ESC: TIVA SSSI June 2024
ESC Newsletter

LEA Newsletter
ESC14 Awarded 2024-25 ESSA T4PA ESC Statewide Capacity Building Initiative Grant
- Minimum Safety Standards for School Facilities are on ESC 14’s T4PA School Safety State Initiative Webpage.
- For questions regarding ESC 14 web resources, newsletters, and tools, contact the ESC 14 School Safety State Initiative Team at
Important Dates
T4PA Federal Program Related
- 2024-2025 Federal Program Compliance Division Redesign of Program Monitoring Process and Statewide Feedback Session | June 11 | Zoom Registration Link | 1:30-3:30 pm CST
- LEA 2024-25 ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application (May 20 to Sept. 3) Due September 3
- LEA 2023-24 ESSA Consolidated Compliance Report Opens July 29 & Due September 30, 2024
- Statewide Training 24-25 T4PA LEA Special Data Collection Registration pages
Gun-Free Schools (GFS) Report Available | Due June 28, 2024
The GFS Report for 2023-2024 is now available under the Compliance Reports tab on eGrants.
Submission of the Gun-Free Schools Report - District (PR6000) is required of all LEAs that request any federal funds in 2024-2025 for any of the programs authorized by ESSA. This includes any program in the ESSA Consolidated, School Improvement, and Rural and Low-Income Schools grant applications. If an LEA does not submit its Gun-Free Schools Report, TEA cannot issue NOGAs for the LEA’s federal grants.
A campus level report (PR6100) is required only for campus(es) that had a gun related incident.
The district and campus report(s), if applicable, is Due June 28, 2024. If reports are not submitted by the due date, LEAs will be contacted to come into compliance before NOGAs can be released. The following links provide instructions for completing the district and campus reports, if applicable: District (PR6000) Instructions | Campus (PR6100) Instructions. Questions?, or (512) 463-9499.
School Safety Related
Emergency Operations Plans
TxSSC will request Multi-Hazard EOP Basic Plan and Cybersecurity Annex documents from all ISDs and open-enrollment charter schools on Monday, September 23, 2024 and are deadline to submit is October 23. Section 1.0 of both the Basic Plan Toolkit and the Cybersecurity Toolkit includes plan templates, completion guides, and evaluation criteria (checklists) to help districts complete and update plans. Connect with your TxSSC Regional EOP Specialist for more information.
Other resources:
Safe and Supportive School Program (SSSP) Data Reporting - Campus-Level Report
- 2023-2024 Reporting window opens June 1 & Due June 30, 2024.
- TEA TAA, released May 30, 2024 Mandatory Safe and Supportive Schools Program Data Reporting
- 23-24 Data reporting questions + Data collection instrument.
Superintendents received an email with the link on Saturday, June 1, 2024, sent from Superintendents will then forward the link to the designated SSSP team member responsible for reporting the data for each campus.
- TEA uses the information from ASKTed to email the superintendents. Make sure your superintendents have received this email. Ensure the superintendent knows that the data reporting questions are contained in a sample copy of the 2023-2024 SSSP Survey, which can be accessed on the TEA SSSP Website.
Summer 2024 To-Do Checklist
JUNE 2024
- 2024-25 ESSA Consolidated Application released May 20 and Due September 3, 2024.
- Consult with required stakeholders and gather input/feedback on the TIVA program and activities being supported with funds (2023-24).
- Review and evaluate program objectives and intended outcomes, and evaluate for effectiveness data for the activities funded with TIVA (2023-24).
- Share final TIVA program objectives, intended outcomes, and evaluation for effectiveness tool with stakeholders for the current year (2023-24).
- Set and prepare data collection/documentation for the TIVA program objectives, intended outcomes, and evaluation of effectiveness data for activities to be implemented in the upcoming year (2024-25).
- Review Program Compliance Self-Check and Resources for ESSA Consolidated Compliance Report.
- Collect information and documentation for the 2023-24 ESSA Consolidated Compliance Report (submission due September 30, 2024).
