance of treating others with care and create a school-wide culture of respect. Let’s come together and make it a memorable week for everyone!
Enjoy this week's photo gallery -
Facilities Bond Referendum Update
We've updated the Facilities Bond Referendum Information Portal with Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and a form to submit additional questions. As mentioned previously, this site provides initial details on the scope of the referendum, including the key areas of focus and our community's vision for the future. As the district moves closer to finalizing the language of the referendum in February 2025, the portal will continue to grow with more comprehensive information, including specific project details, financials, and opportunities for community engagement in advance of the April 2025 vote.
From the District Counseling Department
To help us plan for the upcoming parent session, "Understanding the HIB Process," on Tuesday, October 8, please use this registration form to indicate your interest in attending. This important and informative session for all parents/guardians with students in grades Pre-K -12 will be held from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Wilson Elementary School Library.
Pumpkin Patch - Wed, Oct 16
The annual Lincoln School Pumpkin Patch will consist of various fall-themed stations for students: pumpkin picking, pumpkin decorating, games, and stories. Parents and caregivers are welcome to visit during their child’s scheduled time.
Please send a reusable bag; students will use them to bring home their pumpkins (please note, it is unlikely the same bag will be returned to you). The PTO has circulated a volunteer sign-up form through Membership Toolkit.
Halloween Parades and Class Parties - Fri, Oct 25
Halloween parades and class parties will take place Friday, October 25.
Class parents will coordinate with teachers to choose a seasonal game, story, or craft for the Halloween party. Due to severe allergies, no snacks will be served, but students may pack a special treat from home (no candy).
⏰ Timely Arrival
We appreciate your cooperation getting students to school on time each and every day! Late arrivals interrupt the flow of the class, and the late comer requires time to catch up with what the class has already accomplished.
📥Parent Pick-Up & Changes to Dismissal Plans
When the dismissal plan of a student is a parent pick up, it is the expectation that a parent or guardian will pick up. Any change to the plan must be communicated in an email to the teacher and the main office secretaries on the day of the change. The designee for pick up will have to show the teacher a government issued photo ID. These practices help us to manage the safe dismissal of all students.
Sparky's School House provides family-friendly tools for teaching children about fire prevention. These include interactive activities, videos, games, and lesson plans focused on fire safety, such as creating escape plans and understanding smoke alarms. Families can use these resources at home by watching safety videos together, practicing fire drills, and reinforcing important safety tips through fun activities, helping children learn how to stay safe in case of a fire.
Rosh Hashana
Schools will be closed tomorrow and Friday, October 3 and 4, in observance of Rosh Hashanah. Wishing all who observe a healthy and happy new year!
Hispanic Heritage Month
3: School closed
4: School closed
7: Week of Respect
10: PTO Executive Board Meeting
11: Training Day
14: School Closed (Columbus Day / Indigenous Peoples' Day)
16: Pumpkin Patch | Family Fall Social (rain date 10/20)
21: Food Drive through 11/15
25: Halloween Parade & Class Parties (rain date 10/28)
1: Training Day | Diwali | First Day of American Indian Heritage Month
3: Daylight Savings Time Ends
5: Election Day | Early Dismissal for Staff In-Service
6: Early Dismissal for Staff In-Service
7-8: School Closed
11: Veterans' Day
12: Picture Retake Day
12-13: Fall Book Fair
14: PTO General Membership Meeting
18-19: Parent Teacher Conferences | Early Dismissal
27: Early Dismissal
28-29: School Closed