SY 2024-2025- updated 7/11/24

School Year 2024-2025
Rolling Ridge Office Staff
JuliAnn Lopez, Principal
Lisa Conetta-Lee, Assistant Principal
Maria Parker, Administrative Secretary
Janet Rocha, Attendance Clerk
Carmen Lau, Bilingual Clerk
Veronica Maraj-Solorzano, Health Tech
Kattia Gironas, School Nurse
Office Hours
Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Phone: (909)628-9375 | Fax: (909)548-6077
Website: www.chino.k12.ca.us/RollingRidge
Follow us on Instagram:
The office is closed weekends, during school holidays, and breaks.
Board of Education
Sonia Shaw, President
John Monroe, Vice-President
Andrew Cruz, Clerk
James Na, Member
Donald L. Bridge, Member
Dr. Norm Enfield, Superintendent
Welcome Page
It is with great pleasure that we take this opportunity to welcome you to Rolling Ridge Elementary School. We are incredibly proud of the programs we offer our students, and we encourage you to make the most of your time with us.
We developed this handbook to help you and your child learn as much as possible about school policies and procedures and the services we offer. It is a quick reference guide you will find useful as questions arise throughout the school year.
Vision Statement
Rolling Ridge develops students who are excellent readers, thinkers, communicators, and citizens of highest character.
Mission Statement
The Rolling Ridge community consists of staff, students, and families who are committed to ensure high levels of learning, for all students, in a safe and caring environment. Student learning is developed through a focus on professional learning communities, excellent instruction, and family involvement.
Core Beliefs
- All students can learn.
- High academic expectations can be met through excellent teaching and active learning. Each student has unique strengths that are recognized and nurtured.
- Each student has unique needs that are recognized and addressed. Building character is as important as building minds.
- Parents/guardians are our partners in the educational system.
- Collaboration, cooperation, and mutual respect are essential in the learning environment. Community partners are essential to enriching the lives of students.
- We provide excellent service to all students.
- Positive school climate supports student learning.
Spirit Day
Every Friday is Rolling Ridge Spirit Day! All students and staff are encouraged to wear our school colors/shirts (blue or red), or designated theme of that week!
School Schedule
Rolling Ridge Elementary Bell Schedule 2024-2025
Bell Schedules
Grades 1-6 (M, T, Th, F)
7:50 AM- 2:30 PM
Wednesday Minimum Days 7:50 AM- 11:20 AM
Kindergarten (M, T, W, TH, F)
AM- 7:50 AM- 11:10 AM
PM- 11:10 AM- 2:30 PM
(On Wednesday-all students AM and PM attend AM session)
Wednesday Minimum Days 7:50 AM-11:10 AM
Preschool (M, T, TH, F) 7:50 AM- 1:20 PM
Wednesday Minimum Days 7:50 AM-11:10 AM
Gates Open at 7:40 AM Students must be in line at 7:48 AM
Student Drop-Off
- Drop off & Pick up: Traffic flow is in one direction only (counter clockwise) around the parking lot.
- Drop off & Pickup: Pull forward in the traffic circle ( do not leave a big gap). STAY IN YOUR VEHICLE if you drop off or pick up from the traffic circle. Do NOT leave car unattended. ALL STUDENTS MUST EXIT ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE VEHICLE.
- Pick up: All students will be escorted to the front of the school. Only Preschool and Kindergarten parents are allowed to park and pick up their students.
- Pick up: Parents, please be aware that there is NO supervision at the park on the corner of Calle San Marcos and Olympic View. The park may or may not be a safe place for students to "hang out" unsupervised after school.
- Do not walk across the traffic flow line or the entrance/exit of the parking lot. Only walk on sidewalks and crosswalks.
- Please, Only cross on Calle San Marcos at the crosswalks (no jaywalking). This is for your safety!
- Please do not park on the red lines, loading zone, and assigned staff parking spaces.
UPDATE from Chino Hills Sheriff's Dept.:
Our handbook is organized in alphabetical order.
Academic Program
Rolling Ridge Elementary School uses the district-adopted curriculum at all grade levels. A copy of the California Content Standards is given to parents at the beginning of the school year. Information regarding Common Core State Standards can be found: http://www.cde.ca.gov/re/cc/index.asp
All parents must have an Aeries parent portal to receive important messages from our school and district. All data confirmation which includes emergency contacts is accessed through the portal and must be current with at least three emergency contacts. Parents are responsible for updating the information.
Animals on School Grounds
Dogs and other animals are not permitted on school grounds for safety and health reasons. We believe that it is in the best interest of safety that parents do not walk or bring their dogs or pets to the school when dropping off or picking up their children. Family pets should not be brought onto school grounds or into the school office except for registered service dogs.
Assessment Information
Each teacher will inform parents how they assess student progress as part of the Back-to-School Night information. At the fall parent/teacher conference, teachers will review grade-level standards, show student samples and district assessments. Teachers in grades 3-6 will also review SBAC procedures.
At all assemblies, it is the responsibility of students to show courtesy and respect for those presenting at the assembly and for their peers. Talking and disruptive or disrespectful behavior will result in the removal of the student(s) from the assembly and possible further discipline.
Our goal is to have 98% actual attendance to ensure the best education possible for all our students. It is state law that all children attend school for the time that school is in session. All absences and tardies must be accounted for. Should your child be absent or tardy for any reason, please do one of the following: call the school on the day of the absence, or report the absence online at the school website. If your child is tardy, they must come to the office, be added to the tardy log, and take a tardy slip before going to class.
According to state law, the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of students are responsible for a student’s school attendance until he or she attains the age of 18 or graduates from high school. Any student absent from school without a valid excuse 3 days or tardy more than 30 minutes on each of 3 days in one school year shall be reported truant (Education Code 48260ff).
Students should be in school every day for the full instructional day. Please plan doctor and dentist appointments and family outings after the school day.
Legally, students must be in school unless one of the four valid excuses (Illness, Doctor’s appointment, attending a funeral of a family member, quarantine by health officer) applies. All notes must be submitted within 5 business days.
When a child is absent:
· Try to make illness the only reason that students are absent.
· Notify the attendance desk by 9:00 a.m., either online (CLICK HERE) or by phone (909-628-9375), to state the reason. If a call has not been made, a written note is required. Or you may email the Attendance Clerk, Janet_Rocha@chino.k12.ca.us
· When a student is absent, makeup work will be available after school if a request is made prior to 9:00 a.m.
· Students are expected to make up work at a rate of one day grace for each day of being absent.
· Stay home if a fever is 100.4 F or higher.
· Return when fever has gone away without fever-reducing medication for a full night.