- SSSP Campus Report Due June 30, 2024. Email sent to superintendents on June 1.
- Schedule a Safety and Security Committee Meeting during the summer.
- Safe Cycle 2 Application - Deadline Extended to June 7, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. Districts must access eGrants through their TEA Login (TEAL) account.
- Bully Report - Summer 2024 (PEIMS Submission Due June 20)
- School Health Survey - Deadline Extended June 28. Additional information regarding the survey and the link to participate are provided in the March 21, 2024, To the Administrator Addressed (TAA) Letter. A PDF copy of the survey questions is attached to the TAA letter. You can also link directly to the survey by visiting here. Please note, only one submission is required per school district / open-enrollment charter school.
- Physical Fitness Assessment - Deadline Extended June 28 | Physical Fitness Assessment Initiative.
- SSSP Campus Report (includes BTA Report) Data reporting window opens June 1st & Due June 30
JULY 2024
- 2023-24 LEA ESSA Compliance Report Window (July 29 to Sept. 30) Due September 30, 2024.
- Consult with required stakeholders and gather input/feedback on the TIVA program and activities being supported with funds (2023-24).
- Review and evaluate program objectives, intended outcomes, and evaluate for effectiveness data for the activities funded with TIVA (2023-24).
- Share final TIVA program objectives, intended outcomes, and evaluation for effectiveness tool with stakeholders for the current year (2023-24).
- Document stakeholder input and feedback.
- Set and prepare data collection/documentation for the TIVA program objectives, intended outcomes, and evaluation of effectiveness data for activities to be implemented in the upcoming year (2024-25).
- Implement TIVA program goals and objectives for activities to be implemented for the current year (2024-25).
- Ensure a Safety and Security Committee Meeting has occurred during the summer. Maintain supporting documentation.
- Replace vacancies on the SSSP Team and train new SSSP team members on Behavior Threat Assessment.
- 2022-24 SPAT Grant Final Expenditures and Revised Final Expenditures Report Due July 30, 2024.
- District Audit Reports (DAR) | check status on the completion of the 3 year audit. The 3 Year Safety Audit Cycle began September 1, 2023, and ends August 31, 2026.
- TxSSC analyzed the results from the 2020-2023 DAR reports and created a list of recommendations to further help school districts pursue enhancing their safety and security posture. Download the Report.
Do you need help with Federal and State Program Compliance?
New Updated Website for ACET - Join Today
Mental Health
New Seize the Awkward Digital Content
Young adults will learn tips to start their own conversations and spot the signs that a friend may be struggling. Watch them on Instagram. To learn more, you can also read AFSP’s news release.
Suicide Safer Homes Brochure for Distribution
Partnered by: 988, Trevor Project, AgriStress, Disaster Distress Helpline, Texas Suicde Prevention Collaborative
HHS Releases National Strategy for Suicide Prevention
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released the 2024 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention (National Strategy) and accompanying Federal Action Plan. The National Strategy outlines concrete recommendations that seek to prevent suicide risk; identify and support people with increased risk through treatment and crisis intervention; prevent reattempts; promote long-term recovery; and support survivors. Suicide is an urgent and growing public health crisis, particularly among youth. In 2021, 22 percent of high school students seriously considered suicide, with nearly 1 in 10 having attempted suicide.
Virtual Safety Planning Intervention Training |Texas Suicide Prevention Collaborative
Workshop teaches individuals how to help someone manage their thoughts and feelings of suicide in order to stay safe. 4-hour workshop on interventions that provides individuals with a specific set of coping strategies and resources to use at any time to decrease the risk of suicide.
- 8:30 - 12:30 p.m. | July 25th, and Oct. 24th.
- CEUs for multiple disciplines provided
- To register email
Growing Through Grief
A free, one-hour workshop designed to help caregivers support a child who has experienced loss. Participants should register for one session, as the same workshop is being offered in
English and Spanish on several dates listed below.
