Eckstein Weekly News
October 4, 2024
Upcoming Dates
- Oct. 8 – Picture Retakes -9 am-12 pm (Read instructions about picture retakes below)
- Oct. 10 – Hispanic Heritage Assembly
- Oct. 10 - NEW DATE: 7th & 8th Grade Eagle Night (7 - 8:30 pm)
- Oct. 11 – No School - State In-Service Day for Staff
- Oct. 16-18 - Eighth Grade Fieldtrip to Camp Orkila
- Oct. 25 – Fall Sports Pep Assembly
- Oct. 25 - Haunted Library (6:30-8:30 pm)
- Oct. 28 - Nov. 1 – Spirit Week
- Nov. 6 - Quarter 1 Ends
- Nov. 7 - Quarter 2 Begins
- Nov. 8 - Veterans Day Assembly
- Nov. 11 - Veterans Day (NO SCHOOL)
- Nov. 12 - 7th Grade Vision & Hearing Checks
- Nov. 19 - Fall Choir Concert (7 pm)
- Nov. 21 - Jazz Night (7:30 pm)
- Nov. 28 & 29 - Thanksgiving & Native American Heritage Day (NO SCHOOL)
- Nov. 29 - Dec. 19 - Last Yearbook Ordering Period
- Nov. 30 - Orchestra Concert (7 pm)
Help Needed on 7th & 8th Grade Eagle Night
To make Eagle Night a success, we need your help:
- Bake sale table
- Movie viewing (FILLED)
- Check in
- Dance supervision
- Hallway supervision
- Cafeteria supervision
- Donations of bake sale items, water bottles, Capri Sun, juice boxes
Please use this link to sign up. Thank you for your help!
Eagle Night for 7th & 8th Graders is October 10 (7-8:30 pm)
THANK YOU to everyone who completed the Eagle Night dance contract!
The 7/8 grade Eagle Night dance is on for Thursday, October 10 from 7-8:30 pm. Students MUST have a dance contract filled out by a parent on Final Forms in order to attend a dance. The form is good for the whole year once it’s filled out. Please get it done today.
Tickets will be on SchoolPay for $3 (until October 10 at 12pm) or $5 at the door. Theme is Tropical. We NEED parent volunteers in order to run our events, the Sign-up Genius will come out next week.
Eagle Night Dance Contracts
- Students must have a signed Dance Contract filled out on Final Forms in order to attend. https://seattleschools-wa.finalforms.com/
- This form must be submitted by Wednesday, October 9, 2024 in order to to attend. We need to set a firm date for the receipt of the contracts in order to plan for staffing at the event.
- Students will not be admitted without having the form completed by a parent, so don’t delay! It’s valid for the whole year.
How to Use FinalForms
SPS middle schools and high schools are moving toward using FinalForms for all athletic paperwork and dance contracts. You only have to create login information for you and your student once. You will be able to use these accounts for the rest of the student's time with SPS.
Please visit our website for information on how to use FinalForms
7th Grade Vision & Hearing Checks Volunteers Needed
7th Grade Vision/Hearing Checks on Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Every year we need to perform vision and hearing tests on all seventh grade students. For vision, we use a scanner that can measure vision in less than a minute. We need volunteers to work the equipment and take notes. Hearing takes a bit longer with standard hearing check equipment. We need volunteers to perform the test and take notes. We hope to have multiple scanners for both hearing and vision.
If you can help, please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F45AFA829A6FBC61-52019476-7thgrade
Ordering School Photos from Rowland Studios & Retake Information
Student pictures are ordered directly through the photographer's website and mailed home. It is easiest to order if you use the card that was given to your student on picture day.
Students who missed Picture Day on Thursday will take their picture on October 8 during the school day.
Retakes on October 8 are only available for:
1) Students that did not get their picture taken on September 12
2) Students who are purchasing pictures. Parents/Guardians MUST contact Rowland Studios ahead of time to request this retake: info@rowlandphoto.com
3) Students whose picture has an obvious flaw such as blurry or closed eyes. Parents/Guardians MUST contact Rowland Studios ahead of time to request this retake: info@rowlandphoto.com
Middle & High Schools Students Attend School - November 25, 26, & 27
If you know that you will be taking your student out of school during the week of November 25, 2024, please have them complete a Pre-Planned Absence form located in the Attendance office prior to the absence in order to excuse it.
ITAC Membership Application – Deadline Extended
The deadline to submit applications to be a member of the Information Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC) has been extended to Oct. 6
ITAC serves as an advisory committee for IT recommendations and future funding planning. Providing expertise and input, the committee includes students, parents/guardians, community members, teachers, and staff. ITAC members are asked to commit to joining monthly meetings for one (1) year. The committee is currently holding virtual meetings, which are open to the public, through Teams.
Read more and apply online. Selected members will be notified in mid-October 2024.
If you have questions about ITAC’s membership, don’t hesitate to get in touch with DoTS Admin at: spsdepartmentoftechnologyservices@seattleschools.org
School leaders, please share with your students, families, and school staff.
