Highlander Times
October 11, 2023

Highlander Times December 4, 2024
From the Principal
We are fortunate to have many student performances in December. We encourage you to attend an event and support our talented students. The Highlander Theater Company's Mamma Mia has performances Thursday, December 5 at 8pm, Friday, December 6 at 5 pm, and Saturday, December 7 at 2pm and 7 pm, all in the SHS auditorium. Tickets are pay what you can at the door. The annual winter concert, featuring our many musical ensembles, will be Thursday, December 19 at 6pm, and will be preceded by an SHS student art showcase at 5pm.
The winter sports season is also underway. Games and meets begin next week. The full schedule for all teams is here. Please show your support for our hardworking Highlanders.
- Over the past few years, we have had some students and staff hit by or almost hit by cars. Recently on Highland Ave in the mornings, the sun has been blinding drivers. Students - PLEASE BE CAREFUL crossing Highland Ave and other streets before and after school. Parents and guardians - please talk with your students about the importance of looking both ways before crossing and using the crosswalks. On these winter mornings, do not assume cars can see you. We are grateful that the Somerville Police Department has been sending cars when they can to monitor traffic, and that they are supporting the hiring of an SHS crossing guard. If you are interested in serving as a crossing guard (any weekday morning, approximately 7:00-8:15 or 8:30) please email me at akersten@k12.somerville.ma.us.
- This year the senior class is excited to be holding prom Thursday, May 22 on The Spirit of Boston. There will be different protocols this year. For example, students will need to arrive at the high school by a set time (there will be a red carpet/photo event) and then will be bused to the boat. We will be having a senior assembly (currently scheduled for Friday, December 13) to review rules and procedures. The senior class will start selling tickets the last week of December and will sell them one week a month through April. Students and parents/guardians will need to complete a permission slip before they can purchase tickets.
Thank you,
Principal Kersten
Important Updates and Reminders
From the PTSA
- Mark your calendar for a PTSA Spring Fundraising Social event at Dante's in Somerville Saturday, March 22nd, 7:00-11:00PM. We will have light snacks, music, and gift basket raffles. Details, including ticket purchasing access coming soon.
- Meantime, consider joining the PTSA Event Planning Committee to help flesh out details for the Dante event, and plan a second event, in late spring. Would you enjoy a salsa dance band? A potluck dinner? An eighties dance party? Something else? Bring your ideas to the planning committe. The next committee meeting is Monday, December 16th at 7:30, via Zoom. Link here: https://mit.zoom.us/j/95500414573. If you can't make the meeting, but want to help with planning, or have ideas to share, email Laura Beretsky at beretsky@yahoo.com.
- There will be a PTSA General meeting in January, exact date TBD.
Action Needed!
Holiday Gift Card Drive
The PTSA and SFLC work together to provide gift cards for food to our SHS families in need during the holiday season. Please donate if you can, as the need is great! You can donate via Venmo @SHSPTSA1 or drop off gift cards to the high school main office.
Field Trip Chaperones Need
Do you have a flexible schedule? Enjoy spending time and learning with some wonderful young adults? Then sign up to chaperone a field trip! We are looking for volunteers to help us out on field trips by chaperoning. All that is required is a CORI check and a good attitude. If interested/available, please fill out this form. Thank you to everyone who signed up already - we will be sending you a CORI form in the near future.
SFLC/SHS Winter Coat Drive
We are looking for winter gear in good condition. If you have coats, boots, mittens, hats and gloves that you can donate, please drop them off in the SFLC donation bin by the main office. Thank you in advance for helping keep our students warm!
Upcoming College and Career Planning Events for Seniors
- Upcoming college & career lunch visits: These are times that colleges and other programs will come to visit SHS. You do not need to sign up or register. They will be at a table in the cafeteria during lunch times and anyone can go talk to them!