· Stay home if your student’s stool is likely to leak or if they are unlikely to make it to the toilet in time. If the stool looks bloody or black, seek medical attention.
· Return when improving.
· Stay home if vomiting has occurred two or more times in 24 hours.
· Return when vomiting has ended overnight, and your student can hold down liquids and food.
Early check out
Students may not be checked out of school during the last 15 minutes of the day. Instructional time is critical to students' progress; please try to schedule medical appointments after school hours. Please notify the teacher before early checkout (at least 24 hours in advance). Students who are checked out early lose valuable instruction time and should only be checked out for family emergencies or medical appointments.
In some cases when students must be absent from school, short-term independent study is available to avoid the truancy declaration and to help return funding. Independent study does have specific guidelines. The office has more information. (Independent study guidelines are subject to change).
Awards Programs
One of the most important aspects of our school is the recognition of positive student effort, behavior, and achievement. We know that verbal praise is a very important and immediate way to recognize student achievement. In addition, our school recognizes students in many other ways:
Each teacher, grades K – 6th, determines which students receive these awards for various areas of accomplishments and achievements.
Golden Spike Awards – Positive Behavior and Academic Success
A school-wide recognition system is used as part of our positive behavior system to encourage students to excel. Teachers recognize students who have met or exceeded the school's high expectations.
Attendance Improvement Awards
The attendance improvement awards are for students who maintain a 98% attendance rate per trimester.
Unexcused tardies will result in the loss of the Attendance Improvement Award.
Other Students Recognitions/Awards
· Fine Art Showcases and performances
· Odyssey of the Mind
· Science Fair
A bell will ring 10 minutes prior to the start of the school day to allow students onto the campus. Preschool and Kindergarten students and their parents/escorts are the only ones who are allowed to park and pick up and drop off their students.
All teachers at Rolling Ridge have opted to allow birthday treats in the form of goodie bags only when prearranged with the classroom teacher. Due to health concerns (food allergies and food safety) food items will be accepted inside the goodie bag only, however they need to be store bought and individually wrapped. Also, you may want to consider nonfood items such as pencils, stickers, erasers, bookmarks, etc. Just know that you may drop off your child's goodie bags before school, and they will be passed out at the end of the school day. Although we appreciate your thoughtfulness, please be aware that any food items other than what is inside the goodie bag (such as cupcakes) will not be passed out in class and will have to be returned home. Additionally, please let your classroom teacher know beforehand so time can be set aside at the end of the day near dismissal time to recognize your child's special day.
Gifts/Balloons/Flowers should not be sent to the school. If these items are brought to school, they will remain in the office until the end of the day.
If your child is having a birthday party and inviting everyone in class, invitations may be passed out at school. Please make arrangements with the teacher when this can be done. However, if only a select number of students are being invited, please mail your invitations or deliver them outside of the school day as a courtesy to those not invited.
Breakfast will be served every day from 7:20 – 7:45 a.m. Only students eating breakfast will be allowed to enter into the MPR upon arrival to school. Do not drop off your children before supervision is provided.
Bringing Personal Items to School
Our primary focus is to create a safe and conducive learning environment for all students. Toys, trading cards, and similar items are not allowed to be brought to school unless it is preauthorized by a teacher. Allowing toys and trading cards in school can be distracting and disruptive to the learning process. Additionally the school cannot guarantee the security and safekeeping of personal belongings brought from home. Therefore, it is important to note school is not responsible for any items brought to school by students.
Bus Riders
Glass, animals, gum, eating, and large items are prohibited on the bus. All food and drink must remain in closed containers. Large projects may require that the parents arrange alternate transportation to and from school. Whether the student rides the bus to and from school, or only for field trips, it is imperative that all bus rules be followed. Bus riding is a privilege, not a right. Students who fail to follow rules will be denied bus-riding privileges.
Rolling Ridge parents and teachers recognize the harmful effects of bullying on student learning and school attendance and desire to provide safe school environments that protect students from physical and emotional harm. Student safety at RR is a high priority. Bullying of any student will not be tolerated. No student or group of students shall, through physical, written, verbal, or other means, harass, sexually harass, threaten, intimidate, cyberbully, cause bodily injury to, or commit hate violence against any other student or school personnel.
Cyberbullying includes the transmission of harassing communications, direct threats, or other harmful texts, sounds, or images on the internet, social media, or other technologies using a telephone, computer, or any wireless communication device. Cyberbullying also includes breaking into another person’s electronic account and assuming that person’s identity in order to damage that person’s reputation. If you would like more information about Bullying please click on the link and it will direct you to the Student Support Services website. https://www.chino.k12.ca.us/Page/21710
Campus Cleanliness
Our custodians do a great job keeping our campus looking great. However, it is up to all of us, students, staff, parents, and visitors to help keep it that way. If you see someone littering, remind him or her not to do so. We need to establish a norm of taking pride in our school and campus. If you have any concerns about the cleanliness of the campus, please see the principal or assistant principal.
Campus Clubs and Activities
Rolling Ridge offers students a variety of activities, clubs and enrichment opportunities such as, but not limited to:
· After-school Enrichment Opportunities (i.e. Chess Masters, Rubik's Cube, Stem)
· Christian Release
· Color Guard
· Debate Club
· Garden Club
· Green Team
· Odyssey of the Mind
· Performance Art
· Safe School Ambassadors
· Student Council
Campus Visitors Information-Important Information
No one should be on campus without office clearance. Per Board Policy (BP & AR 1250) all parent volunteers or other visitors must sign in at the office with proper ID for Raptor clearance upon entering the campus and must wear a visitor sticker at all times.
Parents are not allowed on the playground area during school hours at any time. Visitors must sign-out of the office and return the sticker.
Parents who would like to volunteer or visit the classroom must seek the teacher’s prior approval.
Teacher conferences must be prearranged with the teacher (see Classroom Interruptions). Teacher conferences must be prearranged with the teacher (see classroom Interruptions).
Only children who are enrolled at Rolling Ridge can be on school and playground during school hours. Younger siblings and children from other schools are not permitted to visit classrooms as it disrupts classroom routines, impacts behavior management, safety, and it creates liability concerns.
Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices
Per Board Policy (BP 5131, EC 48901.5, EC 48901.7) Any personal electronic signaling device (cellphones or smart watches) may only be used before school begins and after the regular school day ends. The device shall not be used during class and should be put away, and turned off during class time and at any other time as directed by staff. If a staff finds it necessary to confiscate a device, the staff may either return it at the end of the class period or school day or keep it until the teacher has consulted with the student’s parent/guardian. Electronic communication devices are the personal property of students and are voluntarily brought to school. The District assumes no liability for lost, damaged, or stolen personal property.
