Stanwood High School
Family Newsletter — Sunday, February 4, 2024

Family Newsletter — Sunday, June 2nd, 2024
Message from Principal Washington
Spartan Families,
There are twelve school days left and five days left before graduation. This will be the last week for seniors, and there will be many activities. Please ensure this newsletter is kept close by this week, as it contains helpful information for seniors. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact the front office.
This time of year, there's a lot of excitement in the air. Our Staff is doing a great job keeping students engaged in learning. I want you (Spartan Families) for your continual support and effort to ensure students continue to attend school. This is a team effort!
Thank you, and I hope you have a great week!
Mr. Washington
District Promise
Every student in the Stanwood-Camano School District is empowered to learn in an inclusive setting and is prepared for the future of their choice.
Stanwood High School Vision Statement
Stanwood Spartans are united in cultivating character, modeling respect, teaching leadership and connecting to community.
Are you planning to attend Stanwood High School next year?
In preparing for the 2024-2025 school year, we need accurate student counts to better support our planning. Please complete this questionnaire for 2024-2025 10th, 11th, and 12th graders if you will NOT be attending SHS next year.
Yearbook Pick-up!
Yearbooks have arrived.
Distribution Details:
We plan to distribute yearbooks on Tuesday, June 4, and Wednesday, June 5, during both lunches in the PAC lower lobby. Students will enter on the second level, proceed down the stairs to pick up their books, and exit the first floor and enter the commons.
Students must have an ID to pick up their book (Skyward on their phone works for this as well). Students may only pick up their own book (or a sibling's book if they're unable to come to school).
We will then hand deliver books to any seniors who haven't picked them up on Thursday, June 6.
Extra Yearbooks will be sold on a first-come/first-serve basis.
Graduating Seniors will be given priority to purchase through the end of the school day on June 7th.
On Monday the 10th, we will offer the remaining yearbooks to Juniors, Sophomores and Freshman. $70 cash or check at the ASB window.
Please contact Janelle Owings with any questions regarding a yearbook purchase for your student at jowings@stanwood.wednet.edu
Streaming Services for Graduation
We will livestream the Graduation on Friday, June 7th @7 pm.
There are three ways to view:
Be sure to check out our Live Streaming Schedule for more information.
Graduation Week and Day of Reminders!
Schedule of Events
4 - Yearbook Pick Up (lunches in lower PAC Lobby)
4 - Senior Memory Night, begins at 7pm in the PAC, * not an SHS sponsored Event
5 - Yearbook Pick Up (lunches in lower PAC Lobby)
5 - Senior Parade, begins at 6:30 downtown, *not an SHS sponsored Event
6 - Senior Check-out during 6th period
6 - Baccalaureate, 6:30pm in the PAC, * not an SHS sponsored Event
6 - Senior Sunset, 7:30 - 9:30 at Bob Larson Stadium
7 - Roots to Wings Grad Walk
7 - SHS Graduation, 7pm at the Stadium, ticket only
Info on June 6th and Ticket Pick-Up
Students will receive graduation tickets on Thursday, June 6th, upon completing the senior checkout form and paying all fines. We will continue to enter fines for students until graduation, so please continue to check Family Access for Food Service balances and InTouch for any other fines. Students need to go into their library Destiny account to check for additional library fines. Below is information on graduation tickets, practice, the actual ceremony, and diplomas.
Seniors will check out during their 6th-period class on Thursday, June 6th, from 1 – 2 p.m. in the commons. Seniors will turn in their checkout form and receive their graduation tickets. Seniors will return their school-issued chrome books, charging cords, and hot spots when they check out. Seniors can return these items early if they are done using them. Library books and textbooks need to be returned to the library before check-out. Seniors can pick up their food service refunds if they have any. Any seniors with a 3.2 GPA or higher will also receive their honor cords at that time. All fines must be paid for seniors to get their graduation tickets.
***Running start sign-out sheets will be in the Office starting on Wednesday for students to take, sign off, and return to us for tickets, any leftover RS sheets and ticket packets will be held in the Office through Friday afternoon until 2:10***
Each Senior will receive 12 graduation tickets. The current plan is for graduation to be held at Stanwood High School at Bob Larson Stadium. Family and friends may use all 12 tickets (red and grey) to get in at the gate. If inclement weather occurs, graduation will be moved to the Stanwood High School Gymnasium. In that case, only the 5 tickets marked “inside only” can be used to enter graduation. We will have a limited number of tickets for sale in the office starting on June 7th beginning at 7:15 a.m. Families can purchase an additional two tickets for $2 each (until we run out of tickets) -cash or check only, no online sales.
Day of Graduation Information
Friday, June 7th, students are expected to be at Stanwood High School (main gym) by 7:45 a.m. for graduation practice. We will rehearse the graduation ceremony, including the lineup. After graduation practice, students will participate in the “From Roots to Wings Graduation Walk” at the elementary schools.
Seniors MUST bring their caps and gowns to rehearsal as they will need them when they visit the elementary schools.
