Kendallvue Community Newsletter
October 4 - October 10
All Students Are Curious, Creative, and Confident Learners!
Dear Kendallvue Families,
What a wonderful day it was today! Thank you families for making today a great day for our kids and supporting our school. I want to give a special thanks to Deja Wade and Michael Murphy for their tireless work in organizing the Coyote Crawl Fun Run! Thanks to all our volunteers and staff too! These are the days our kids remind us that we don't have to look too hard to find the fun in life. There is joy around every corner - so thank you kids for reminding us adults!
Remember that donations can still be made up through Tuesday, October 8th. Our goal is to raise $25,000 or more to support projects that include more free after-school activities for students, an outdoor classroom, shade structures, and more. We want to be able to provide more opportunities for kids to experience the joy of learning and the joy of being in elementary school. Please help us keep the joy going for our kids and consider making a donation between now and Tuesday.
I am excited to have more experiences to share with our community this school year. Next week, October 11th, we will host our "Lunch with a Loved One" event. Families can come to school during their student's lunch time and eat as a family. Here is our lunch schedule on our website. This event will be hosted outside on our front lawn. October 15-16 are fall conferences. Be sure to sign up and meet with your student's teacher. Creating academic partnerships between home and family is a huge key to success for students. Finally, Trunk or Treat will be October 25th! Before we know it, it will be November!
Have a great weekend!
Bruce Lindsey
October 8 - 5pm
Have a voice in improvements and growth around Kendallvue
October 9
October 11
Lunch with a loved one!
*Come eat lunch with your student!
Upcoming Events
Daily - 100 Mile Club @ 7:20 am
October 7 - Vision/Hearing screening
October 9 - SEL Virtual Night at Home @ 5pm
October 11- Lunch with a loved one
October 11-16 Fall Book Fair
October 15 - Fall Conferences (3-7pm)
October 16 - Fall Conferences (12-4pm) Students Dismissed at 12pm
October 17-18- No school for students
October 22 - Van Goph Picture Retakes
October 25 - Trunk of Treat Night (5-7pm)
October 31 - Halloween Parties
November 1 - Teacher Work Day- No School for students
November 6 - Orchestra @ BCHS 7pm
November 7- Band @ BCHS 7pm
Nov 11 - Veteran's Day Performance 1:30/6:30
Nov 22 - Report Cards Sent HomeNov 25-29 - Thanksgiving Break
Office Updates
Join us everyday at 7:20 for the 100 Mile Club- remember you don't have to be signed up to run!
- October 7- We need 2 volunteers to assist with the vision and hearing screenings - 9-10:30 is our greatest need but if you can stay from 9-1, we would greatly appreciate it! Please just come to the office on Monday if you can help!
- Kendallvue School Accountability Committee (S.A.C) is another way to get involved in the school. We will have two more meetings this semester (October 8 and November 12). We meet from 5-6pm in the library. Come and check it out - there is no commitment.
The Book Fair starts on October 11!
SEL Nights
Supporting Social-Emotional Learning at Home
October 9th 5-6pm Virtual
Looking to engage parents and caregivers in supporting students’ social and emotional well-being at home? Participants in this workshop explore a variety of strategies they can integrate into their households with learners of all ages. We review a bank of valuable resources parents and caregivers can access for additional information about supporting students’ SEL in intentional ways to build empathy, kindness, and an inclusion mindset.
ID: 83846330417
Join by phone:
(US) +1 646-931-3860
What does it mean to be a Healthy School?
PTA/Watch Dogs
Meetings are the 2nd Wednesday of every month! The October PTA meeting is cancelled.
PTA- 6:00-7:30 * childcare and refreshments provided
Watch Dogs