Mathematics Interventions
Evidence-Based Mathematics Interventions
Mathematics Intervention Menu
Several of the titles listed below are available to check out of the ARIN Mathematics Lending Library.
Contact Mandi Anderson to borrow materials from the lending library.
Quality of Design & Results
Quality of Other Indicators
Additional Research
PALS Math Intervention K, 1, 2-6
PALS First Grade Math becomes more challenging than PALS Kindergarten. In addition to a strong focus on number recognition and the development of a mental number line representation, emphasis is on place value within numeration, number concepts, and addition and subtraction concepts. The first-grade PALS curriculum also addresses missing addends and mathematical operations, and the number values extend to the hundreds.
The PALS Grades 2 – 6 program covers the comprehensive math curriculum including numeration, number concepts, computation of whole numbers, fractions, and decimals, measurement and geometry, figures/graphs, and word problems.
Pirate Math
*Available for review/trial at IU 28. Contact Mandi Anderson for details.
Number Rockets
Number Rockets is a Tier 2 small group tutoring instruction for 1st grade that teaches students to increase their fluency on addition and subtraction facts.
Students learn to:
Identify and write numbers
Identify more and less objects
Sequence numbers
Use <, >, and = signs
Skip counting by 10s, 5s, and 2s
Identify place value
Identify operations
Write addition and subtraction sentences
Learn addition and subtraction facts
Learn two-digit addition. Learn two-digit subtraction
Learn missing addends.
*Available for review/trial use at IU 28. Contact Mandi Anderson for details.
Fraction Face-Off!
Fraction Face-Off! is a math program focused on improving student’s knowledge and understanding of fractions and decimals.
Target Grade(s): 4
Target Populations:
Students with learning disabilities
Students with emotional or behavioral disabilities
Any student at risk for academic failure
Area(s) of Focus:
Fractions, decimals (rational number)
Key Implementation Criteria:
1. Small group tutoring instruction.
2. All teacher-directed lessons prepared as scripts to help convey instructions to the class
3. 36 lessons included in the program: 12 week implantation schedule
4. 30 – 35 minute sessions, 3 times a week.
*available for review at IU 28. Contact Mandi Anderson for details.
Hot Math
Hot Math Tutoring is a third-grade small-group tutoring program designed to enhance at-risk (AR) students’ word-problem performance. Based on schema theory, Hot Math Tutoring provides explicit instruction on (a) solution strategies for four word-problem types and (b) how to transfer those solution strategies to word problems with unexpected features, such as problems that include irrelevant information, or that present a novel question requiring an extra step, or that include relevant information presented in charts or graphs, or that combine problem types, and so on.
Hot Math Tutoring centers on four word-problem types, chosen from common third-grade curricula: “shopping list” word problems, “half” problems, step-up function or “buying bags” problems, and 2-step “pictograph” problems. The content of Hot Math Tutoring mirrors a companion, classroom Hot Math program, but randomized control trial efficacy data support the efficacy of Hot Math Tutoring when it is used with or without the classroom Hot Math program. Hot Math Tutoring relies on explicit instruction and self-regulated learning strategies.
*available for review/trial at IU 28. Contact Mandi Anderson for details.
Math Wise
Math Wise Calculation and Computation Program is intended for 2nd grade whole-class and small group levels of math instruction. The program focuses on instruction of single-and double-digit addition and subtraction with and without regrouping in terms of calculations and the associated concepts.
The proven benefits of this program are:
Motivates students to be better in math by involving all students.
Gives lower-performing students an opportunity to play an important role in a valued activity.
Fosters positive and productive peer interactions.
Reinforces math skills needed for solving a problem.
*available for review/trial at IU 28. Contact Mandi Anderson for details.