Child Care/Afterschool Program Pick Up
Before and after school care, Fun Club, is provided on the Rolling Ridge Elementary campus. This district-run program is staffed by highly qualified staff and serves students in grades K-6. Further information may be obtained by calling the childcare at (909) 628-1201 extension 6780.
If your child is being picked up by an outside afterschool program, please notify the front office as there are necessary paperwork that needs to be completed prior to the first day of the outside agency picking up your student.
Classroom Interruptions
School staff shall ensure interruptions are kept to a minimum to allow students to take full advantage of learning opportunities while in the classroom as delineated by Board Policy and Administrative Regulations 6116. Therefore, we make every effort to minimize classroom interruptions.
Teacher conferences must be prearranged with the teacher. The office will be notified in advance if a conference is scheduled. Please do not go directly to the classroom. Teachers can be reached by email, phone message, or by a hand-written note. If students are expecting parents to drop off items at the office, they may check for them inside the office during recess and/or lunch.
Classroom Parties
PTA/Room parents work with the teachers to provide parties for the classroom. This is a great way to getting acclimated and becoming active in your child's classroom. Generally, these occur four times a year- Halloween, Winter break, Valentine's Day, at the end of the year.
Guidelines for parties are:
1 Only room parents are responsible for planning parties.
2. All parties, including food and activities, are to be planned with the teacher.
3. Please keep food allergies in mind when planning activities (i.e. no nuts, nut oils, etc.)
4. Food items must be store/restaurant bought rather than homemade.
Combination Classes
Combination classes are necessary and may occur more than once during your child's educational process at Rolling Ridge Elementary.
We believe communication between home and school is necessary to guarantee the best possible education for our students. We make every effort to inform parents of matters relating to district and school wide policies, procedures and events through this Parent Handbook, the Parent Information Packet at the beginning of the school year, Aeries Communication Systems, Back-to-School Night, Open House and special notices.
Information about your child is communicated through progress reports, report cards, parent conferences, awards, letters, demerits, office referrals, or phone calls. Many teachers send regular notices home outlining classroom events. Most teachers use homework packets or assignment sheets. Basic classroom policies on homework, discipline and classroom management are sent home the first week of school by individual teachers and/or given out at Back-to-School Night.
The most effective way to keep up with your child's progress is by accessing the Aeries Parent Portal on a regular basis or Monday weekly folders.
Emphasize to your child the importance of bringing home all communication from school, and of remembering to show it to you. Be certain to read all notices from school and to follow up appropriately. Monitor progress on projects or reports, and look over homework, student agendas, and test papers. Discuss school events and activities, and attend conferences and events that involve your child.
We also strongly encourage parents to communicate with teachers by email or telephone. The teacher will respond back at a time that does not interfere with instructions. Please allow 24-48 hours for teachers to respond.
If you need to meet with your child's teacher, please arrange a meeting that does not conflict with instructional time. You may call the office to leave a voicemail, send a note with your child, or contact your child's teacher via email. Morning arrival is not an appropriate time to conference with your child's teacher.
Curriculum is consistent with the California Common Core State Standards and the Chino Valley Unified School District's adopted core curriculum for each grade level. Students receive instruction in Language Arts reading and writing, mathematics, science, social studies, and physical education. Grades K-6 receive instruction in art. Grades 2-6 receive instruction in music. Emphasis is placed on 21st century skills for students.
The following is a summary of the general curriculum studied in the elementary school grades:
Reading and Language Arts:
Students use, district adopted, English Language Arts (McGraw-Hill; Wonders) and other adopted supplemental programs. These programs provide a developmental reading curriculum for teaching and practicing phonics, comprehension strategies and skills, writing, and critical thinking skills. Accessing content, locating evidence, understanding informational texts and vocabulary development are also an integral part of the program.
Students use, the district adopted, Pearson-Envision (K-5) and the Big Ideas (6th) programs. Instruction is designed to develop students’ understanding of mathematical concepts and problem-solving strategies. Students in grades 1st through 4th participate in the Math + Music program designed to exercise students’ higher order thinking skills and increase spatial temporal reasoning.
Science instruction is provided at each grade level using Twig, the District’s adopted curriculum. Twig aligns with the Next Generation Science Standards, a hands-on inquiry-based approach that allows for active engagement. Twig Science is the district adopted curriculum for students grades K-6.
Social Studies:
The Social Studies curriculum integrates the study of history and geography with humanities and other social science fields. Harcourt Reflections is the District-adopted publisher for the social science texts in K-5th and Holt Ancient Civilizations for 6th grade.
Technology is incorporated into classroom instruction through use of Chromebooks, ViewSonic ViewBoards, listening posts, digital document cameras, and LCD projectors. Rolling Ridge is up to date with one-to-one devices provided to each classroom. The computers contain software in all core curricular areas in order to assist students with academic success utilizing 21st century learning skills.
Physical Education, Health, Music and Art
Physical Education, Health, Music and Art are integrated throughout the curriculum. Fourth grade students receive instruction on recorders by a certificated teacher. Band and Choir are offered to students in Fifth and Sixth grade.
For more information on Common Core State Standards and CVUSD adopted core curriculum please click on the following link: https://www.chino.k12.ca.us/Page/1023
In most cases, divorced parents continue to have equal educational rights (such as access to information) where their children are concerned. If you have a court order that limits the rights of one parent in matters such as custody, visitation, access, etc., please provide a copy for the school. Unless your court order is on file in the office, we must provide equal rights and access to both natural parents. If both parents wish copies of student reports, discipline information, etc.; please notify your child's teacher at the beginning of the school year.
See Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Office Referral Definitions, and School wide Discipline Flowchart.
At dismissal, all students are to walk directly to the pick up area along the fence by the north playground. Students are to remain on the walkways and off the planter areas and planter walls at all times. For supervision/safety reasons, younger siblings should not wait by classrooms. All students must be in a supervised area while waiting to meet siblings/friends. Students remaining on campus after their parent/ guardian has arrived must be actively supervised by their parent/guardian.
Dress Code-Important Information as Dress Code will be Enforced
Students should wear comfortable, casual clothing that permits running, freedom of movement, and is washable so as not to be ruined by participation in P.E. or Art. Comfort and good taste are the guiding principles in clothing selection.
Student grooming that interferes with or detracts from an environment conducive to academic learning or study, disrupts or threatens to disrupt the educational or instructional process, or creates an unnecessary or unreasonable risk of injury to any student is prohibited.
AR 5132 of the CVUSD Board Policy addresses Student Dress Code. This policy information is on the District web site. Please note that the above are minimum guidelines. For clarification, please note the following:
1. All shoes must have a restraining strap across the back. Sandals and open-toes shoes are discouraged for safety reasons. Students should wear shoes appropriate for running and vigorous physical activity.
