Connections Newsletter
September 6, 2024
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Upcoming Events in Connections
September 13: Deadline to pay mandatory AP Exam fee(s) in IC
Deadline to pay optional PSAT/NMSQT (10/11 only) fee in IC
September 23: Mini-College Fair during Flex in the Forum
September 30: Mini-College Fair during Flex in the Forum
October 10: Optional PSAT/NMSQT Exam. 10th/11th only (Deadline to register to pay the fee in IC is September 13)
October 15-17 - Colorado Free Application Days - see college websites for directions on how to apply, each college will have specific directions for their school
In the Community
September 23 - Christian College Fair
September 23 - Southern Colorado College Fair
September 29 - NACAC College Fair Click here for the list of colleges attending
October 5 – Explore Johns Hopkins: Denver
Help Us Help You
Our team supports every family. We strive to always be aware of opportunities as we advise our families. We want to partner with you and your teen. We have created a form to complete that WILL STAY CONFIDENTIAL in Connections.
CLASS 2025 - Joanna Peters
If you are looking to meet the Early Action deadline, you can come to Connections and set up a meeting with Ms. Peters. While a teacher's letter of recommendation is optional, if you decide to ask a teacher for a letter, there is a process to follow. For deadlines of Oct. 15, submit a request to Connections by Sept 16, and Teacher by Sept 23. Here are the steps but you are welcome to come to Connections for assistance.
IF YOU HAVE OCTOBER 1 or 15 deadlines, come and set up a time with Ms. Peters before Sept 7. As you are applying, remember that any email sent with a request MUST be followed up with an in-person moment with Ms. Peters. That way she can verify that you (and she) have what is needed for an application form or letter of recommendation and uncover any emails that were sent to spam. Ms. Peters will walk through the application process in Rhetoric classes on the 19th or 20th of September.
PSAT/NMSQT Exam - Thursday, October 10 (Optional, for 10th/11th only)
The PSAT/NMSQT Exam at TCA will be on Thursday, October 10 from 8:00 -11:45, arrive by 7:45. Register by paying the optional fee in Infinite Campus by the September 13 deadline.
Note: this is on the Thursday morning of Parent/Teacher Conferences BEFORE Fall Break.
This is the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying exam for juniors and is a PSAT/NMSQT practice exam for sophomores. Juniors who take the PSAT/NMSQT and meet other program entry requirements can compete for recognition and scholarships conducted by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. Families, check if your employer is listed as a scholarship sponsor. These sponsor scholarships are often awarded to children of employees who are NOT in semi-finalist or finalist standing.
The 2024-25 PSAT/NMSQT exam will be digital. Currently, you can complete full-length practice tests. Per College Board: PSAT/NMSQT practice tests will be available in Bluebook (the digital platform) you can Download the Bluebook App and Practice.
Free test prep resources:
Official SAT Practice Tests (College Board)
Khan Academy (SAT Free Official SAT Practice Tests | College Board)
ACT Academy with Practice Tests
How to Improve Your ACT Score by 2 Points in 20 Minutes
Free SAT Tutoring and Prep | Schoolhouse SAT Bootcamp
More test prep resources are on the Connections webpage.
AP Exams
The AP Exam is REQUIRED for all AP courses. The fee for EACH exam is $99, payable in Infinite Campus fees. Fee waivers are available for those who qualify.
Fee Waivers
If you qualify, here are avenues to waive college admission testing (SAT, ACT, AP) or college application fees. If you qualify for an SAT fee waiver, or the ACT fee waiver, you can be approved for a fee waiver to most colleges. Another route is the NACAC College Application Fee Waiver. Please connect with your junior/senior advisor in Connections Ms. Peters tcacollege@asd20.org for assistance.
Here is a Naviance Quick Guide on how to set up a parent/guardian account and use Naviance tools. Registration codes were sent to new users this week. If you did not receive the email or need help setting up your account, email tcavisits@asd20.org.
Many sections of Naviance can be translated into 75 languages for your convenience, please click “Translation Switcher” in the upper right-hand corner of the home screen.
Community Service
All students must complete 40 hours of community service and write 4 (four) 350-word reflective papers by the end of the third quarter of their senior year. Hours and papers are logged in the Community Service (x2VOL) link found on the TCA Intranet page and under the Family tab on the TCA website if logging in from home. If you need help, refer to this Helpful Hints sheet or stop by Connections.
Bennington College’s twenty-fifth annual Young Writers Awards competition is now accepting submissions. The deadline is November 1.
Scholarships, Financial Aid and Other Awards
Davidson College offers the John M. Belk Scholarship, which covers comprehensive funding (tuition, fees, food, and housing) for four years, plus $6,000 in special opportunity stipends. Nominations are required and due by November 1. See here for additional scholarships.
The Boettcher Foundation is hosting webinars on “Everything You Need to Know About Scholarships.” During these webinars, they will discuss how students can “ACE” their college and scholarship applications, including tips on how to help your applications stand out. You can register to attend one of the webinars by clicking on the date you wish to attend (please note that you only need to attend one, as the same information will be presented during each webinar)
An abbreviated version of the presentation is also available here
College Planning and Highlights
If you have considered applying to a service academy, it is never too early to start. You can attend information sessions as early as your freshman year when the service academy representatives come to campus. There are information sessions hosted in the springs and Denver that you should consider attending. Here is a copy of last spring’s event.
If you are interested in the University of Georgia and not able to attend one of their Campus Visit Experiences, they offer Out-of-State Virtual Evening with UGA sessions to learn more about UGA.
If you are interested in SCAD, they are hosting an information meeting in Denver at the Hotel Clio on November 16.
The UNM College of Nursing is the #1 ranked nursing program in the state of New Mexico with 588 students enrolled in their Pre-Licensure Bachelor of Science in Nursing programs on the Albuquerque and Rio Rancho Health Science campuses. More specifically, their Freshman Direct Entry program offers high school seniors the opportunity to apply to nursing school at the same time they are applying to college. Students admitted into this program begin nursing coursework within their first year of college. This is a great opportunity for high school seniors who know they are interested in pursuing a career in nursing to get ahead in the admissions process and jump straight into their nursing courses. Please note that students are not automatically considered for this program if they submit a UNM application. They must submit an application directly to the College of Nursing via NursingCAS. Their Freshman Direct Entry BSN program is now accepting applications for Fall 2025 incoming Freshman via NursingCAS and has a priority deadline of December 1st. Stop by Connections if you would us to schedule a Zoom meeting with UNM Nursing team.
Career Spotlight - Aerospace and Public Safety
Grade Level and Back to School Checklists
Connections Center (Career & College)
Katina Dahl, Advisor - Freshmen, Sophomore, AP, PSAT/NMSQT
Jodi Hoffman, Office Manager - College & Career Visits, Community Service
Email: tcavisits@asd20.org
Website: tcatitans.org
Location: 975 Stout Road, Colorado Springs, CO
Phone: 719-484-0091 1104