Monday, June 10th: 6-7pm CT Spanish
Thursday, July 18th: 12-1pm CT English
Monday, August 5th: 6-7pm CT Spanish
The workshop will be held virtually via Zoom. Register
TEA's Mental Health Resources
TEA Webinar "Supporting the Mental Health of Special Populations" - June 13, 2024
General School Mental Health Resources
School Mental Health Action Guide
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released the Mental Health and Well-Being in Schools Action Guide in December to help school and district leaders build on their efforts to promote students’ mental health. The guide describes six strategies proven to support mental health and well-being in schools. New implementation tools are available to help leaders prioritize strategies, create an implementation plan, and share it with partners.
Child Abuse, Human Trafficking, Sexual Exploitation
CSE-IT User Training
- Monday, June 17 | 9-1 pm
- The CSE-IT is an evidence-based Commercial Sexual Exploitation-Identification screening tool. The CSE-IT is appropriate for use by any provider serving youth, including child welfare workers, probation officers, mental health clinicians, and first responders. The CSE-IT is designed to improve early identification of youth who are experiencing commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) and human trafficking.
This 4-hour VIRTUAL training introduces participants to the foundational knowledge about the exploitation of youth that they will need in order to be able to identify youth at high risk or who may have already experienced exploitation.
Cost: FREE for Texas residents, thanks to generous funding through the Office of the Governor's Child Sex Trafficking Team. Register Here
DHS Launches Know2ProtectTM Public Awareness Campaign to Combat Online Child Exploitation and Abuse
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced Know2Protect, Together We Can Stop Online Child ExploitationTM, a first-of-its-kind national public awareness campaign that brings together public and private sector partners. Through Know2Protect, DHS and its partners will educate and empower young people, parents, and trusted adults on ways to prevent and combat exploitation and abuse both on and offline, explain how to report incidents of these crimes, and offer support resources for victims and survivors of online child sexual exploitation and abuse.
Student Health
TxSSC Fentanyl Prevention and Awareness Toolkit provides a variety of resources for school districts to educate parents and youth focused on the prevention of fentanyl use.
- Detailed help documentation and the data upload template are posted on the Physical Fitness Assessment Initiative web page under the Announcements heading.
2023-2024 Annual School Health Survey - Deadline Extended—June 28, 2024
Guidance for Preventing Spread of Infections in K-12 Schools
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released consolidated, evidence-based guidance for Preventing the Spread of Infections in K-12 Schools. The guidance includes everyday actions schools can take to prevent and control the spread of respiratory and stomach viruses and illnesses, such as influenza and norovirus, and bacterial illness, such as strep throat. This guidance is designed to maximize school attendance and its benefits for all students, while also preventing the spread of infectious diseases. Share with parents, teachers, and school staff.
June is National Scoliosis Awareness Month
June is National Scoliosis Awareness Month organized by the Scoliosis Research Society. This month aims to raise awareness about the need for scoliosis education, early detection, awareness, and its prevalence within the community. Take this opportunity to unite people with scoliosis, families, medical professionals, and others to develop local activities and events throughout the month. Resources
Family Engagement
Summer Safety
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has information and resources on keeping kids safe this summer. With summer comes the opportunity for various outdoor activities. Exposure to the sun, excessive heat, and water can be dangerous without proper preparation and protection. Share this CDC webpage with parents and caregivers to learn about sun safety, water safety, and staying safe while at home, work, or play.
Texas Parent-to-Parent Conference
Texas Parent to Parent is hosting its 19th Annual Statewide Conference on August 9 and 10 in San Marcos, Texas. The conference provides support, information, and education for families of children and adults with disabilities, chronic and mental health conditions, and other health care needs. During the conference, parents can learn about ways to respond to issues and challenges they face daily in caring for their children. View the conference page for registration and more information.
Junior Ranger Youth Explorer Program
Texas Parks and Wildlife has a Junior Ranger Youth Explorer Program to help kids spend time outside. Free, downloadable ranger journals are available to encourage participation and the program includes ideas to promote outdoor activities. Use this resource with kids during summer programming or share it with families to increase engagement.