Night of Graduation Information
Students MUST arrive at the high school between 5:30 and 6 p.m. the night of graduation (June 7th) and meet at the SHS main gym. Ensure your student brings their cap and gown to graduation. Students must be dressed appropriately as they will be walking across the stage that night. Seniors can park at the Ag parking lot (front of the high school), staff parking lot (back of the school), or Church Creek Campus parking lots. Please consider carpooling and/or having a family member drop you off. Also, please note that any Seniors attending Grad Night will need to be picked up afterward and will not be allowed to drive home themselves.
We will not have a professional photographer on-site for graduation pictures. While parents/guardians will not be allowed on the field to take photos, there will be designated areas on both sides of the field for parents/guardians to take pictures when their student receives their diploma.
Families and friends may park in any open lot. There will be additional spaces for people with a disability in the Stadium parking lot. That lot will open for parking at 5:45 pm. Families can enter the Stanwood High School Stadium at 6 p.m. on June 7th. Two entrances will be open – the stadium parking lot ticket booth and the northwest side gate. There will be designated seating for people with a disability in the stadium. Both sides of the stadium will be used for seating, and chairs will be placed on the edge of the track. Only people with tickets will be allowed in the stadium.
Class OF 2024 Information - Updated!
****Our Senior information page has been updated with lots of end of the year dates and events! Make sure you check it out and click HERE****
Senior Chromebook Return - Wednesday June 5th
Attention Seniors - Chromebook returns: On Wednesday June 5th, you will be returning your Chromebook during your history classes.
You will be called down to the library in groups to process your returns.
Be sure and bring your charger or you will be charged $25 for a missing Chromebook charger. Thank you!
Senior Fines!
There have been questions about the designation of "lost" on the fine notices -
Please note that ALL checked-out Chromebooks and books will be listed as "lost" on a fine sheet. This is how the Destiny system is set up, it does not mean that your student's Chromebook or book is indeed lost. When your student has turned in their items it will be marked as "found".
Students should be turning in their library books now (if no longer needed). Seniors will be turning in their Chromebooks the week of Graduation.
- If you have questions, please see Mrs. Owings at the ASB window.
- Directions on how to access In-Touch for a list of fines and online payments are attached below.
- This includes food service balances which can be seen in Family Access and can be paid online or to the Kitchen directly.
Grad Night, June 7th
There are less than 30 Grad Night tickets left. DO NOT WAIT TO PURCHASE YOUR TICKET! THIS WILL SELL OUT! Please reach out to stanwoodboosters@gmail.com to secure your spot now if you'd like to make alternate payment arrangements.
Also, now taking bus buddy requests. Please email your request to stanwoodboosters@gmail.com. Have your senior check with their friends to make sure their friends have already paid.
Final Transcript Information for Seniors
What's New in the SHS Library?
What’s New in the SHS Library?
Book Returns: Now is the time to start returning all of those library books and textbooks that you are no longer using! We will have dedicated days set aside for chromebook returns. For seniors, June 5 & 6 are the days you will be returning your chromebooks to the SHS Library. You will be called down during your history class. Don’t forget to return your chargers as well. Stay tuned for more announcements. Grades 9-11, your chromebooks will be returned on June 13 & 14. You will be called down to the library by grade and last name.
Seniors, everything must be turned in and/or paid for before we can sign off your senior checkout sheets for graduation. Don’t wait until the last minute rush! Check your Destiny accounts and In-Touch to see what you still have checked out. For questions regarding your Destiny library account, please stop by the library to see Ms. Byrum.
Summer reading lists are here! Check out the June SHS Library Newsletter.
Update SBA Testing Information as of June 2nd
June 3rd-7th: Makeups (all)
Students who did not complete Math, ELA, or WCAS SBA testing will be called to the library to complete testing this week.
FAFSA update
It’s not too late to get financial aid for college or training.
You may have heard that the FAFSA application is different this year. Despite initial delays, financial aid is still available and there are many great reasons to apply:
The FAFSA form is shorter and easier to complete than ever before. Review these demonstration videos (in English and Spanish) that walk through the application process for students and families.
Half of families in Washington qualify for financial aid through WA Grant. For many people, tuition could even be free! Learn more at https://wagrant.org/.
WA Grant can help pay for college, career training, certificate programs, or approved apprenticeships. Washington offers many affordable options for education or training beyond high school.
It’s never too late to apply for financial aid! State and federal aid is available year-round. Some colleges have specific deadlines, but others offer open admission.
Graduation is here, and you are ready for your next adventure. Financial aid can help you get there. Learn more and get help applying at WAgrant.org/fafsa.
SHS Band Memorial Day Performance
The SHS Band was honored to once again participate in the Memorial Day ceremony organized by the Stanwood American Legion. The band, under the direction of Mr Brodin, provided music as the crowd gathered and was able to participate in the ceremony by performing the Star Spangled Banner, the Service Anthems, God Bless America, and Taps.
Bell Schedules for the Week of June 2nd:
Monday, June 3rd:
- Regular Schedule
Tuesday, June 4th:
- Regular Schedule
Wednesday, June 5th:
- Late Start Schedule
Thursday, June 6th:
- Regular Schedule
Friday, June 7th:
- Regular Schedule
Important Dates
2 - Spartan Football Golf Tournament, in support of the SHS Booster Club. * not an SHS sponsored event.
