EMS Notes from "The Nest"
Quick EMS Parent Informational Update
From the Principal's Desk 2024-2025
Good Afternoon Eastwood Families and Friends.
We have so many fliers and important notes, I wanted to get them out to you before the long weekend. I hope everyone can enjoy the time as we settle in to the school schedule. It has been a hot one in the building, but it looks like a break is on the way.
Reminder to communicate pre-planned absences with the office so we can gather work and notify teachers to prepare for students being absent.
If you would like to recieve our daily announcements via email, please contact the secretary, Mrs, Farmer, (rfarmer@eastwoodschools.org) to get added to this list to receive the announcements.
Finally, if you are going to tonight's home football game, please make sure that students are in the stands. The middle school generally finds a section at the top of the bleachers behind the high school student section. If not there, then in the general stands with family or friends. Students should be out of the stands for food, restroom, or locating family members. There should be no games, ball games, tag games, or other activities at the stadium. Balls may be signed by the varsity football players after the game, but there should be no catch or football games. Students are also not allowed to be in the parking lot during the games. You should be in the stadium. This is for the protection of all students and spectators of all ages walking in the stadium. Thank You
Enjoy the weekend, and we will see everyone on Wednesday, September 4.
Dwight Fertig
Twitter: Emsdfertig (@DwightFertig)
419-833-6011 Ext. 301
Counselor's Corner
Rachel’s Challenge - Community Event
September 17, 2024
6:00 p.m.
Eastwood High School
You are invited to experience the incredible story of Rachel Scott who was the first victim in the shootings at Columbine High School in 1999. Her life, writings and legacy have become the basis for Rachel’s Challenge and her story has been shared around the world. Rachel’s Challe ge is a national non profit that prevents school violence, bullying, and youth suicide through live and digital mental health programs in schools. Students in Grades 5 - 8 will be attending Rachel’s Challenge presentations earlier in the day. This Community Event is geared towards adults and teens ages 12 and above.
EMS Upcoming Events and things to Note
Friday August 30 - Football Fan Student Night at the stadium - Students allowed on the field after the game for autographs and meeting their favorite players
Monday September 2 - Labor Day No School
Tuesday September 3 - Waiver Day No School
- Teachers are in professional Development Session
Tuesday September 17 - Rachel's Challenge Student presentation during the day
- Evening Community Parent Presentation - This is very important for our students
Wednesday September 18 - 6:30 6th Grade Camp Michindoh Parent Meeting
Parent Information
Medical Doctor's note Needed
From Nurse Sutton: If your child has an injury (cast, splint, brace, boot) They will not participate in gym class until we have a Doctor's Note that says they can participate with the medical injury cast or brace.
Doctor's notes are also expected for multiple illnesses and absences.
Parental Fliers
Community Information
Calendar - Upcoming events at EMS
Sept 2 - No School Labor Day
Sept 3 - No School Waiver Day, 4:15 pm MS VB @ Maumee
Sept 4 - 3:45 PD Committee Meeting, 5:00 pm MS VB vs Lake
Sept 5 - 4:15 pm MS FB @ Genoa
Sept 7 - MS CC @ Tiffin Carnival
Sept 9 - SOAR Student Council Organization Meeting, 2:35 PM PAC Meeting, 4:15 pm MS VB @ Otsego, 7:00 PM Athletic Booster Meeting
Sept. 10 - 2:35pm TLC meeting
Sept 11 - 9:15 am ADMIN, 4:15 pm MS VB @ Fostoria
Sept 12 - MTSS in Teaming, 5:00 pm MS FB vs Lake, 7:30 pm 7th gr Back to Band
Sept 13 - Eagle Way Store Day
Sept 14 - 8:30 am MS CC @ Lakota Invite
Sept 16 - Math Dept. meeting 12:15 pm, 2:30 pm Pep Club, 4:00 PM EMSPAC Meeting, 4:15 pm MS VB @ Genoa, 6:00 pm Board Meeting
Sept 17 - Rachel's Challenge Day, 6:00 pm Community Event at EHS Auditorium.
Sept 18 - 2 HR Delay, 504’s in Teaming, 4:15 pm MS VB vs OH, 6:30 pm 6th Grade Camp Parent Meeting
Sept 19 - 9:30 am Fire Drill, 12:15 pm SS Dept meeting, 4:15 pm MS FB @ Maumee
Sept 20 - FFA Chicken BBQ
Sept 23 - 12:15pm Sci Dept. Meeting, 4:15 pm MS VB vs Rossford
Sept 25 - 2:30 pm 6th grade Science Club Black Swamp C, 4:15 pm MS VB vs Maumee, 6:30 Community Visioning Meeting
Sept 26 - 12:15 ELA Dept. Meeting, 4:15 pm MS FB vs Rossford
Sept. 27 - Eagle Way Store, 12:15 pm Special Education Dept. Meeting
Sept 28 - 10:00 am MS CC @ Napoleon
Sept 30 - 4:30 pm MS VB @ Lake
These are the Beliefs, Behaviors, and Values that we strive to teach every day at EMS.
Eastwood Middle School
Community updates & announcements are sent out via email by Superintendent Brent Welker and can be found on the district website under the About Our District tab.
Email: dfertig@eastwoodschools.org
Website: http://www.eastwoodschools.org/
Location: 4800 Sugar Ridge Road, Pemberville, OH, USA
Phone: 419-833-6011
Twitter: @emsdfertig