Safety Operations
Upcoming Dates
TEA Safety Office Hours
Monthly 1-1:45 pm | 4th Thursday (CDT)
Meeting ID: 283 320 778 806 | Passcode: 3dYqbX
Cycle 2 Application Deadline EXTENDED Due June 7
SPAT Grant Expenditures
Revised Final Expenditure Report Due Date - July 30
Final Expenditures Report - July 30
🚧Safety Standards Compliance Assessment Open in IDA Dashboard
Proposed changes to the School Safety Standards
TEA announced last week proposed changes to the School Safety Standards. It is in a comment period now. See below for details and to get your comments in.
The following Texas Administrative Code (TAC) rule actions were filed with the Texas Register for publication in the May 24, 2024 issue.
Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC Chapter 61, School Districts, Subchapter CC, Commissioner's Rules Concerning School Facilities, §61.1031, School Safety Requirements
Summary: The proposed amendment would implement Senate Bill 838 and House Bill 3, 88th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, and clarify requirements for school safety to ensure a safe and secure environment in Texas public schools.
Resumen en Español: La modificación propuesta implementaría la Ley 838 del Senado y la Ley 3 de la Cámara de Representantes, 88.° Legislatura de Texas, sesión ordinaria, 2023, y aclararía los requisitos de seguridad escolar para garantizar un entorno seguro y protegido en las escuelas públicas de Texas.
Publication in the Texas Register: May 24, 2024
Public Comment Period: May 24, 2024-June 24, 2024. A form for submitting public comments is available on the proposed Commissioner of education rules web page.
Proposed Effective Date: September 1, 2024
Please see the TEA website to view the proposed commissioner of education rules.
Training and Exercise Toolkit
The Texas School Safety Center developed the Training and Exercise Toolkit to help school districts and open-enrollment charter schools plan for emergencies. The toolkit includes information from multiple organizations and agencies, such as annex and appendix documents, trainings, resources, and tabletop exercises. The Toolkit will be updated with new resources as more research is done.
Inclusive Emergency Planning Strategies and Resources for K-12 Schools’s new issue brief highlights elements of effective K-12 emergency planning, including the value of practicing emergency scenarios and planning for individuals with access and functional needs. The brief also includes a listing of resources, trainings, and guides to support schools in creating comprehensive and inclusive emergency operations plans. Download and share this new brief with K-12 school leaders and personnel to help inform emergency planning efforts that may take place over the summer break or during the upcoming school year.
K-12 Bystander Reporting Toolkit
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency School Safety Security Taskforce partnered with the U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center to develop the K-12 Bystander Reporting Toolkit. This toolkit is designed to help students and community members report safety and wellness concerns in schools. It provides strategies and guidance for K -12 schools and districts to improve safety reporting programs and encourage bystanders to report any issues they witness.
Enhancing School Safety Using Behavioral Threat Assessment (July 11, September 12, November 20) – These virtual training events, hosted by NTAC, will highlight key findings and implications of NTAC’s research on school violence prevention. Attendees will learn about the background, thinking, and behavior of school attackers and how some schools discovered and stopped plots before violence occurred. This training will also provide guidance on how schools may develop or improve existing violence prevention programs utilizing a behavioral threat assessment model.
