TuES News Family Newsletter
August 16, 2024
A Message From The Principal
Happy Friday Tuscarora,
Our staff have returned. We are studying curriculum, gathering materials, setting up classrooms, preparing for meals, collaborating on ideas, and getting SUPER excited to meet our 800+ student population on Monday, August 19 from 4:00 - 5:00 for our Back To School Open House. We hope our families will come out to visit the classroom, meet their teacher, see classmates, learn about the year ahead, and by 5:00 PM head out to the black top to learn more from many local community partners. And don't forget to have your student(s) grab a treat for popping in on Monday afternoon as your family exits to the black top.
As a mother of four these last days of summer are exciting to get all "the things" in but also a bit stressful as we make sure we are ready. My children have gathered supplies they may need and put them in their back packs. We have discussed how they will eat at school; for those who would like to pack lunch we have talked about what they may want to take and who would be packing their lunch each day. We have made sure room clocks and watches match cell phone time, as well as reminded our children how to silence their phone, as two of my children must adhere to the silenced and out of sight policy (see more below) while at school. We have taken a walk to the bus stop (our stop changed this year).
Nothing will be perfect, but taking the time as we prepare for the first day to talk through our plans helps. This year we have added a small white board in the kitchen for my children to write items they need if they run out or if there is a change of what their lunch may look like - I'll keep you posted on how that may go. As you prepare for the start of school, talk with your child(ren) about the school day from setting up the night before as well as what after school looks like. Routines will help for a successful, and hopefully less stressful, school year.
Have a lovely weekend, we look forward to seeing you Monday from 4:00 - 5:00 PM for our Back To School Open House.
Welcome to our Tuscarora Family
On Thursday, August 15, our staff welcomed the the following members to our team. With so many places to work in the education world, we are pleased that they chose us. Please help me welcome the the following new members to our team:
Grade 1: Ms. Emily Wooten
Grade 5: Ms. Katherine Boroughs
Art: Ms. Krista Tolton (Fridays)
Art: Ms. Julia Maceikis (Tuesdays)
PE: Mr. Travis Creamer (Mondays)
Music: Mr. Brian Weyant (Wednesdays)
Music: Ms. Samantha Vaughn-Barrett (Mondays)
Counselor: Ms. Heather Wahl
Psychologist: Mr. Tim Brown
Media: Ms. Debbi Mitchell (Mondays & Thursdays)
Special Educator: Mr. Jerel English
Special Educator: Ms. Maya Aylor
Special Educator: Ms. Brianna Kidwell
Technology Assistant: Mr. Dan Wall
Instructional Assistant: Ms. Kristina Sikowitz
PreKindergarten Instructional Assistant: Mr. Nick McGrady
Special Education Instructional Assistant: Ms. Zakiah Jenkins
Special Education Instructional Assistant: Ms. Tamara Luthers
Judy Center Program Administrator: Ms. Amanda Eby
Monday, August 19: Back To School Open House 4:00 - 5:00 PM
Wednesday, August 21: First Day Of School (Kindergarten & Pre-Kindergarten have assigned staggered start dates)
Monday, September 2: Schools & Offices Closed
Tuesday, September 3: September PTA Meeting 6:30 PM
Wednesday, September 4: PTA Restaurant Night with Papa Johns
Thursday, September 5: PTA Restaurant Night with Papa Johns
Thursday, September 19: 2 Hour Early Dismissal (Dismissal at 1:30 PM)
Friday, September 20: 3 1/2 Hour Early Dismissal (Dismissal at 12:00 PM)
Friday, September 27: Tuscarora Fall Picture Day
Tuesday, October 1: October PTA Meeting 6:30 PM
Thursday, October 3: Schools Closed for Students and Staff
Monday, October 7: Parent Teacher Conferences At Night; School Day is 12:30 PM (Arrival) - 3:30 PM (Dismissal)
Tuesday, October 8: Parent Teacher Conferences At Night; School Day is 12:30 PM (Arrival) - 3:30 PM (Dismissal)
Wednesday, October 9: Parent Teacher Conferences; 3 1/2 Hour Early Dismissal (Dismissal at 12:00 PM)
Friday, October 18: Schools Closed for Students
Do You Want To Volunteer? Do this NOW for the 2024 - 2025 School Year
There are many ways to be involved with your student(s) at Tuscarora. Volunteering can take on a variety of looks depending on the grade level and/or school need. Effective Monday, July 15, 2024, family and community members interested in volunteering should begin the volunteer process by visiting our new FCPS Volunteer Webpage.
The annual training and registration aligns with the school year, not from the previous time you may have been trained. If you want to be considered for volunteering or chaperoning at Tuscarora at any time during the 2024 - 2025 school year, complete the registration and training now.
Back To School Open House
We will see you Monday, August 19 at 4:00 PM
Frederick County Public Schools (FCPS) has updated expectations for use of personal mobile devices (PMD). These are devices NOT provided by FCPS which include: cell phones, headphones, smartwatches, smartphones, speakers, and/or cameras. Non-FCPS issued laptops are NOT permitted. Exceptions will be made under special circumstances, including but not limited to documented accommodations.