Super Solvers
The Super Solvers program includes a comprehensive Tier II fractions intervention designed to build a solid foundation in fraction concepts among students at-risk for mathematics difficulties. Super Solvers relies on explicit instruction to increase students’ proficiency with assessing fraction magnitude, solving fraction word problems, and solving fraction calculation programs. Features of the program include the following:
Comparing two fractions
Ordering three fractions
Placing fractions on a 0-1 and 0-2 number line
Solving fraction word problems
Solving fraction calculation problems.
The program incorporates a superhero theme to increase student interest. The theme is carried throughout the program in the stories and activity names.
Saga Math (free)
Understanding the best way to help secondary school students in math can be challenging. To date, there has not been a free intensive tutoring curriculum available specifically geared to supporting middle and high school students in math.
So we changed that. We’ve tested the Saga Curriculum working with school districts around the country to empower tutors, or anyone looking to help students achieve their best.
Working with the Saga Curriculum in an intensive tutoring setting can allow students to learn 2.5 years worth of math in one academic year, reducing math failures by as much as 63%, and reducing non-tutored subject failures by as much as 26%. Additionally, our research has shown that the opportunity gap, the observed and persistent disparity in educational performance by socioeconomic status, is closed by nearly 50%.
Spring Math
An award-winning, complete, schoolwide, MTSS solution, SpringMath engages both teachers and students — increasing confidence and long-term understanding. Combining streamlined tools for assessment, reporting, and intervention, SpringMath provides a clear path to math mastery in just minutes a day.
SpringMath is teacher-led and incorporates research-proven paired learning — meaning it doesn't rely on independent student screen time. Students achieve math mastery and long-term math confidence through paper and pencil, "show-what-you-know" learning.
SpringMath is built on a robust foundation of embedded coaching and support for each teacher as well as access to support documentation and help.
Focus Math
Reflex Math
Try for Free: Reflex Math Educator Grant Program
NCII Implementation Resources with Evidence
Strategic Math
Intensive Intervention in Mathematics Course Content
Intensive instruction was recently identified as a high-leverage practice in special education, and DBI is a research based approach to delivering intensive instruction across content areas (NCII, 2013). This course provides learners with an opportunity to extend their understanding of intensive instruction through in-depth exposure to DBI in mathematics, complete with exemplars from actual classroom teachers.
NCII, through a collaboration with the University of Connecticut and the National Center on Leadership in Intensive Intervention and with support from the CEEDAR Center, developed course content focused on enhancing educators’ skills in intensive mathematics intervention. The course includes eight modules that can support faculty and professional development providers with instructing pre-service and in-service educators who are learning to implement intensive mathematics intervention through data-based individualization (DBI). The content in this course complements concepts covered in the Features of Explicit Instruction Course and so we suggest that users complete both courses.
Project Stair
In this project, DBI serves as the overarching approach for addressing individual student needs related to algebra readiness by (1) identifying student misconceptions and errors in key algebraic concepts, (2) using evidence-based elements of explicit and systematic instruction to support student learning, and (3) integrating principles of culturally responsive assessment and instruction. School-based educators will develop capacity to implement these practices through professional development and coaching. The intended outcome of this project is improved algebraic reasoning and overall mathematics achievement for middle-school students with disabilities.
Learning Strategies Curriculum: Assignment Completion Strategy Study: Hughes et al. (2002)
The Assignment Completion Strategy program has bee designed to enable students to complete and turn in high-quality assignments on time. Through the program, students learn a strategy that involves the use of several organization, time-management, and self-control skills related to completing assignments. It is a complex strategy system comprised of several cognitive strategies and overt behaviors in which students engage over a significant period of time. Mastery of the strategy can result in increased rates of assignment completion as well as improved levels of quality in students' work.
Fact Fluency Newsletter- Evidence Based Strategies
Mandi Anderson, TaC Team Consultant
Email: aanderson@iu28.org
Website: MathNerdMandi.com
Location: 2895 West Pike Road, Indiana, PA, USA
Phone: 724 462 5300 1106
Facebook: facebook.com/mathnerdmandi
Twitter: @mathnerdmandi