Eagle Wings
Week of December 15th
Principal's Message
It was a great week to be an Eagle! Last week I was able to see students in our TAG classes work through productive struggles as they built towers out of pipe cleaners. I also saw 2nd grade students learning about the Wright Brothers and text detail. Some of our families came out to enjoy an evening of fun in the gym with Ms. Morris competing in cosmic bowling and students in our AU & ID classes showed off their bowling skills during Special Olympics bowling.
This week we'll enjoy celebrating the end of the semester and our hard work with holiday parties and our 1st annual Day of Play.
Please take a moment to watch this month's "Top 3 Things" video.
Yours in partnership,
Ms. Crawford
Cosmic Bowling with Ms. Morris
AU & MOID sing at Jackson Health Care
Important Dates
17- Holiday Parties (PK, 2, 4, AU)
18- Holiday Parties (K, 1, 3, 5, MOID)
20 -- Day of Play
23-31 - Winter Break
From the Media Center
Reminders about Book Care
One of the fundamental lessons in the library is book care and responsibility. Recently, books have been returned damaged by water, juice, or other means. Please help your child practice care by putting books in a safe material (reusable bags, plastic bags, etc.) and keep books safe from mealtime. Please note that it is school and district policy to pay for lost or damaged books. Contact Ms. Falkenberg (falkenberga1@fultonschools.org) with questions or concerns.
Safety Reminders
In an effort to continue to keep the safety of our students and staff as our top priority, I wanted to take a moment to remind our school community of the following processes we already have in place:
- Ringing the bell (now located on the right side of doors) when needing to come to the front office
- Having your ID on you and prepared to show prior to entering the building
- Please note, if you do not have your ID, you will not be allowed to enter the building
- Not holding the front door open for others
- Checking in and out at the front office
- Exiting the building through the front doors only
Report any safety concerns
Safety in Fulton Schools - Fulton County School System
Please reach out to Ms. Silverman, AP, (silvermanj@fultonschools.org) with any questions regarding safety in our building.
Alpharetta Police Department Sub-Station at AES
As some of you know, we have recently partnered with the City of Alpharetta to house a sub-station here at AES. Now Alpharetta PD can come into our building, work in a dedicated space and get to see our Eagles in action. This opportunity has been made possible by Alpharetta PD's community officer, Savannah Morton. If you have any questions, you can reach out to her directly at: smorton@alpharetta.ga.gov
Lunch Visitors
In order to ensure safety across all areas of our school, we are now asking the following:
If visitor is here to have lunch with student:
- Visitor will show ID at the camera outside. Once let in- Front Office will greet the visitor and ask who they are here to have lunch with.
- Front office will look the student up on Infinite Campus
- If the name of the visitor is not listed on the Infinite Campus contact list, the primary contact will need to be called to get permission for the visitor to eat lunch.
- If the visitor is approved, they will need to sign in like normal and then sign back out.
AES Family Handbook Spotlight
Request for Remote Days
Students can substitute up to 5 absences per semester (a max of 10 per year) with a remote learning day by meeting the remote learning participation benchmarks listed in FCS policy. This would result in the student being counted as present for the day(s) they participate remotely.
- To be marked present, work must be submitted within 2 days of absence.
- Students may not use a remote learning day on a test day.
- Parent/guardian or student must notify teacher in advance to the start of the instructional day to utilize the participation benchmark rule.
- Schools will make their best effort to provide instruction given early notice.
- For security reasons, students who are out of the country may not participate in remote learning.
Please reach out to your child's teacher directly to start this process. You can click here for more information.
General Reminders
Morning Carpool & Arrival
A few important reminders about morning arrival:
- No left turn is allowed onto Mayfield between 7:10 and 7:40 a.m. Please adhere to the posted signs and traffic laws.
- Carpool ends at 7:35 a.m. If you arrive after 7:35 a.m., you will have to park and walk your child in the front door. If the bell rings during this time, you'll need to sign your child in on the Checkmate system outside the front door.
Transportation Changes:
Transportation changes should be provided to your child's teacher on the "Notes from Home" pad you received in your red folder during open house. Please keep in mind that changes in transportation must be in writing and EMAILED to the front office (toppint@fultonschools.org).
Early Pick-Up:
When picking up your student early for appointments, you will need to present your driver’s license for safety and security. Early checkout will end at 1:30 pm.
AES Family Handbook:
CLICK HERE to access our Family Handbook and take a moment review some of the practices we adhere to here at AES. By doing so, that helps all of us be (and stay) on the same page!
Code of Conduct
The new 2024-2025 Student Code of Conduct is available on the Fulton County Schools website. Click Here for quick access. Ensure that you and your Eagle review this important document.
From the Cafeteria
Reach out to our cafeteria manager, Ms. Blyther (blyther@fultonschools.org) with any questions.
Lost & Found
We already have lots of jackets & sweatshirts that are missing their home. If your child is missing anything, please remind them to stop by the lost & found (back of cafeteria). All items left by Winter Break will be donated.
From the PTO
PTO Newsletter
PTO now has their own newsletter. Be sure to click on the link and read all about the great things PTO does to help AES!
