HVA Weekly Newsletter
May 7, 2024
Message from Mr. Marshall
May 7th, 2024, will be a Day 2 for secondary students. Please see the 23-24 Secondary Day 1/Day2 Calendar for Secondary students.
- Last week, 4th graders had a trip to the James River.
- This week we continue SOL testing. Students, do your best!
- This week is Teacher Appreciation Week!
- As we approach the end of the year, lots of big events are coming up. We look forward to seeing you at our year end celebration and other events!
- Be sure to see the newsletter for information about secondary grade recovery options.
Upcoming Events
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
Mental Health Awareness Month*
National Physical Fitness & Sports Month
May 6-17 AP Testing Window
May 7-8 HS Math SOLs
May 7 - Teacher Appreciation Day
May 8 - National School Nurse Day
May 9 Grades 7-8 Math SOLs
May 10 Makeups at SPMS
May 12 - Mother’s Day
May 13 - Senior Awards Assembly 6 PM (Virtual)
May 13 Grades 5,8,11 IRW
May 14-15 English 10 PT
May 16 Reading Retakes
May 17 Science Retakes
May 17- End of Year Event and Field Day (4-6 PM) at Dumbarton Elementary School
May 18 - Armed Forces Day
May 20-24: Elementary Career Week
May 20-21 Math Retakes
May 22
8th grade ceremony 6:30 PM (Virtual)
High School Year End Awards Assembly 2 PM
May 22- Elementary Career Speakers (K-2 9:00-10:00 & 3-5 1:00-2:00)
May 23 - Vesak -
May 23 Kindergarten Signing Day 5:00 PM
May 27 - Memorial Day / Schools and Offices Closed
May 28- Elementary Transition Day (moving up)
May 29- Farewell to Fenway Virtual Assembly 1:15
May 30- Elementary End of the Year Ceremony
May 31 - Last Day of School - Student ½ day & clerical day
Get Ready for Laptop Collection!
As soon as class ends on the last day of school on May 31st through June 12th, students can turn in laptops. Elementary Chromebooks, iPads, and middle school laptops need to go to middle schools.
Middle school students need to go to a middle school and high school students need to go to a high school. The laptop must be returned or there a good chance it will not work next year due to required updates. All devices must be turned in before June 13th.
Teacher Appreciation Week
Teacher Appreciation Week is the week of May 6th! If you and your student have a special gift for a teacher, please drop it off at our office. Also, consider signing up to take a teacher out for coffee! We would love to get a gift card for each of our teachers and staff. Please use the link below to sign up and send any donations to Mrs. Song at agsong@henrico.k12.va.us and she will pass gift cards out to teachers during teacher appreciation week!
HVA School Counseling Website! NEW
HVA School Counselors now have an all encompassing website where we will be posting current info and links to resources on items we work on with our students.
It will be a continuous work in progress but the main page will have rolling weekly announcements. Check us out:
Each week we will post announcements and resources. Feel free to reach out with questions.
Testing Updates from the Coordinator of Assessment and Remediation
Thank you parents and guardians from all of us for doing your best to get your children to and from testing on time and following their testing schedules. We know this can be a pain! We wish a virtual option existed .. it just doesn't.
SOL Scores
Scores can be viewed by parents using the Assessment Portal. Click here for directions.
Scores will not be available until AT LEAST 1 week (sometimes 2) after your child has tested.
If your child misses a testing date, you will get an email from me asking you to sign up for a makeup date. PLEASE do so in a timely manner.
We have 2 makeup dates left
May 10th @ Short Pump MS
May 22nd @ The Oak
As students qualify for retakes, you will be notified. We must obtain permission for grades 3-8 to retake. High school students will automatically be scheduled to retest since they require the test for graduation.
Dates for retakes are as follows ..
5/16 - Reading and history
5/17 - Science (5/23 is a possibility due to test scores not reporting in a timely manner .. please leave this date open as well)
5/2- - Math
Retakes will take place at 9:00am at the same venue your child tested the first time.
For questions or concerns involving HVA testing, please reach out to our Coordinator of Assessment, Tommy Golden at tmgolden@henrico.k12.va.us
Website: https://sites.google.com/henrico.k12.va.us/hva-testing/homeSee their new and improved newsletter, so you are aware of all the wonderful opportunities for our families in Henrico
Community Events
Kindergarten Experiences
Kindergarten students observed eggs hatching this weekend!
Are you able to assist for elementary career day? Please sign up here.
4th Grade River Trip
4th graders had a great time at the river last week!
Secondary Grade Recovery
HVA families of secondary students, as we enter the final stretch, we hope that you and your student are reviewing grades and monitoring progress closely. On our end, teachers are calculating final grades to determine which students may be in danger of not passing a course. If students are in danger of not passing a course for the year, it is important that students continue to complete all required tasks and assessments. It is also important to review summer school information and talk with a school counselor if there are any questions about needed courses for promotion.
Teachers will be working with secondary students who are in danger of failing a course for the year and providing students with the opportunity to participate in the completion of recovery work that will affect the Quarter 4 grade ONLY by May 10th. By providing this support to succeed for students, the goal is to provide another opportunity for students to demonstrate understanding and decrease the number of students with failing End of Year grades. As a reminder, high school credit courses include a final exam as well and students must also do well on this final exam. All recovery work is due by the firm deadline of May 22nd, 2024 at 3:30 PM. If you have specific questions about a course, please contact the teacher.
Secondary Student Art Spotlight
Check out the Secondary Art Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/HVAwecreate
Summer Camps
It’s not too early to start planning for summer camps! These STEM opportunities were provided by Virginia Tech’s Center for the Enhancement of Engineering Diversity (CEED). You will find a spreadsheet link containing all the STEM and Diversity Summer Programs available at Virginia Tech University for rising 6th – 12th grade students. The list will be updated by their program staff when new opportunities become available.
To access the spreadsheet, please link on the following link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YEPDJAnn0okY46fcJlY1QptxWDn_0ZoOIP2XWLp4pYM/edit?usp=sharing
There is something for every rising 6th - 12th-grade student this summer! Please be sure to take advantage of ANY scholarship opportunities to participate in the listed programs. They are available to support families with the cost of having your students attend. You never know if you qualify if you don't apply! I have personally had several students in the past participate in Imagination 3 (Drone Camp), which is for rising 7th and 8th-grade students. They successfully obtained their recreational drone licenses and stayed on campus for a week!
About Us
Email: gwmarshall@henrico.k12.va.us
Website: http://henricovirtualacademy.henricoschools.us/
Location: 5915 Nine Mile Road, Henrico, VA 23223
Phone: 804 553 7986
Facebook: facebook.com/HenricoVirtualAcademy
Twitter: @VirtualHenrico