2. Platform shoes, high heels, clogs, flip-flop style, shoes with wheels, and backless shoes are prohibited.
3. Wearing ripped and/or torn clothing from the neck to the ends of the fingertips is prohibited during the school day.
4. All hats shall be worn appropriately. The bill of the hat must face forward and hats shall be removed while indoors.
5. Tank tops must have straps at least 2" wide. Spaghetti straps are not permitted. No oversized arm holes.
6. Skirts, shorts, or skirts must be no shorter than mid-thigh.
7. Appropriate PE clothing should be worn on days designated for PE (i.e. tennis shoes, proper clothing, etc.)
8. Shirts must meet the waistline of pants, shorts, or skirts.
These dress code restrictions will be enforced. In cases of inappropriate student dress (i.e., wearing makeup, coloring hair, etc.), parents will be contacted and may be asked to bring a change of clothing to school. Repeated infractions will result in further discipline.
Please feel free to contact us with questions. In accordance with District policy, "In cases of questionable dress, the Principal will make the final decision."
Early Arrivals
Students must not arrive before 7:20 AM because adult supervision is not available. Students must avoid eating, playing with toys or balls, running or playing in front of the school before and after school to ensure safety. Once the gate has been opened in the morning, the students must head directly to the black top and line up unless on rainy days students line up by their classroom.
Emergencies/Emergency Cards
The staff at Rolling Ridge Elementary School is trained to provide care for all students in an
emergency. Both the district and the school site have a comprehensive emergency plan. Each staff member is assigned specific duties. Our primary responsibility is to account for all students and ensure their safety.
Upon completion of data confirmation, please print the emergency care and health history document. These documents must be on file for each student. This information is used for day-to-day student release and for emergency contact in the event of injury or illness. The documents also list allergies, pre-existing medical conditions, authorizes first aid, and in an extreme emergency, treatment by emergency medical personnel and/or transport to a medical facility.
It is extremely important that this card contain the full (first and last) name of each person authorized to pick up the student. This includes the names of parents, any stepparents, older siblings, relatives, friends, baby-sitters, and neighbors who have your permission to pick up your child. Someone should be available to pick up your child within 15 minutes of a call from school. We cannot accept telephone calls to release students to individuals not on the emergency card.
It is imperative that we be notified immediately if any information changes. Please do not jeopardize the health and safety of your child by forgetting to update his/her emergency card or by failing to provide complete information.
English Language Learners
English Language Learners (ELL) will be clustered in classes. Parents and teachers will be informed of student's placement in the program at the beginning of the year. Teachers will also be informed of student's ability levels for lesson planning and grading purposes. The ELPAC is the current required state test for English language proficiency and must be given to students whose primary language is other than English.
State and federal law require local educational agencies to administer a state test of English language proficiency (ELP) to eligible students in kindergarten through grade twelve. The ELPAC is aligned with the 2012 California English Language Development Standards. It is comprised of two separate ELP assessments: one for the initial identification of students as English learners (ELs), and a second for the annual summative assessment to measure a student's ELP level and progress.
More information about the ELPAC can be found at: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/ep/
Field Trips and Fundraising
Field trips are an extension of the classroom and should provide
experiences related to the curriculum. Dress for field trips should be appropriate to the activity and must still adhere to the district and school dress code guidelines. Chaperones are arranged and will be confirmed by teachers. Students are required to ride the bus to and from all field trips.
In accordance with California law, all fundraising activities must be approved by the Board of Education. Field trips, assemblies, library books, computer software, and instructional materials are just a few of the wonderful educational contributions these fund-raisers bring to our school.
We encourage you to support our PTA fund-raisers, to support student activities. PTA's primary goal is to enhance the educational opportunity for all students.
Please do not allow your children to sell to strangers. We encourage them to limit recruitment to family, friends, teammates, and parents' coworkers. While it is our desire to have highly successful fund-raisers, our primary concern is the safety and well-being of our students. Outside fundraisers, such as Girl Scout Cookies, etc. are not permitted on campus by students.
GATE Program
We have many gifted and high-achieving students in our school. GATE students are clustered per grade level. Curriculum for GATE students will include enrichment and extension of appropriate activities so students are provided with greater depth of critical thinking and problem solving skills. There is no additional or extra work provided.
All second-grade students will be tested in the Fall Semester. Parents will receive results directly from the GATE Office, not the school site.
See Standards-Based Grading Policy
Health Services
Our school has the part-time services of a nurse and a health technician. While on duty, it is their role to see to the physical well being of our students. Our nurse is on campus weekly; the health technician is on campus from 7:50-1:50 PM each day. These are the most desirable times to communicate with them concerning medical/health information. The office staff provides coverage for student health needs at other times during the school day when the nurse or health technician is not on duty.
Medications of any kind (including over the counter items prescribed by a physician) must be brought to the Health Office for dispensing. They must be in the original container and must be accompanied by a Parent/Physician Medication Permission Form. These forms are available from the Health Office. No medication can be administered at school without proper authorization. Students may not have any medication, including aspirin or cough drops, on their person.
Routine screenings for hearing and vision acuity are provided for all new students and at certain grade levels.
Homework shall be assigned according to the district's adopted guidelines listed below:
Kindergarten: Homework assignments shall stimulate students to talk often with their parents/guardians. Teachers shall encourage parents/guardians to read and discuss stories with their children.
Homework assignments in grades 1-6 shall be designed to be completed within:
1st Grade
10-20* minutes/day
2nd Grade
20-30* minutes/day
3rd Grade
30-45* minutes/day
4th-6th Grades
60-90* minutes/day
Students are required to read 15-20 minutes each day, in addition to regularly assigned homework. (AR 6154)
Homework will consist of activities that reinforce, review, and extend learning. It will not be new material but will be based on skills and concepts that were taught and explained in class. Homework will be assigned four days per week (Monday-Thursday), homework will provide practice from the school day.
In some cases, class work not completed during the school day will be added to the regular homework assignment. If your child consistently has more than the recommended amount of homework, or consistently says he/she does not have homework, please contact the teacher.
Students are expected to:
· Bring all necessary materials to class
· come to school prepared
· do their best
· complete tasks and assignment on time
Please establish homework routines at home.
Students are not allowed back in their classroom at the end of the day to retrieve forgotten items, including homework, books, etc., unless their teacher is available to let them in.
