Hackett Newsletter

May 29, 2024
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Hello Hackett families,
I hope this newsletter finds you all doing well. It is hard to believe the school year is coming to a close on June 7th. It has been wonderful having our 4th and 5th graders back on campus.
Our goal as a school is 200,000 reading steps and we are currently over 100,000 steps. One step is 15 minutes of reading. We are asking all families to read 30 minutes per night with their student(s).
Daily attendance is essential to ensure students are learning, growing and achieving at their highest levels. Our current daily attendance rate is 91.6% and out goal is to increase this to 95% daily attendance rate. Please make sure to send your students to school on time each day!
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the main office at 608-361-2405.
Have a wonderful week!
Mr. McReynolds, Hackett Principal
ABC Countdown to Summer
Free Meals for Kids this Summer In Beloit
Summer is quickly approaching, which means our summer food program is back. Our district collaborates with the U.S. Department of Agriculture to provide free meals to children in our community during the summer. No need to worry about income requirements—any child aged 18 and under is able to receive a nutritious meal.
Please see the complete list of locations, dates, and times below.
Summer School - Register Today!
Summer school registration is in full swing - register your student today! Our district is proud to offer a comprehensive summer school program with free breakfast, lunch, and snacks. Whether your child needs to catch up, get ahead, or explore new interests, our summer school program has something for everyone.
Summer School Dates
Summer school will begin on June 25 and conclude on August 1.
Summer School Locations
Converse Elementary, Todd Elementary, and our Cunningham Building.
Important District Dates
Last Day of School for Seniors: Thursday, June 6
Last day of School for 4k-11 grade students: Friday, June 7
Class of 2024 Graduation: Saturday, June 8
2024-25 School Registration: June 11th @ Kolak Education Center
First Day of Summer School: June 25
2024 Hackett Summer Events
Summer Events
-Save the date for the following summer fun events at Hackett. All events will be on the Hackett campus on the dates/times listed below:
Friday, June 14th from 9-10:30am (Donuts & Coffee on the playground)
Tuesday, June 25th from 11-12:15pm (Food Truck w/ Howie)
Friday, August 2nd from 4-5:30pm (Popsicles & Games)
There will also be computers on hand to complete registration for the 2024-2025 school year.
FREE Parenting Classes!
Drop off and Pick Up
Hackett families,
I know that arrival and dismissal are busy times of our school day, but please be mindful of others as you are dropping off and picking up students. We want to ensure our students and families are safe during these times. When parking on surrounding streets, please do not block driveways or fire lanes, and allow students/families to cross. Please drop your students on the lane closest to the school on Locust, Grand Ave, 8th and inside the parking lot circle drive.
In addition, due to the safety of our students and staff, as well as students losing instructional time, we are no longer allowing student to be picked up early at the end of the day (after 2:40pm).
Please do not come to the office to pull your students from class at the end of the day unless it is an emergency or a scheduled appointment. School dismisses at 3:00pm and pickup is on the playground.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Read 200,000
Our school goal is to read 200,000 steps as a school, which is the equivalent of reading 3 million minutes. Each step is 15 minutes. Students typically read 30 minutes (2 steps) a day, and we are asking students to read 30 minutes (2 steps) at home each night. Right now, we are over 100,000 steps and well on our way to reaching our school wide goal. Thank you for your partnership.
School Hours and Early Release
Start and Stop Times
Elementary: 7:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Early Dismissal Times
Our early dismissal days continue on the first and third Wednesday of each month. Our first early dismissal day is September 20.
Elementary: 1:30 p.m.
Hackett's Mission and Vision
“It all begins with hopes and dreams...
inspiring diverse learners to be career, college and community ready.”
Our work: “Every student. Every day. Whatever it takes.”
Be kind. Be well. Be strong. Be your best.
Mr. McReynolds
Ms. Moore
Ms. Hereford
Location:625 8th Street, Beloit, WI, USA
Phone: (608) 361-2405