From FCS
The Fulton County Board of Education met on Tuesday, December 10, 2024 for its regularly scheduled work session at the North Learning Center. The full agenda is available online via BoardDocs. Meetings are streamed live on the FCS homepage, with recordings available within 48 hours. Superintendent’s Report Swearing-In of Board Member Sara Gillespie The Future is Fulton: Strategic Plan Update Policy Update Instructional Calendar Academics Student Services Update Throughout this school year, the School Psychology and Intervention teams have completed 2,168 evaluations and more than 26,000 targeted consultations. Additionally, the Counseling and Student Support team works diligently to build and deepen community partnerships to provide robust support for students. A prime example is the district’s partnership with Toyota’s Driving Possibilities campaign which helps remove basic need barriers from students by providing food, hygiene items, and clothes through our S.A.F.E. centers. Illustrating the high-quality instruction for our students with disabilities, the Services for Exceptional Children (SEC) team’s efforts showed gains in Milestones achievement across content areas, including an increase in reading on or above grade level. The SEC team continues to ensure impactful programming and deepening community connections to provide support. FCS’ partnership with Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency (GVRA) offers pre-employment services for students with disabilities during the school day, empowering them to gain essential employment skills and independence. Dr. Matthews highlighted the work of the Student Discipline Prevention and Intervention teams, which continue to leverage student accountability to ensure effective programming and prioritize safety. The district’s partnership with the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office’s REACH mentoring program exemplifies this through their significant impact and growth and helps keep students in school and progressing towards graduation and future goals. He also noted the extraordinary work of the Federal Programs team, which supports the implementation and distribution of Title I, Title III, and Title IV grant funds and supports our Family Engagement, Section 504, and ESOL Teams. None of the high-quality programs, supports, interventions, or strategies are effective if students are not attending school, hence the district’s implementation of the Attendance Improvement Framework in the 2023-2024 school year. Importantly, end-of-year attendance improvement data last year showed a districtwide decrease in chronic absenteeism. As the Student Services team continues to design and implement innovative and impactful programs to meet the unique needs of students, Dr. Matthews reassured the Board that the “Future is Fulton.” Click here to see the full presentation. Pre-Work Session The following topics will be discussed at a future pre-work session: New Hires & Promotions Board Recognitions 2024-25 Community Meetings with Board Members Copyright © 2024 Fulton County Schools Communications Department, All Rights Reserved.
In his report, Dr. Mike Looney noted that December 9-13 is Inclusive Schools Week, an annual international event celebrated the first week in December. It’s a time designated to acknowledge the hard work and commitment of teachers, administrators, students, and parents in making their schools more inclusive.
The Honorable Cassandra Kirk, Fulton County Chief Magistrate Judge, officiated the swearing-in of Sara Gillespie to the Fulton County School Board of Education. Gillespie, elected by voters to represent District 1, completed the remaining term of outgoing Board Member Katha Stuart, who retired at the end of August. The School Board officially appointed Gillespie effective October 8, with the term ending on December 31, 2024. She will begin her full four-year term on January 1, 2025.
Executive Director of Strategy and Governance Dr. Ryan Moore shared progress on our district’s strategic plan, The Future is Fulton. This plan continues to guide our efforts to enhance student performance, prioritize safety and operational efficiency, ensure impactful programming, strengthen employee engagement, utilize fiscal resources effectively, and deepen community connections. Every school in the district has submitted its tailored strategic action plan, aligned with our overarching district goals, to support student success and growth. He presented the emerging trends across the district, highlighting key focus areas for schools and outlining goals they will work toward to drive continued progress and improvement. Click here to see the full presentation.
The Board is committed to establishing and maintaining policies, procedures, and operating guidelines that maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of all district divisions. The following policies were presented for action with minor legal changes:
The Instructional Calendar for SY-27 was presented for action. The calendar will be voted on next week at the Board meeting.
Assistant Superintendent of Student Services Dr. Chris Matthews presented a comprehensive update on the extraordinary work of the district’s Student Support team. He began with school social workers, who have completed more than 15,000 interventions with students and recently implemented a new monitoring tool that prioritizes student safety. Within the first two weeks, social workers identified, intervened, and supported over 25 students in imminent crisis and secured timely, critical support for them and their families.
Fulton County Schools’ pre-work session is a public meeting that takes place before each monthly work session. It is an opportunity for the Board to receive policy drafts, provide feedback, and give presentations or focus on topics of interest. Audio recordings of the pre-work session are available within 48 hours. Topics discussed at this week’s session include:
The following individual was approved for a new position at the Board meeting:
Rako Morrissey | Principal, Roswell High School
Each month the Board recognizes outstanding students, staff, and schools honored at the state, national, or international level. Honorees must have placed first at the regional or state level or be among the top finishers at the national or international level.
Each member of the Fulton County Board of Education sponsors a monthly meeting open to all community members. The sessions provide an opportunity for direct contact with community members and give Board members a chance to listen to local issues and concerns. Click here to see the meeting schedules of all Board members.
Community Info
Become a Girls on the Run Coach!
Join us in making a difference by mentoring and empowering young girls to build confidence, self-esteem, and a positive body image through fun, engaging activities and physical fitness. Be a role model, inspire growth, and experience the joy of watching these girls thrive!
- New Coach Training: January
- Spring Season Practices Begin: Week of February 10 (Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3-4 PM at AES)- coaches need to be available for at least one practice a week
- Season Finale: Girls on the Run Spring 5K – April 27
Ready to inspire? Register as a coach today: https://www.girlsontherunga.org/coach.
Interested in having your 3rd-5th grade girl participate? Registration is open now at https://www.girlsontherunga.org/3rd-5th-grade-program-details.
Questions? Contact Angela Thompson, Girls on the Run Site Liaison, at amcfar2@gmail.com.
Click on the link below for more information on how you can submit your poster.
Check out GA Tutor Home for more information.