0-2 Missing/ Incomplete Assignment
Teacher Warning
3-4 Missing/ Incomplete Assignment
Note or email home
5-6 Missing/ Incomplete Assignment
Note or email home / Homework grade lowered
7-8 Missing/ Incomplete Assignment
Teacher contacts parents by phone or email / Homework grade
8-10 Missing/ Incomplete Assignment
Teacher conference with parents / Homework grade lowered
10+ Missing/ Incomplete Assignment
Conference with Administrator, Teacher, Parents, and Student
Independent Study-Short Term
If your child must be absent from school for 5 days or more, you may request a Short- Term Independent Study Contract. This request must be made at least two weeks before the absences and should be directed to the Office Staff as well as the teacher. The teacher will provide 4 hours of work for each school day of the absence. All work must be completed and turned in on the date stated on the contract (normally the first day back) otherwise no credit will be given. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Based upon the quality and amount of work, the Independent Study Coordinator will apportion credit. Remember, it requires 4 hours a day of work. Independent Study is not offered throughout the entire school year, so please check with the office staff prior to making any plans in order to see if Independent Study is available for your child's absence.
Independent Study does not provide the full educational opportunity your child has in school. Independent Study Contracts can help keep your child from getting behind and may prevent him/her from being declared truant. Please use this option judiciously and make every effort to plan vacations and out of town trips during school holidays.
Instructional Time
Time on task is the single most important controllable factor in learning. We are committed to preserving our instructional minutes for academic purposes. This means that we must keep classroom interruptions to a minimum.
We will not call classrooms for forgotten homework, lunches, band instruments, or other items. Students are instructed to check at the office prior to lunch or band. Homework or
other small items will be placed in the teacher's mailbox.
Please do not ask a teacher to talk with you for "just a minute" at the beginning of the day, end of a recess, or when class is in session. Each minute lost, multiplied by the number of children in the classroom, equals lost instructional time.
(See "Communication" for additional information)
The purpose of the Academic Intervention Program is to help reduce the potential for retention. District criteria for student participation in any/all Intervention Programs will be based on:
· Below grade level expectations on district and/or state assessments
· Universal FAST Screening
· Standards not being met
· Poor classroom performance
· Teacher recommendation
Our school library is a valuable resource for our students. Students
generally visit the library once a week. They may have only one library book checked out at a time. If they forget their book on library day, they will not be allowed to check out another book.
Library bound books are very expensive. It is very important that students take care of all school and library books.
We also encourage you to take your child to the public library on a regular basis. The public library is one of our most valuable community resources. Reading is a very important habit to foster in children.
All textbooks and Chromebooks are barcoded and are checked out to each individual student through our Library system as well as all student workbooks. Students are responsible for school property they use or checkout. If a student loses, damages, or misplaces school property, parents will be notified and expected to reimburse the school. Damage to books includes ripped or torn pages, water damage, graffiti, missing pages, damaged covers, etc. We highly recommend that all textbook be covered to avoid damage and excessive wear. Parents will be expected to reimburse the school for damage to Chromebooks that cannot be repaired by our Technology Department.
*Please see the school website to sign up for Technology Insurance option that will cover expenses in the event your Chromebook is damaged.*https://www.chino.k12.ca.us/Page/26609
Lost and Found
Please label all your child's belongings to help prevent loss. Found items of clothing are placed on the lost and found rack located near the upper elementary restrooms. Small items of value such as watches, glasses, jewelry, etc. are brought to the office where they are kept in a safe place until claimed by their owner. Please encourage your child to periodically check the Lost and Found clothing to claim items. Several times a year (Winter Break, Spring Break, end of year) unclaimed items are donated to local charities.
Lunch and Expectations
Breakfast and lunch are free this year. Free and reduced priced student lunches are available for families who qualify. Applications are available online at: https://www.chino.k12.ca.us/domain/2231
Parents are NOT allowed to eat lunch with their children.
Students are expected to eat lunch every day, including on minimum days. Children learn better and have more energy if they eat regular meals and maintain a constant level of nourishment. Be sure to send a nourishing lunch or purchase a lunch every day.
In order to preserve the instructional time for all students, we will not interrupt classrooms for forgotten lunches therefore parents may not drop off lunches to their students in the front office once school has started. A school lunch will be provided if lunch is forgotten.
Please review the following with your child so all students have a pleasant lunch experience every day!
1. Use good manners at all times.
2. Students are to stand quietly in the lunch line.
3. Use only a level 1 voice in the lunch line or eating area and limit conversation to respectful topics.
4. Students may move seats if asked by a playground supervisor.
5. Keep hands, feet, objects, and food to yourself.
6. Keep your area clean.
7. Raise your hand, look toward the supervisors, and wait to be excused. Wait quietly for the signal.
8. Put all litter in the appropriate trashcan, and walk quietly to the playground.
9. When dismissed, check on, under, and around your area for trash. Pick up any trash - even if it's not yours.
IMPORTANT - All students are expected to eat lunch - even on minimum days. Parents must write a note before we can allow any child to skip lunch- including for religious reasons. Students must follow the same procedures as if they had eaten. Please remember that children learn better when they have sufficient fuel and water for their brains.
Minimum Days
Our weekly minimum day is Wednesday. Dismissal time is 11:20 a.m. for grades 1 – 6 and 11:10 a.m. for Kindergarten. Please watch out for the newsletter and/ or communications from teachers for any additional changes such as additional minimum days for parent conferences and staff development.
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)- Academic/Behavior
Intervention teacher works in collaboration with teachers to identify studenst who need support in academics and the MTSS-B counselor will support with socio-emotional areas regarding the school setting. The counselor leads small groups of students as they learn strategies to be successful in school. The teacher supports in small groups with academic intervention. A Student Excellence Plan (STEP) meeting is held with administrator, teachers, and parents prior to enrollment in intervention .
Notices come home as needed to keep our school community informed. These may include assignment sheets, homework or project assignments, PTA and class newsletters, and other valuable information. Please emphasize with your child that it is vitally important that all notices from school be given to you. Additional information may be provided in the weekly Monday folders or on our Rolling Ridge Website, through Parent Square, or through the Aeries Parent Portal.
See also communication
Off Limits Areas for Students
Students are not to play in the lunch area, between or behind classroom buildings, covered walkways, or near the storage bins by the play structure. Solid yellow lines mark the playground area. Students must avoid playing on the hillside/slope areas and must always be visible to supervisors. Students are always to remain on the walkways and off the planter areas and planter walls. The staff lounge, workroom, adult restrooms, Xerox machine and other equipment are off limits to children.
Office Referral Definitions
A district-wide, PBIS endorsed, and SWIS approved flowchart can be located in the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports section of this handbook.
Parent-Teacher Conf., Volunteer, Partnership, Observation Info/Opportunities
We encourage frequent communication between teachers and parents. The first, and usually best person to contact about any concern dealing with your child is the classroom teacher. Please speak to your student's teacher before scheduling an appointment to speak to an administrator. However, if the incident is severe and can be classified as an immediate threat to your child's safety and well-being, then please contact administration right away.