For more information visit the FCPS Student Code of Conduct
2024 - 2025 Tuscarora Elementary School Supply List
Check out this years school supply list. Families who preordered supply kits may pick these up during Open House, Monday, August 19 4:00 - 5:00 PM
Schoology Learning Management System (LMS)
Schoology is the selected learning management system for FCPS; register and/or login here for course management and communication.
FCPS Family Conferences
Conferences with classroom teachers will be held on the evening of October 7, October 8, and the afternoon of October 9. More information on how to sign up for a conference will be shared closer to this time.
Transportation β Walkers, Bus Riders and Car Riders
In order to get your student(s) to and from school each day, we need to know what this will look like. Confirm how your student(s) arrives at school and how they depart from school on a regular basis while at Open House, Monday, August 19 4:00 - 5:00.
Clarification about each modality is listed below:
A walker is a student who walks on/off school property to/from their home or care provider.
A car rider is a student who arrives/departs from a vehicle that enters/exits the school through the car rider line; the driver ALWAYS remains in the vehicle.
A bus rider is a student who arrives/departs using FCPS transportation and the Tuscarora bus loop. Bus Information will be available on or before August 10.
Please visit the TuES Family Handbook for additional specifics to our arrival/departure times, procedures and how to make a change if needed.
Thursday, November 21 6:00 - 8:00 PM Tuscarora Math Night
Thursday, January 9 6:00 - 7:30 PM Tuscarora Literacy Night
Thursday, April 10 6:00 - 8:00 PM Tuscarora Multicultural Night
Your Students Are Back At School And You Have Free Time Midday - Work at TuES!!
Any family members looking for something part time in the middle of the school day? We may have something that will suit you SO WELL. Our cafeteria has a lunch position shift from 10:30 - 1:45 Monday through Friday when school is in session.
What an opportunity to get your student(s) to school, have a little time in the morning, work at TuES where your student(s) are serving lunch, and then a little more time at the end of the day before dismissal at 3:30.
Ms. Lilybeth Rosas, our TuES Site Assistant, is interested in having you join our team. Check it out today so we can get you in the building this school year!
FCPS Food & Nutritution
Meal prices, menus and how to make payments are available on the FCPS Food & Nutrition website.
LINQ Connect Online Meal Account
FCPS uses the LINQ Connect program, one of the most widely used and secure online payment solutions available today. Visa and other trusted third parties have certified at the highest levels of Payment Card Industry-Data Security Standard security.
Apply For Meal Benefits
The Meal Benefits program is a USDA sponsored program that enables qualified children to get free or reduced-price meals. This includes breakfast and lunch; at Tuscarora Elementary School, ALL students receive free breakfast in their classroom from 8:30 - 8:55AM
School Cash Online
Tuscarora Elementary School Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
Welcome back, everyone! The PTA is already planning for the new school year.
At our last meeting in May, we re-elected Alex Gray as our President, and welcomed Lindsay Junkins as our new Secretary! We still need a Treasurer and Vice President, as well as various committee chairs, so if you are interested in joining us, please reach out to Team.Tuscarora@gmail.com
Our PTA restaurant fundraisers are back! We will kick off with a spirit night at Papa John's September 4th and 5th (all day!). We'll also be hosting Tuscarora Tuesdays every third Tuesday of the month at various restaurants. The full schedule will be out early in the school year.
Keep an eye out for new after school clubs for our Timberwolves! Have a specific club you'd like to see? Or one you would be willing to facilitate? Let us know!
Membership is one of the most crucial ways to make the PTA a success. Without our membership dues, we would not be able to subsidize field trips, host events like Movie Nights or the Spring Carnival, show our appreciation for teachers, or support the food drive for Tuscarora Families. We need YOU to join! Whether that be as a regular participant in our meetings, a committee chair, offering an hour of your time for an event, or just paying the dues as a member, every level of involvement allows us to create a fun and engaging Timberwolf community.
Check out our NEW WEBSITE for more information and to join as a member. Starting this school year, anyone who joins the PTA will also have access to a MEMBERS ONLY DIRECTORY! Anyone who joins before the first day of school will also be entered into a raffle for a $20 Red Robin gift card! This can be used at our spirit night at Red Robin on September 17.
Our first meeting of the year will be Tuesday, September 3 from 6:30-7:30, in the Media Center. We hope to see you there!
FCPS Expectations and Student Code of Conduct
Every student deserves a safe and supportive space to learn and grow. In Frederick County Public Schools, one of our core goals is the safety and well-being of all students. FCPS fosters an environment of respect, responsibility and trustworthiness.
FCPS Student Firearm Possession
βIt is unlawful for students to possess or use any weapon on school property. Students who have or use a weapon on school property will be suspended from school, and the police will be notified of the incident. A weapon is any object designed to harm another physically or an object which is used in a way that can physically harm another. This school is committed to providing each of you with a safe environment, and we will do all we can to carry out that responsibility including, if necessary, conducting searches of student lockers.β
Email: TUES.Attendance@fcps.org
Website: https://edu.fcps.org/tues/home
Phone: 227 - 203 - 1260
Location: 6321 Lambert Drive, Frederick, MD 21703
Twitter: @TuES_Pack