Emergency Planning Resources
2023 Discipline Data Validation Compliance Reviews
- The PBM Data Validation System, developed in response to state and federal statutes, analyzes discipline data annually to look for potential data anomalies. The 2023 Discipline Data Validation Manual outlined seven indicators. LEAs may retrieve a copy of your LEA’s PBM 2023 Discipline Data Validation (DDV) report to determine if the LEA triggered any 2023 indicators by logging into the Texas Education Agency Login (TEAL) portal to access the Accountability application. For questions
- An LEA will have a 2023 Discipline Data Reporting Compliance Review form to complete for each indicator triggered. Forms focus on compliance with the Texas Education Data Standards, and indicators one through four will contain populated student-level data to validate. Identified LEAs are expected to (1) validate and document that their data are correct and address any identified potential program implementation concerns found during the process and (2) improve local data collection and submission procedures if the LEA’s identification occurred because of incorrect data. LEAs can download from the Intervention, Stage, and Activity Manager (ISAM) application accessible through TEAL. ISAM is only accessible to authorized users. Further information and corresponding forms to request TEAL, ISAM, or Accountability access may be found here. Please contact the Results Driven Accountability representative (Appendix C of PBM Discipline Manual) at your regional educational service center if you need assistance requesting access or using the ISAM application.
Well-Rounded Education + Technology
News Worth Reading
Texas Virtual School Network (TXVSN) Course Offerings
The Texas Virtual School Network (TXVSN) can help meet students’ needs through TEA-approved online courses. The TXVSN statewide course catalog provides schools and students access to high school, Advanced Placement, career and technical education, and dual credit courses for initial credit or credit recovery. The TXVSN courses are aligned to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and taught by Texas-certified teachers trained in best practices in online instruction. Schools can use the TXVSN courses to create flexibility in a student’s schedule, allow a student to accelerate their learning, or address local teacher shortages. Students enrolled in a TXVSN course can generate funding regardless of whether the student is physically present at school while participating in the course. For more information about the courses offered through the TXVSN, please visit the TXVSN website or contact the TXVSN Help Desk.
TEA Newsletters
The following TEA curriculum newsletters can help provide LEAs with possible uses of T4PA funds and state requirements in order to find ways to go over and above those requirements with T4PA funds. (Each district must consider SNS complications.) English | STEM | Social Studies | Math | Science | CTE | Fine Arts | Health and PE | LOTE | Spanish Curriculum Stds
Related TAAs
Learn More...
Stress Management and Resiliency Training (SMART) for Educators | September 10, 2024, 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm CT | For more information and to register
- SHAPE Training | June 12 @ 1 pm | Virtual | Register Here
- The School Health Assessment and Performance Evaluation (SHAPE) System is a public-access, web-based platform that offers schools, districts, and states/territories a workspace and targeted resources to support school mental health quality improvement. This training is the first of two sessions that will walk through one district’s entire process from beginning to current of utilizing SHAPE. We will highlight how they determined SHAPE was a good starting point, some of the barriers and successes in the work, how their Education Service Center (and other district leads) supported the work, and a second report to measure growth.
- Texas School Safety Conference | June 23-27 | San Antonio | Conference Website | Agenda. Registration is Closed.
- Crime Stoppers Virtual Statewide Training - Free | July 22-23 | 8:30-4 pm CST | Schedule | Registration | Learn how to implement safe school programs into schools and communities
- Dr. Eric Jensen @ ESC Region 14 Abilene | All are Welcome
- TEACHING WITH POVERTY IN MIND | August 1-2, 2024 - 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. | Flyer
- Texas Suicide Prevention Symposium 2024 | September 18-19 | Mesquite, TX |
- Parent & Family Engagement Statewide Conference | October 16-18 | Houston, TX | Conference Webpage | Brochure | Registration Link
- ACET Fall 2024 Conference | October 29 - Nov. 1 | Houston, TX
- National ESEA Conference | | February 19-21, 2025 | Austin Convention Center | Registration and Hotel Reservations open June 3rd | Conference webpage | Proposals for presentations are open now through June 17, 2024.
- ACET Spring 2025 Conference | April 22-25, 2025 | Houston, TX
TEA T4PA Contact Information
To be unsubscribed from this newsletter, please email
Our monthly newsletters are posted on our Title IV, Part A State Initiative website. Click on District/LEA Resources, then scroll down to Title IV, Part A State Initiative Newsletter, then select the current year and month.
Rod Pruitt, Coordinator
Nancy Galle, Consultant
Dr. John Phillips, Consultant