Parent conferences are scheduled at the end of the first six weeks of class. It is very important that parents attend these conferences. Your child's teacher will arrange a time to meet with you. Second-trimester conferences may be set by the teacher or requested by parents. Also, at any time when a teacher or parent feels there is a need, a meeting may be scheduled. Please call the office to leave a message or send a note to the teacher. Effective parent conferences require planning and preparation by the parent(s) and the teacher(s). Write down any concerns, questions, or observations you wish to discuss.
Only classroom volunteers will be allowed on campus to support learning in the classroom. As such, non-school age children are not permitted on campus during the school day. There are many jobs that volunteers can do in classrooms. They can listen to children read, help with writing tasks, tutor children, supervise follow-up activities, work with the computers, run learning centers, or teach special lessons. Many parents also provide valuable assistance by volunteering to work on projects at home.
Parents can provide further support at home by stressing the importance of education, by ensuring homework is a priority, by supporting the school's program and activities, and by making sure the child's busy schedule does not leave him/her too tired to effectively carry out the requirements of school. Rolling Ridge offers a variety of ways for parents to become involved at the school site such as: Art Academy, English Learner Advisory Council (ELAC), Fall Family Festival, Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Committee, Partnerships for Learning Network, PTA, Room Parent, and School Site Council (SSC).
For the safety of our students, parents who are on campus ten days or more per month will need to meet with Human Resources to complete a Volunteer Screening Process to be cleared to be on campus.
Successful schools result from parents and school personnel consistently working together. We encourage parent participation through several programs. The Rolling Ridge PTA is an excellent organization made up primarily of parents. They provide valuable program support by paying for field trips, grade level activities, assemblies, instructional materials, library books, computers/software, other school gifts, and by giving thousands of volunteer hours for the benefit all students. We encourage every parent to join PTA, and to participate in and support all the activities of this organization.
Our School Site Council (SSC) is elected by parents and staff members to help set priorities and goals for school improvement.
Our English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) is comprised of parents to help support those students learning to read, write, and speak English.
Our Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) committee works together to set goals and specific actions to achieve those goals for all pupils and each subgroup of pupils including pupils with disabilities, for each of the state priorities and any locally identified priorities.
Our Partnerships for Learning Network committee consists of school staff, parents and community members who will jointly review, plan, and develop a one-year school-parent compact to increase parental engagement.
To visit your child's classroom, please speak to the teacher beforehand so a suitable time can be arranged. Be sure to come to the office to sign in. Administration will not schedule a parent observation without at least a 24-hour notice.
Please come to the office first to sign out your child. The office staff will then call for your child to be dismissed. Parents who come onto campus during school hours to pick up their child will need to wait in the office while their child is called up from the classroom which includes recess/lunch time.
Please notify your teacher in advance that your student will be leaving early. This allows the teacher to have your child's personal belongings ready to go. If you pick up your child without making prior arrangements (especially during lunch time), they, more than likely, will not be able to return to the classroom to gather their personal belongings and/or backpack.
Playground Expectations/Equipment
Conduct and behavior are to be of the highest caliber. School expectations are reviewed with students at the beginning of the year and throughout the year.
Expectations are as follows:
· Fighting, foul language, chase games such as tag (on the blacktop) and "rough- housing" are prohibited.
· Games of catch (any ball-throwing except basketball, four-square or ball wall activities) are to be played on the grass, not the blacktop.
· Tackle football is prohibited. Touch or Flag football may be played at recess and lunch. If "accidental" tackling becomes a problem, football will be suspended for a week or more.
· Students freeze when the bell rings and line up quietly (whistle) straight lines at their classrooms without playing when the signal to line up is given. If students are playing after the bell or in line, then Back on Track tickets may be issued.
· Students must walk on sidewalks and the blacktop. Running is allowed on the blacktop when playing basketball.
· Hard plastic Frisbees are not allowed on the playground. The soft foam ("Nerf type") Frisbees may be permitted at teacher discretion.
· Students must refrain from throwing rocks, dirt, grass, or any other dangerous objects.
· Students must not climb fences, backstops, tetherball poles, or walk in the planters.
· Playing cards, trading cards, and/or electronic games are prohibited. (Exception: cards may be used in some upper-grade classrooms to teach math concepts, i.e., probability.)
· Students cannot buy, sell, or trade any items on campus. (Exception: classroom "stores"; but they may not have prohibited items for sale there.)
· Candy, Gum chewing or sunflower seeds are not allowed at school or on the playground.
Food may not be eaten on the playground. At snack time, food is to be eaten at the blue tables. Healthy snacks are strongly encouraged during first recess. Please do not send your child with a sugary drink or snack. All trash is to be thrown away before playing.
Playground equipment is available in order to provide the appropriate equipment to help students achieve the following: Basic muscular strength, physical agility, worthwhile physical and recreational skills, and the inner qualities of courage, initiative, alertness, self-control, cooperation, and sportsmanship within group activities.
Forbidden items include, but are not limited to, the following: bats, Frisbees, and all types of balls.
1. Keep moving
2. Keep a safe distance between you and other people.
3. No toys, playground balls, jump ropes or other equipment may be taken on to the climbing apparatus.
4. Running or chasing around, on, or under the apparatus is not prohibited. This includes TAG GAMES!
1. Only one person at a time on any slide.
2. Students must sit facing forward on the slide and go down with feet extended in front of them. They may not lie down on their back or stomach or go down headfirst.
3. Holding hands or crossing over on the double slide is prohibited.
4. Climbing up the slide is prohibited.
A Back on Track ticket is enforced for students who show disregard for playground expectations. Parents will be informed if their child receives a Back on Track ticket Parents will sign the Back on Track ticket and return it with their children the next day.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is designed to teach acceptable/ appropriate behaviors, rather than just punishing unacceptable behavior. It must be firm, fair, and consistent. It is essential that every student feel accountable to all school employees for behavior. Anytime a staff member notices a student's behavior, they will take the appropriate action (reward/discipline), whether or not the student is assigned to their classroom and regardless of their position. Fair, consistent student discipline enhances the learning process for all students and ensures a safe learning environment. It is expected that all students will abide by the school's PBIS system. The
PBIS system has as its foundation the following premises:
1. No student shall keep a teacher from teaching or another student from learning.
2. Students will not be permitted to harm themselves or others.
3. Students shall mature emotionally by learning to take responsibility for their actions.
4. Students shall treat others how they would want to be treated.
From these premises, the school-wide expectations have been established and revolve around the three schoolwide expectations of Respect, Responsibility, and Safety:
Each grade level will have their version of the following general classroom expectations:
1. The teacher has the right to teach.
2. Every student has a right to learn.
3. Every student is expected to complete homework and class assignments to the best of their ability.
4. Every student will follow every direction the first time given.
We believe students who choose to follow these rules should be recognized for exhibiting responsible behavior. Students receive "Right on Track" tickets and can earn prizes in our monthly drawing.