Upcoming Events
- December 5: Somerville High Musical, 8pm
- December 6: Somerville High Musical, 5pm
- December 6: Deadline to Apply for Mayor's School Year Jobs Program
- December 7: Somerville High Musical, 2pm and 7pm
- December 9: Winter Sports Registration Ends
- December 12: SHS School Improvement Council
- December 19: SHS Winter Concert (6pm) & Art Showcase (5pm)
- December 20: Half day - Winter Recess begins at noon
- December 23: January 2: Winter Recess
- January 1-3: No school for students - PD for Staff
- January 8: School Improvement
- January 11: FAFSA Completion Event for Seniors & Families
- January 17: Course Selection Process
- January 22: College and Career Kickoff for Juniors and Seniors
- January 22-24: Access Testing
- January 23: An Evening of Song
- January 24: Last Day of Quarter 2 - Grades Close
Highlander Highlights
Nicotine-Free Generation
The Nicotine-Free Generation policy is a groundbreaking initiative that prevents anyone born after a certain year, 2004, from purchasing nicotine products in their lifetime. Massachusetts is on the path to becoming the first state in the world to implement this policy statewide, with several towns in our state, starting with Brookline, having already led the way as the first to adopt it. This bold legislation prioritizes the health and well-being of future generations by addressing the root of nicotine addiction and ensuring young people in the future do not have to face its devastating impact.
Somerville Positive Forces (SPF100) members Bhavika Kalia, Chahat Kalia, Ava Posiko, and Astrid Garcia Yanes had the opportunity to attend and connect with leaders in our state and community who are driving this change. These students felt empowered after seeing firsthand how advocacy and policymaking can come together to prioritize youth health and protect younger generations and future ones from addiction. The group will also attend a Somerville Board of Health meeting soon to continue working toward making this a reality in our community.
Music students doing great things!
Eclipse Felix (bass), Catalina McKinley (soprano), and Maya Grandoit (tenor), all made the Massachusetts Music Educators Association Eastern District Chorus which is no small feat! We are very proud of them!
Also, 125 music students went to the Boston Symphony Orchestra. The group saw a wonderful tribute to Duke Ellington, featuring one of Somerville’s own, Daon Drisdom, music teacher at East! It was a great trip.
Department Spotlight
Here is what the Health/Physical Education department is up to!
Fitness for Life is designed to promote physical fitness, wellness, and personal health through a variety of activities and exercises that encourage students to adopt healthy habits and engage in regular physical activity. Students will learn essential fitness components, including cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. The class combines individual and group activities such as aerobic exercises, strength training, agility and stretching and will also gain knowledge about nutrition, stress management, goal setting, and the importance of mental well-being.
The Team Activities course helps students develop teamwork, communication, and leadership skills through a variety of team sports and collaborative activities. This course focuses on building physical fitness, strategic thinking, and social interaction while fostering a sense of camaraderie and sportsmanship. In addition, students will explore the values of cooperation, respect, and fair play, as well as the importance of effective communication in a team setting.
Wellness for College and Career is a skills-based health course which provides students with the knowledge and skills to lead a healthy life post-graduation. Through hands-on projects with real-life relevance, students will learn and demonstrate dimensions of wellness and their ability to successfully navigate topics such as financial wellness, personal safety, mental and emotional health, creating safe and comforting spaces, mindfulness, and study and test-taking skills. Additionally, this course will explore lessons on sleep and its effect on the brain and exercise, among other topics.
Recently, the department partnered with graduate Blake Evitt (‘05) and Parkour Generations for a Parkour physical education lesson. Students learned the art of movement through urban environments using strength, agility, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Parkour, also known as "free running," involves navigating obstacles by running, jumping, climbing, and vaulting, with an emphasis on fluidity and efficiency. Students were introduced to the foundational techniques of Parkour, while focusing on physical conditioning, spatial awareness, and body control while building their strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance through progressive drills and obstacle courses that simulate real-world environments.
The Health/PE Department offers a wide range of options for everyone.
For More Information....
Class of 2025!
School Counseling
Career and College Corner
We invite all SHS parents, guardians, students, and staff to join the PTSA, and welcome your ideas for helping our school and community. For more information, please contact us by email at shsptsa1@yahoo.com. You can visit our website and fill out a membership form here: shsptsa1.wixsite.com/shsptsa Also, please join our SHS Friends and Family Facebook page at SHS Friends and Family Page | Facebook to stay informed about PTSA and SHS activities. PRESIDENT Caroline Rosas; CO-VICE-PRESIDENT: Laura Beretsky; CO-VICE-PRESIDENT: Lisa Tatterson; SECRETARY Nicole Hoxholli; TREASURER: Kim Doherty