Family Link June & July 2024
June & July 2024

Summer Meals
Meals available at 32 Open Meal Sites and 19 Mobile Meal Sites throughout the county.
Visit aacps.org/summer for more information.
Feed your body:
- Breakfast (8-8:30am) and Lunch (11-11:30am) are served at 32 Open Meal Sites throughout the county. See the flyer below for locations and information.
- Meals are served at 19 Mobile Meal sites throughout the county. See the flyer below for locations and information.
Feed your mind:
- Every Thursday at Mobile Meal Sites, pick up a book when you pick up your meal! Books in English and Español are donated and distributed by AACPS Library Media Services and Anne Arundel County Public Library.
AACPS Teacher of the Year
Elizabeth Heist, AACPS Teacher of the Year
Elizabeth Heist, a music teacher at Lake Shore Elementary School for 11 years, was named the 2024 Anne Arundel County Public Schools Teacher of the Year.
Heist has spent her entire AACPS career at Lake Shore and is the first teacher from the school to win the award. She is only the second teacher from the Chesapeake cluster to win it.
“I am blessed to have had so many champions throughout my life,” Heist told the crowd of more than 650 people gathered for the Excellence in Education awards event in May. “I wouldn’t have gotten to this point without each and every one of them.”
Dates to Remember
June 10 & 11
Early Dismissal
End of 4th marking period
June 11
Last Day of School
Have a great summer!
June 19
Schools & Offices Closed
July 4
Schools & Offices Closed
Independence Day
July 3
Secondary Summer School Starts
Middle and High School Summer School begins
July 8
Elementary Summer Offerings Start
Camp ENGAGE, Camp SOAR, and ESY begin
Family Engagement Tip of the Month
Preventing the Summer Slide
School’s Out! We want kids to have a fun, relaxing summer, while still maintaining all they’ve learned during the school year.
What is the Summer Slide?
The Summer Slide refers to the when, during summer vacation, students lose some of the learning they achieved during the school year. Some school-age children attend summer learning programs to continue learning or catch up. Other students don't need to study and continue moving ahead in their subjects, however it's a good idea to continue providing a rich learning environment so that they can maintain the progress they've made.
How can you help reduce learning loss over the summer?
Read with your kids - Read, read, read, and read some more. It can be books, magazines, comics, even the back of the cereal box! Just keep reading!
Cook as a family - Cooking uses reading, math, science, history, and more. Learn about how the foods are grown, measure ingredients, and look up the history and culture of the foods.
Visit local sites - Learn about the history of Maryland and the United States right in our own backyard. We have many historical sites in our county and around the state. Watch our rich history come to life by visiting local historical sites!
Stay Active - Physical activity helps grow the brain! From hopscotch, to swimming, to sports, keep your kids moving.
Set realistic goals - We want our kids to keep their learning and be ready for school, but we also want them to enjoy summer! Choose goals they can reach and use incentives to help them achieve those goals (sticker charts, ice cream, fun days, etc.)!
Family Academy
Financial Aid & FAFSA
Do you have a rising senior? Summer is the time to start planning! Applying for financial aid for college is an important step in the college application process. Learn everything you need to know about the FAFSA, financial aid and scholarship opportunities for students applying to college.
Find more videos on Family Academy: Academics & Programs,
Wellbeing & Growth, and Navigating AACPS
International Families
Find out about all the fun and educational events happening during Summer @ Your Library 2024!
This annual program promotes year-round learning by encouraging students to read as many books as they can and attend educational library events between June 1 and August 31. As part of the quest/challenge, participants may track their progress for the opportunity to win prizes.
With the theme “All Together Now,” this year's program also promotes kindness within our communities. AACPL is proud to partner with Kindness Grows Here to share stories from kids in our county who foster kindness and friendship every day.
Connected Devices Chromebook Giveaway
As part of AACPL's commitment to help close the digital divide, through a grant provided by Anne Arundel County and the State of Maryland, they are participating in a free Chromebook giveaway for eligible Anne Arundel County residents.
To determine if you are eligible to receive a Chromebook, find a date to receive a Chromebook, and to register, visit the Connected Devices Chromebook Giveaway site.
Enjoy the warmer weather and take a look at what Recreation and Parks has to offer this summer. There is no better time to learn something new and no better place to do that than Anne Arundel County Recreation and Parks. Summer registration is now open!
Summer Fun Centers
Looking for a fun way to spend the summer? Register for action-packed activities, sports, arts & crafts, field trips, and more. Field trip fees are included in the registration fee! Secure your spot today at www.aarecparks.org/summerfuncenter.
Kinder Farm Park Anniversary
Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Kinder Farm Park! Free park entry all day! Activities include meet the animals, hayrides, games, farmhouse museum tours, blacksmith shop, vendors, and more!
June 30, 11am-3pm
Autism in the Park
Embrace diversity and acceptance as we celebrate Autism Acceptance Day with music, games, and plenty of smiles. Spread the word so we can create a community of understanding and support!
Lake Waterford Park
Sunday, June 9, 11am-1pm
Deep Run Recreation Center Survey
Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks is seeking public input on additional programming at this new Hanover, MD location to serve the community better. Complete the survey
Anne Arundel County Department of Health
The Health Department has many programs, services, and resources to keep you and your family in good physical and mental health.
View all of their services to find programs for you and your family!
Recreational Water Quality
Is it safe to swim in that water? Anne Arundel County has more than 534 miles of linear coastline, and county residents and visitors enjoy the recreational use of our many waterways. From Memorial Day to Labor Day, the Anne Arundel County Department of Health takes samples from more than 80 County beaches where people swim or engage in activities that may result in ingestion of recreational water.
Check for Closings and Advisories and use the Beach Swim Guide before you jump in!
Volunteer of the Month
May 2024 Volunteer of the Month
Emily Meadows, Waugh Chapel Elementary School
"Our volunteer program would not be possible without the dedication and organization of Mrs. Meadows."
Become a Volunteer
Volunteers are an important part of the AACPS school community. By offering your time and talent, you enrich the education of our students, support our staff, and serve families in our community.
Virtual Volunteer Portal
Record the hours you volunteer outside of school!
Your accurate data not only helps us thank you, it also serves as an in-kind contribution when the school system applies for grants.
Ask at your school's office if you don't have a login.
Youth Experiencing Homelessness
The federal McKinney-Vento Act ensures all children who live in any of the following situations have a right to enroll in school and receive transportation by request.
- in a shelter
- in a motel or campground due to lack of adequate accommodation
- in a car, park, abandoned building, or bus or train station
- doubled up with other people due to loss of housing or economic hardship
If you believe your children may be eligible, contact your local school and ask to speak to the Pupil Personnel Worker. All school phone numbers and additional information can be found on the Homeless Students section of the AACPS website.
To make a referral as a community member, service provider, or as a self-referral, please complete the referral form.