SMS Scoop
December 9, 2024
Builders Club Float
The SMS Builders Club members and sponsor created a float and participated in the Scottsburg Christmas parade on Saturday, November 30th. Check out the photos of their entry.
Band and Choir Concerts
The SMS choir concert is Monday, December 9th at 6:00 p.m. in McClain Hall at Scottsburg HS.
The SMS band concert is Monday, December 9th at 7:30 p.m. in the west gym at Scottsburg MS.
Mobile Dentist
The Mobile Dentist will be at SMS on Tuesday, January 14th.
If you would like for your child to be seen by the dentist at SMS on that day, please visit this link, enter your zip code, select Scottsburg Middle School, and complete the form online.
If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Beswick, the SMS nurse, at 812-752-8926.
Calendar Reminders for 2024-2025
December 23-January 3 - no school
January 20 - no school
February 21 - no school
March 24-28 - no school
May 22 - last day of school
Winter Sports Season
Winter sports are basketball, cheer, swimming, and wrestling.
Students should listen to the afternoon announcements for updates about practices and competitions.
Eventlink is the platform that we use to communicate with parents/family members regarding practices and events.
If you have questions about athletics, please contact Mrs. King at 812-752-8926 option 2.
Sportsmanship Info
Jamie Lowry, SHS athletic director, asked principals to share the following information with parents:
As we move into the winter season, it is essential to remember the true spirit of sportsmanship. The challenges faced on and off the court remind us that sports are not just about competition but about respect, integrity, and unity. Whether we are playing or cheering from the sidelines, we must honor the values that bring us together—fair play, empathy, and support for one another. In times when emotions run high, it is crucial to lead with grace, to treat our opponents and teammates alike with dignity, and to foster an environment where the love of the game transcends victory and defeat. Let this season be a reminder that the way we conduct ourselves in sports reflects who we are as individuals and as a community.
Sportsmanship from fans is expected to include:
Treating all participants with respect and dignity, including players, coaches, officials, and opposing fans
Positive support
Cheer for both teams and acknowledge their efforts, but avoid negative chants or gestures
Encourage players with positive words and actions, and praise them for their efforts
Role model
Be a positive role model for other fans and call out those who are behaving inappropriately
Follow the rules
Learn the rules of the game and respect the officials who are there to enforce them
Avoid substances
Don't consume alcohol or drugs before, during, or after the game
Be considerate
Allow the game to play out on the field or court, and don't distract the participants
For contest ejections, Scott County School District 2 follows the IHSAA rules at all levels across our district: Elementary, Travel, Middle and High School.
8-4 Contest Ejection
Any student-athlete who is ejected from a Contest for an unsportsmanlike act the first time during a sports season shall be suspended from the next interschool Contest at that level of competition and all other interschool Contests at any level in the interim, unless an IHSAA sport-specific rule or policy provides a different protocol or penalty for ejections. Exception: NFHS playing rules requiring ejection from the contest but NOT deemed Unsporting (Soccer: handball in the box, Softball: illegal bat) provides for elimination from the remainder of the current contest. However, additional suspension from future contests will NOT be applied. Sportsmanship point deductions will remain consistent with IHSAA Sportsmanship Policy.
Any student-athlete who is ejected from a Contest for an unsportsmanlike act a second time during a sport season shall be suspended for the next Two (2) Contests at that level of competition and all other Contests at any level in the interim, unless an IHSAA sport specific rule or policy provides a different protocol or penalty for a second ejection.
Any coach, Contest Administrator, School Administrator or Fan who is ejected from a Contest for an unsportsmanlike act the first time during a sports season shall be suspended from the next Two (2) interschool Contest (Home Contests for a Fan) at that level of competition and all other interschool Contests (Home Contests for a Fan) at any level in the interim, unless an IHSAA sport-specific rule or policy provides a different protocol or penalty for ejection.
Any coach, Contest Administrator, School Administrator or Fan who is ejected from a Contest for an unsportsmanlike act a second time during a sport season shall be suspended for the next Four (4) Contests (Home Contests for a Fan) at that level of competition and all other Contests (Home Contests for a Fan) at any level in the interim, unless an IHSAA sport-specific rule or policy provides a different protocol or penalty for a second ejection. If any coach, Contest Administrator, School Administrator or Fan who is ejected from a Contest a second time, the principal or his/her designee must meet with the Commissioner or his/her designee.
As an additional penalty, a coach who is ejected from a Contest the first time during a sports season must complete the NFHS Teaching and Modeling Behavior course before returning to coach at a competition, and a student-athlete who is ejected from a Contest the first time during a sport season must successfully complete the NFHS Sportsmanship course before returning to competition.
This penalty shall be in addition to any other penalties assessed.
Harmony Family Access
Harmony made some updates over the summer, including a new link for Harmony Family Access. When you need to visit Harmony Family Access to update information, check grades, add money to a cafeteria account, etc., please use this link. It is also located on the Scott 2 website under "Students & Parents" if you prefer to access it from there.
Got Questions?
This document outlines the answers to several frequently asked questions at SMS.
It is also linked our the SMS webpage (sms.scsd2.k12.in.us) if you need it for future reference.
2025-2026 Scott 2 Calendar
For those of you who want/need to plan ahead, here are some important dates for the 2025-2026 school year:
August 6 - first day of school
September 1 - no school
October 13-17 - no school
November 10 - no school
November 26-28 - no school
December 22-January 2 - no school
January 19 - no school
February 23 - no school
March 23-27 - no school
May 21 - last day of school
Student Handbook
The Scottsburg MS student handbook contains some updates for the 2024-2025 school year. Once again, the most significant changes took place in the attendance section.
SMS Student Handbook
We encourage you to read the handbook with your child(ren) and to contact us with any questions you may have.
Food Service
Like many schools, we occasionally experience some supply/distribution delays. We will follow the posted menus when possible, but will have to make adjustments at times.
Scottsburg Middle School
Email: khammons@scsd2.k12.in.us
Website: http://sms.scsd2.k12.in.us/
Location: 425 South 3rd Street, Scottsburg, IN, USA
Phone: (812) 752-8926
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ScottsburgMiddleSchool
Twitter: @ScottsburgMS