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The Monday Minute
Week of October 10th @ LVMS
We hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend!
Highlights from Last Week
Congratulations to all students that participated in and ran for a Student Council position!
Upcoming Dates
10/11- WTS BOE Meeting - 7:30 PM
10/13- Cyber Security Assembly
10/14- 7th Grade Field Trip
10/20- LVMS Bus Evacuation Drill: During student arrival
10/21 - Final Date to Submit Winter Sports Physicals / Paperwork: 2:30 PM
11/1-11/4- PTA Sponsored Scholastic Book Fair
11/2- PTA Meeting: 7PM LVMS Library
11/10-11/11- ALL SCHOOLS CLOSED - NJEA Convention
11/14- Boys/Girls Basketball Tryouts (7th / 8th Grade)
11/15- WTS BOE Meeting: 7PM
11/23- Early Dismissal
11/24-11/25- ALL SCHOLS CLOSED - Thanksgiving
WINTER SPORTS UPDATE: Registration for Winter Sports (Boys and Girls Basketball) is now beginning! Physicals and Paperwork are due by October 21st at 2:30 PM. IINCOMPLETE AND LATE FORMS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. More information included below!
STUFF THE BUS: Next will be the LVMS Stuff the Bus Item Drive sponsored by the National Junior Honor Society. More information included below!
Week of Respect Activities
LVMS Student Council
We are proud to introduce our 2022-23 LVMS Student Council Leaders:
President: Maddie Buchanan
Vice President: Rilyn Paumi
Secretary: Olivia Heydorn
Treasurer: Case McKinney
Thank you to all of the candidates for running and participating!
Daily Announcements
PickUp Patrol
Stuff the Bus - Item Drive
National Junior Honors Society (NJHS) is hosting the "Stuff the Bus" Item Drive for the Long Valley Interfaith Food Pantry from October 17th - 21st. All items can be brought to homeroom each morning during this week.
Items that are needed are listed below!
LVMS Library Corner
House Wars - Spirit Points Update!
Our school wide competition this year is called HOUSE WARS!
Your child’s homeroom will be working together to earn Spirit points for your House!
What are spirit points? And how do you earn them?
Spirit Points are earned by student and staff participation in our Spirit Days. Peer leaders will
come around to homerooms on spirit days to tally up the number of participants in each house.
Winners will be announced after each spirit day and 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place houses will receive SPIRIT POINTS.
As of 10/10 here is our Spirit Points update! Stay tuned for upcoming spirit days!
For more information on Winter Spots Please CLICK HERE
For Sports Participation Forms Please CLICK HERE
Tryout Date: Monday, November 14th
Tryout Date: Monday, November 14th
*Please be aware, Boys and Girls Basketball is only available to 7th and 8th Grade Students*
Check out the LVMS Sports Portal for all schedules / sports team updates.
Any questions can be directed to individual coaches or to Mr. Mitch Schlesinger, LVMS Sports Coordinator
Athletics - Fall Sports
Boys Soccer
Boys soccer will be off until their practice on Thursday 10/13. Their next game is away on Friday 10/14 at Black River Middle School.
Coach: Mr. Petrucelli
Girls Soccer
Girls soccer will will practice Tuesday - Thursday this week after school. Their next game is away on Friday 10/14 at Black River Middle School.
Coach: Mr. Demarest
Girls Field Hockey
Field Hockey will play today (10/11) at home versus Mount Olive Middle School. Good Luck!
Coach: Ms. Kozimor
Boys and Girls Cross Country
Cross Country practice will continue after school today (10/11). The next meet is tomorrow (10/12) at home versus Mendham Township Middle School. Run fast Panthers!
Coach: Mrs. Erbe
PTA Events & Information
Join or Renew Your 2022-23 PTA Membership
Staff membership $15
Color Run Event Update
The 10/16 Family Color Run event has been cancelled due to low registration numbers. Refunds have been issued. Thank you to everyone who has participated in the fundraising portion of the Color Run.
6th & 7th Grade Fall Socials - Registration is Open
7th Grade Scavenger Hunt. October 21, 6-8 p.m. Don’t miss this outdoor scavenger hunt in the LVMS Back Field. Chaperones and supplies needed. Please click here to help.
6th Grade Skate Social, November 3, 6-8 p.m. Villa Roller Rink, 2121 Route 57 Washington, NJ. Wear your best glow attire at this drop-off event for 6th graders. Sign up HERE to chaperone.
Apply for a Teacher Grant
To our LVMS Teachers: Do you have an idea not covered by your current budget that will take your curriculum to the next level? Apply for a PTA Teacher Grant today! Applications will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis throughout the 2022-23 school year, as funds allow.
Scholastic Book Fair, 11/1-4
The Book Fair is coming to LVMS November 1-4. Students can shop during the school day. Payment can be cash, credit card or via the student eWallet, which is a safe, cashless way to shop the fair in-school or online. To preview the book list, fair details, and set up e-wallet, click here.
PTA Meeting with Guest Speaker Sergeant Robert Oranchak, 11/2
Save the date and plan to attend our next monthly meeting on Wednesday, 11/2 at 7 p.m. in the LVMS Library. Sergeant Robert Oranchak will join us to talk about school safety and his role at LVMS in keeping our kids safe.
Save the Date for these PTA Events! Visit www.Lvmspta.org for details
10/21 - 7th Grade Fall Social/Scavenger Hunt, 6-8 p.m., LVMS Back Field, Click to register
11/1-4 - Scholastic Book Fair
11/2 - PTA Meeting
11/3 - 6th Grade Fall Social, Villa Roller Rink. Registration details to follow
Long Valley Middle School
Website: www.wtschools.org
Location: 51 West Mill Road, Long Valley, NJ, USA
Phone: 908-876-3434