Our goal is to provide students with positive reinforcement through compliments and praise for students that are doing the right thing when no one is watching and "catch them having a good attitude".
Children and adults of all ages respond to encouragement and a good word. However, consequences are necessary to ensure rules are followed.
Our school has a policy of progressive discipline. The first time out may consist of a warning. Continued infractions of the rule apply progressive consequences such as note, phone call home, or lost recesses. An office referral will be made when the teacher has reached the end of their progressive discipline plan. However, some severe acts of disobedience or serious misbehavior may earn an office referral immediately. Please refer to the resources below for Rolling Ridge Elementary Discipline Flowchart and Behavior Definitions for further explanation:
See RR Flow Chart at end of the handbook
See Behavior Expectations sheet at the end of the handbook
Parents and students can request for assistance to receive support through our Multi-Tiered Systems of Support by using the below QR code or going to the Parent Request for Assistance section of the Rolling Ridge home page at: https://chino.k12.ca.us/RollingRidge
Severe acts of disobedience may result in suspension or a recommendation for expulsion per the District Behavior Code included in the Parent Information Packet (copies also available in the school office).
Severe acts of disobedience may result in suspension or a recommendation for expulsion per the District Behavior Code included in the Parent Information Packet (copies also available in the school office).
Problem Solving Techniques
Many of the minor disagreements that occur on the playground ("You stepped out", "The ball was on the line", etc.) can be settled by students who have been taught to use "Rock-Paper-Scissors" to solve disputes and through using the strategies students learn in the Second Step Curriculum. This keeps students from losing fun time at recess and also helps them to be problem-solvers.
The following techniques for solving interaction problems have been taught and reinforced with students:
1. Rock, Paper, Scissors
2. TALK to the other person. Tell them, "Please don't do that, it bothers me."
3. WALK away. If the other person persists, tell them again, "Please don't do that, it bothers me", and walk away.
4. TELL an adult. If the child is followed, he/she is to walk directly to an adult supervisor for help. If a child needs to WALK away more than 2 days in a row or has continued problems with the same person, they must tell an adult.
In the event of a severe problem, e.g., hitting, kicking, etc., the child is to go directly to an adult for help and skip steps 1 and 2. Children should never attempt to break up fights, but they should go directly to an adult for help.
Progress Reports/Standards-Based Report Cards
Mid-term progress reports provide an additional communication link with parents concerning the progress of their child. See calendar for dates. Also see: Ed. Code 49067, CVUSD Board Policy 908.01. In accordance with Educational Code 49076 a signature is required by a parent for a student to hand-carry his/her report card/ progress report home.
Rainy Day Schedule/Lunchtime
On rainy days, the staff works especially hard to guard the health and safety of students. On these days, recess is spent in the classroom. Students are given a restroom break and usually play quiet games in the classroom during recess time.
1. The principal or designee will call rainy day schedule whenever the weather appears to be too inclement for the health and safety of children.
2. The rainy-day lunch schedule will be in effect on days when it is too wet and/or unsafe for students to be on the blacktop.
3. The cafeteria supervisors, administrators, and support staff will monitor students to maintain order and safety.
When it's raining before school, students in grades 1-6 should line up outside of their classroom. Students arriving after 7:50 a.m. must sign in at the office. Kindergarten students should go directly to class. Umbrellas must be closed in hallways and classrooms.
Students must avoid running, pushing, loitering, or playing in or near the restrooms. Students should use the restrooms at recess and only use the restroom during an instructional time if it is an emergency. If there is a medical issue that requires your child to use the restroom frequently, please let the teacher know.
Retention in Grade
Assembly Bill 1626 became effective January 1, 1999 and provides for mandatory retention and/or intersession classes for students who do not meet proficiency standards for their grade level.
Parents will be informed as early in the year as possible if a student is in danger of retention based on classroom performance and/or district and state assessments. This does not mean the student will be retained, but an intervention plan will be developed to try to ensure the student's success during the year. Near the end of the year, a meeting will be held to determine if the student has made sufficient progress to advance to the next grade. Most students do make sufficient progress, especially with the combined efforts of the teacher, student, and parent. If the team recommends that retention be in the best interest of the student, parents will be notified.
Parents have 10 days to appeal any retention recommendation.
For more information see AR 5123 under Board Policies on the CVUSD web site.
Safety/Traffic-Important Information
Traffic is very heavy during drop-off and pick-up times. Please adhere to the following traffic safety rules and follow direction of parking lot staff.
1. Students should not be dropped off early or picked up late. There is no supervision before 7:20 A.M. or after 2:40 P.M.
2. Students may be dropped off from the right lane only. There is no stopping, waiting, or passenger loading or unloading in the left lane. For your child's safety in the parking lot - Do Not Drop students off anywhere except for the designated curbside area in front of the school area.
3. If you leave your vehicle, it must be parked in a parking space (in the parking lot) or along the curb on the street. All children must be escorted to and from the curb.
4. During heavy traffic times, parents may wait in their vehicles along the curb in the right hand drop off lane. Do not leave a car unattended in the drop off lane. There is no double-parking or waiting in the left-hand (no stopping) lane.
5. The drop-off lane is for quick loading and unloading of passengers only. If your child needs to put on her shoes, comb his hair, finish eating breakfast, etc., please park in a parking space to avoid impeding traffic flow.
6. Please pull as far forward as possible in the drop-off lane.
7. Do not go around waiting for cars to fill an opening in the drop-off lane. The other vehicles will move up. Please stay in line and wait your turn.
8. Always have children enter vehicles on the curbside. Do not allow them to go into the traffic lane to enter the car.
9. Do not drive into or block the handicap parking areas to drop off children. These spaces are legally reserved for cars with handicap placards or license plates.
10. Please be courteous to cars attempting to leave a parking space or a parking lot exit.
11. Double parking, jaywalking, U-turns, and impeding the flow of traffic all create extreme and unnecessary hazards for our children. Please refrain from these unsafe (and illegal) practices.
12. Never ask your child to run or walk across the street to meet you. Cross streets at crosswalks ONLY.
The traffic moves very quickly and smoothly through our drop-off lane when these rules are followed. Please allow enough time for proper drop-off/pick-up, be patient, wait in line for your turn, and drop off or pick up your children in a manner and place that will help to ensure their safety as well as the safety of others.