LGBTQ+ Families Dinner - Nov. 14 @ Meany MS
The Health Education Office will be hosting the 25th Annual Seattle Public Schools LGBTQ+ Families Dinner on Thursday, Nov. 14, from 5 to 7 p.m. at Meany Middle School.
This event brings together LGBTQ+ parents/guardians and parents of LGBTQ+ or gender-expansive students in SPS. We offer a communal dinner, a resource fair, time for community and connection, family-friendly entertainment, and fun activities for kids.
Interested families should RSVP. Families can also join our Rainbow Families Mailing List for future updates.
We encourage leaders to share this information via newsletter and/or PTSA.
For questions, contact Sam Cristol, LGBTQ+ Program Coordinator at secristol@seattleschools.org.
Upcoming Vaccine Clinics
SPS is offering vaccine clinics this fall and throughout the school year. The clinics are open to all SPS staff, families, and students—regardless of their enrolled school.
Please visit the SPS vaccine clinic webpage for more information and to register for a clinic.
Questions? Contact the Health Services team at HealthServices@seattleschools.org.
Engaging Young Minds
One People Gathering is a movement toward healing and unity, inviting everyone to engage with Indigenous voices. “Netse Mot,” or “One heart, one mind,” reflects our commitment to shared humanity and values of gratitude, generosity, and respect in a divided world. If you're interested in attending Engaging Young Minds, an event about this that is designed for middle school students at Paramount Theatre, please contact Mr. Grandbois or Ms. Davenport. The event is during school on October 22nd and 11:00am-12:30pm.
Please Support the Eckstein ASB
We are asking for an ASB card donation of $10. Please pay on Schoolpay.
The ASB fee helps provide a budget for the Leadership programs that benefit all students at Eckstein, including:
- Athletics (uniforms, equipment, background checks, etc).
- Eagle Night Dances
- Public Speakers for MLK jr. (this year we have Chris Singleton) and other assemblies
- Door decorating supplies
- March Madness
- Talent Show
- Hot Cocoa mornings/Lemonade mornings
- Spirit Weeks
- Pep Assemblies
- Some field trip funds
*If your child participates in any of these events, you should be contributing to this fund, if at all possible.
**The ASB card is required in the high school for any student in a club or sport (it also costs $50+)
Attendance Matters!
Contacting Attendance:
- Attendance contact: Katy Ryan
- Phone: 206-252-5014
- Email: ecksteinms.attendance@seattleschools.org
Report an absence: Parent/Guardian must contact attendance office by phone call, email or note with the following information:
- Student name
- Parent/Guardian name and phone number
- Date of absence
- Reason for absence
Vacation: Students must complete and submit a pre-Planned excuse absence form prior to the absence. Forms are available in the attendance office.
Arriving Late to School:
- Parent/Guardian must notify the school of a late arrival with a phone call, email or note
- Students must check into the attendance office when they arrive late to school. They will receive a pass to the classroom
Leaving School Early:
- Parent/Guardian must notify school by phone call, email or note of the early dismissal
- Students will receive an early dismissal slip from the attendance office and must sign out before leaving the building
Lunchtime Volunteer Help Needed
Please consider volunteering one day a week to support our administrators during lunches. Your duties will include:
- Monitoring the hall outside the cafeteria
- Handing out Library Lunch passes
- Helping administrators on the field and garden
- No "disciplining" is required. If you spot something that needs attention let an administrator know and they will handle it.
You will need to be cleared via an SPS Volunteer Application found here: https://www.seattleschools.org/departments/volunteer/
Please contact Julia Detering at jrdetering@seattleschools.org for more information.
Needs and Leads with Ms. Davenport, School Social Worker
I've not had access to my Talking Points contacts these last few weeks, so I apologize that I haven't been able to send messages. This year, we know that there are a lot of school fees that are asked of you. If you are in financial need, please make sure to fill out the free lunch application: https://seattleschools-wa.finalforms.com/ and click that you need support with all fees. If you are unable to pay a fee, do not pay! Mark on sheet "need scholarship" or "cannot pay". Feel free to email or call me about any fees: esdavenport@seattleschools.org or 206-252-5098.
The next Community Cupboard for household supplies will be on October 23rd from 2:30-4:00pm in Portable 9. Thank you to everyone who has sent Community Cupboard donations! Your support goes a long way. You can help donate here: Amazon wishlist We always need more on an ongoing basis. I also accept donations that you can drive and drop off directly to Portable 9 of only non-perishable snacks and new socks, as well as clean (plain with no graphics and white or dark colored) t-shirts, joggers and sweatshirts, from size Youth Large- Adult 2xl.
If you are in need of food for your student(s) and would like snack bag deliveries every Friday to school or home if you live within school boundaries, please let me know.
View Ridge Elementary Middle School Volunteer Opportunity
View Ridge Elementary is looking for student volunteers to help staff their annual Halloween carnival October 25th, from 5:30-8pm
Please visit our student volunteer signup sheet to help out at this great event!