4 - Math Night 2:30-4pm in the Commons
4 - Senior Memory Night, begins at 7pm in the PAC, * not an SHS sponsored Event
5 - Senior Parade, begins at 6:30 downtown, *not an SHS sponsored Event
6 - Senior Check-out during 6th period
6 - Baccalaureate, 6:30pm in the PAC, * not an SHS sponsored Event
6 - Senior Sunset, 7:30 - 9:30 at Bob Larson Stadium
7 - Roots to Wings Grad Walk
7 - SHS Graduation, 7pm at the Stadium, ticket only
11 - LHHS Graduation
17 - Field Day (*Late start. Bell schedule)
17 - Booster Club meeting
18 - Last Day (7:40 - 9:40)
24 - 28 - SkillsUSA National Conference
29th - July 2nd - FBLA National Conference
Math Night
Summer School Information
Our Summer School program is designed for students who have credits that they need to recover. That means that they did not pass a class at SEMESTER either this year or in year's past. Summer School will be from 9am-12noon, July 29-Aug 23 at Stanwood High School. Both breakfast and lunch will be provided. Please register by getting a paper registration packet in the counseling office or through this link. https://forms.gle/bU4E7VUcnuxrdSMN6
All the attendance requirements and transportation information is provided in both paper and online forms.
For any questions, please contact Kelly Parsons at kparsons@stanwood.wednet.edu or 360-390-2299.
Spartan Athletics
Spring State Results
Congratulations to the following student-athletes who placed in their WIAA State events!
Conrad Chisman - 1st Place, Boys Golf (143)!!
Boys Golf Team - 6th Place (635) - Beau Brannon, Conrad Chisman, Levi Hendrickson, Max Mayo, Wyatt Sandven, and Ethan Burke, alt.
Ryan Khoury - 4th Place, Boys 800m (1:54.05)
Ryan Khoury - 8th Place, Boys 1600m (4:13.94 *new school record!)
Miya Watanabe - 2nd Place, 200m Ambulatory
Miya Watanabe - 3rd Place, Javelin Ambulatory
Miya Watanabe - 4th Place, 100m Ambulatory
Miya Watanabe - 4th Place, Shot Put Ambulatory
Mixed 800 Sprint Medley Relay Unified Team - 6th Place (2:01.96) - Addison Morton, Xander Krause, Amelia Allen, Levi Stiers
Spartan Athletic Awards
Seniors, please join us on Thursday, May 30th! We will gather to celebrate the accomplishments of the Class of 2024 at 6:30pm.
Spartan Sports Report
Keep up with Stanwood Athletics by subscribing to the Spartan Sports Report! Click Here to sign up to receive weekly scores, news, photos, and more.
SHS Athletics Helpful Links
Please visit our linktree for access to a variety of Spartan information! Rosters, schedules, tickets and more: https://linktr.ee/go_shsspartans
WESCO Spectator Guidelines & Sportsmanship Code
The essential elements of character-building and ethics in interscholastic athletics are embodied in the concept of seven core principles: sportsmanship, discipline, leadership, teamwork, responsibility, dedication, and respect. To demonstrate sportsmanship in the stands, we ask all spectators to adhere to these 5 basic guidelines:
- I will appreciate all good plays and players, whether they compete for my team or my opponent.
- I will remember that school athletics are an extension of the classroom and that learning is taking place.
- I will be positive and use respectful language towards players, coaches, officials, and other spectators.
- I will respect the abilities and sensitivities of our opponents and officials, regardless of the outcome of the contest.
- I will remember that my actions reflect on others, including students, school, and the community.
June menus available
Families can find breakfast and lunch menus for June on our Food Services webpage by expanding the "Monthly Menus" tab.
Meanwhile, we continue to encourage families to submit a Free and Reduced Meal application online via Skyward Family Access by clicking the Food Service tab and then Applications.
Local nonprofits offer clubs and programs for students
Several area nonprofit organizations — such as the Stanwood-Camano YMCA and the Stanwood Camano Arts Advocacy Commission — offer clubs, programs, classes, and events for local students, including:
View even more local programming on our Community e-Fliers webpage!
Friday Family Message
Find the most recent Friday Family Message from the Stanwood-Camano School District online HERE
The Stanwood-Camano School District does not discriminate in employment, programs, or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the District's Title IX/Affirmative Action Officer and Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator, Christine Del Pozo (cdelpozo@stanwood.wednet.edu), or the Section 504/American Disabilities Act Coordinator, Robert Hascall (rhascall@stanwood.wednet.edu) Stanwood-Camano School District, 26920 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, WA 98292. Telephone: (360) 629-1200.
Parents/Guardians have the right to request their students' teachers' professional qualifications. For this specific information, please contact Mrs. Christine Del Pozo at cdelpozo@stanwood.wednet.edu or call 360-629-1200
7400 272nd Street Northwest
Stanwood, WA 98292
Main Office: (360) 629-1300