Thank you very much for consistently adhering to these procedures that help create a safer environment for everyone.
Students should not arrive at school before 7:20 A.M. since there is no supervision of students beforehand, and they should be picked up promptly at dismissal time. When picking up your child, if you have parked your car either on the street or in a parking space, please wait for your child outside the gate or by the office. Siblings should remain in front of the school where supervision is available. Students should not be dropped off no later than 7:48 a.m., students are expected to be seated in class at 7:50 a.m.
There is no left turn in or out of the parking lot!
Saturday School
The purpose of Saturday School is to recoup Average Daily Attendance (ADA) that is lost due student absences. Invitations to Saturday School are sent home with eligible students several times throughout the school year. Please check with the Office Staff for any questions.
Science Fair
The 4th – 6th grade classes hold a "Science Fair" which usually takes place in January. Teachers will require projects which may be on an individual or partner basis. Please ask your child's teacher for more information. Only projects from grades 4-6 are eligible for the District Science Fair, which is generally held in February.
Healthy snacks are permitted during first recess but must be in a carefully sealed package in order to prevent a reoccurring ant problem. Sharing of snacks is prohibited due to health concerns.
Special Programs
Rolling Ridge Elementary School is proud to offer many special programs to meet the diverse needs of our students.
Students identified with specific learning or language disabilities are eligible to participate in the offered Speech and Language Program and/or the Resource Specialist Program. These programs have specific criteria for qualification. Extensive testing is required and there are several steps in the process. If you feel your child might have a learning disability or need speech and language assistance, please discuss it with the teacher or the Assistant Principal.
The Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program gives opportunities for differentiated learning through clustering GATE students into one or two classes at each grade level.
English Language Learners (ELL) receive instruction according to the English Language Development (ELD) Standards by teachers credentialed and trained to teach ELL students. We are very proud of the programs we offer as all are designed to develop the gifts and meet the specific needs of students.
Staff Lounge
The lounge is reserved for staff only. Its purpose is to provide a positive, restful area in which staff members can relax and enjoy the company of their colleagues. To preserve this environment, we ask that parents and students refrain from entering this area without permission.
Rolling Ridge Elementary School has an excellent staff of teachers and support personnel. All teachers are credentialed to teach at the elementary level, and many have advanced degrees and additional credentials or certificates.
Many teachers attend workshops during the summer or on weekends to learn new techniques to serve our students better and are very willing to share further information and ideas with other staff members.
All staff members are evaluated both formally and informally on a regular basis. The outstanding, highly qualified and professional staff is the main key to the excellent program at Rolling Ridge.
Standards-Based Grading Policy
Grading is one of the most difficult parts of teaching. Teachers grade students against objective standards. The district curriculum standards are written for average or grade level students. In measuring achievement of grade level standards, all students in grades K-6th will be graded on a growth-minded 1- 4 performance level scale indicating their progress towards mastery of the California Common Core State Standards. The District Grading Policy is available online at: http://www.chino.k12.ca.us/Page/15701
BEGINNING/NOT MET: “The student is not yet meeting grade level performance standards expected at this point of the school year.”
PROGRESSING: “The student is partially meeting the grade level performance expected at this point of the school year.”
ACHIEVING: “The student shows adequate understanding of and ability to apply skills to meet grade level standards.”
EXCELLING: “The student consistently performs at grade level, demonstrates independence, and extends grade level standards, when applicable.”
Excelling (4) Achieving (3) Progressing (2) Beginning/Not Met (1) No Mark (X)
Kindergarten and Grades 1-2 Achievement:
Excelling (4) Achieving (3) Progressing (2) Beginning/Not Met (1) No Mark (X)
Kindergarten and Grades 1-6 Habits of Success:
Work Habits (1-4) Responsibility and Integrity (1-4) 21st Century Skills (1-4)
Grades 3-6 Achievement:
Excelling (4) Achieving (3) Progressing (2) Beginning/Not Met (1) No Mark (X)
Student Teacher Excellence Plan (STEP)
The purpose of a STEP meeting is to address any academic and/or behavior concerns from either the teacher or the parent. The student study team will usually be made up of the current teacher(s), the parent(s), an administrator and the student, when appropriate. Any concerns should be directed first to the classroom teacher.
If your child is tardy, they must come to the office, sign the tardy log and take a tardy slip before going to class. See SART policy for excessive tardies or under Attendance tab for more info.
Telephone/Student Use
Students may only use the office phone when an emergency exists. Students must have prior permission from the teacher to use the classroom phone. Student cell phones must be turned off and out of sight (such as in the backpack) during the instructional day. If a student's phone rings or is used during instructional hours, including recess or lunch, it will be confiscated and must be picked up by a parent in the office at the end of the school day.
Textbooks, School Supplies
Textbooks, library books, and basic school supplies are provided to all students. However, following district policy and Education Code provisions, parents will be billed for the cost of replacement or repair of lost or damaged school property. The replacement cost of textbooks will most likely exceed $100.00; the cost of a Chromebook may range from $300 to $400; the cost of many library books is close to $30.00.
Transporting Students
Parents and teachers may not transport children to or from field trips.
Vandalism and Theft
Although rare, if you spot anything that looks like vandalism, please report it to the office. Discourage theft by locking your car when visiting the campus.
Walking Route to School
Students are to walk directly to and from school and should not go to local shopping centers, parks, or other areas before or after school as this can create a significant safety risk. Students should follow street routes only and should, whenever possible, walk with a sibling, friend, or neighbor.
Students should always walk on sidewalks and not on private property when going to and from school. Parents may be held liable for any damage caused by their children. Students are subject to school discipline while en-route to and from school (Education Code 44807).
Wellness Policy
Our district has implemented a new wellness policy that complies with new rules for acceptable foods and portions as mandated by the State of California. The Chino Valley Unified School District Board of Education recognizes the important connection between a healthy diet and a student’s ability to learn effectively to meet high achievement standards in school. The board also recognizes the school’s role in creating an environment that fosters healthy nutrition and quality physical activity.
The following excerpts from the wellness policy will guide snacks provided at parties by teachers or parents. Please check the district website (AR 5030e) for the complete details of the Wellness Policy.
All foods and beverages sold during school hours shall meet nutritional standards following the 35% - 10% - 35% guidelines:
➢ 35% or less of its total calories from fat.
➢ 10% or less of its total calories from saturated fat.
➢ 35% or less of its total calories from sugar by weight.
➢ The sale of soft drinks and candy are not allowed during the school day.
➢ Classroom snacks will feature healthy choices.
➢ Food items served and sold shall reflect the cultural diversity of the student body.
➢ Students shall be encouraged to have a healthy breakfast each day.
➢ Portion sizes will be observed.