Hollywood Headlines
Alamo Elementary - September 2, 2024
Important Dates
Sept. 2
- Labor Day, No School
Sept. 4
- First Delayed Start, School Starts @ 10:00 a.m.
Sept. 9
- Homecoming Week
- PTO Meeting @ 4:10 p.m., Alamo Media Center
- Board of Education Meeting @ 7:00 p.m., Administration Office
Sept. 10
- Picture Day
Sept. 13
- Homecoming Parade & Football Game
Sept. 17
- Fall Festival
Delayed Start
Every Wednesday, Alamo will begin the day at 10:00 a.m. Teachers and staff will be using this time to plan interventions, take part in Professional Development, and collaborate. Please note that we DO NOT have delayed starts on 1/2 days.
How Will You Show Your P.R.I.D.E. Today?
Positive Attitude
- Roczen Cairns
- Maddox Newby
Responsible Actions
- Jeremiah Zirkelbach
- Rowen Engbers
- Isaac Woods
- Korbyn Block
- Hunter Barker
- Knox Klobucher
- Ivy Pohl
- Pyper Pohl
Alamo PTO - Make A Difference
Alamo PTO needs you! The PTO (Parent-Teacher Organization) is a wonderful way to become involved in your child's education and to get to know other parents and teachers. The PTO has many activities throughout the school year that you can help with by volunteering. The PTO meets once a month at 4:10 p.m. in the Alamo Media Center. Listed below are the dates for this year's meetings. We would love for you to attend!
Meeting Dates
Sept 9
Oct 14
Nov 11
Dec 9
Jan 13
Feb 10
March 10
April 14
May 12
June 9
CKH & P.R.I.D.E.
Staff and students spend time over the first weeks of school reviewing PRIDE and what it stands for. This year, students will reference a PRIDE Behavior Matrix that is posted throughout the school. The matrix breaks down the expected behaviors in the hallway, bathrooms, cafeteria, library and at recess.
Student Behavior - THINK Sheets
Here in Otsego, we believe in a safe and orderly learning environment for all students. We understand that students make mistakes from time to time and that is okay as long as we have a growth mindset and learn from our mistakes. This school year all teachers in the building will be utilizing think sheets for students. They will look different from grade level to grade level based on student ability. The think sheet is meant to be a reflection tool for the student and a communication piece between the student, parent, and teacher. We ask that if you get one of these sent home with your student you review it with your student, sign it, and send it back to your child's teacher. We appreciate your continued partnership in the continued growth of your child!
You’re Invited!
Who: Alamo Students & Families
When: Tuesday, Sept. 17th
Time: 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Where: Alamo Elementary School
We are really excited for a fun night of activities on Tuesday, September 17th. Please plan to join us for a hot dog dinner between 6-7 p.m. Weather permitting, we will be outside. So, be sure to bring your lawn chairs or blanket for a family picnic.
Our library will be open for our annual Book Fair. The Book Fair will be open from 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Fall festival games will be held outside between 6:30-7:30 p.m. The games this year will have a "Hollywood" theme. Prizes will be available for current Alamo students and siblings. Other activities include slushies, cotton candy, popcorn and bounce houses.
We hope you are able to make this fun event!
Book Fair 2024
The Book Fair is back! Please be sure to stop by and do some shopping Sept. 11th-Sept. 18th to buy your favorite little one or your favorite teacher a new book.
Picture Day - Tuesday, September 10th
Picture forms were sent home with the students this week. Please bring the pre-printed form in to the photographer whether you are ordering pictures or not. It helps the photographer to associate child to name and teacher. If you ordered online you may mark that on the form to speed up that process. All students will have their photo taken for school purposes.
Picture re-take day will be Thursday, October 24.
Purple Week is coming up at the end of September and the time is now to get your purple apparel! We have short and long sleeve shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants and more! All proceeds go directly to cancer and Parkinson’s disease research at Van Andel Institute. Wearing your purple shows your support for the cause - we hope to make this the most successful Purple Week fundraiser yet!!!
Attendance Matters
If your child is absent and the absence is unexcused, you will receive an automated phone call reminding you to report the absence. Please remember to report your child’s absence, before 9am, by calling our attendance line at (269) 694-7680.
Popcorn Fridays
Students at Alamo can purchase popcorn on the last Friday of the month beginning on September 30th. Popcorn can again this year be purchased for the entire year by sending $4 per student (discounted, as well as the "easy button" for parents!) on or before the first popcorn date of September 27th, or it can be purchased each individual time for $0.50.
Below are the dates for popcorn Friday this year.
September 27
October 25
November 22
December 20
January 31
February 28
March 28
April 25
May 30
Social Work Scoop
We are officially in the swing of things here at school. I hope last week's article about the importance of routines was helpful. Now that you are creating those routines, here are some back to school tips through the lens of mental health.
Remind your child they are not alone. Encourage them to try their best. Support any emotions they are having at home with gentle hugs and love.
Help your child know what to expect. This falls right in line with the need for routine. This can reduce nervousness.
Praise all your child’s efforts! Take this opportunity to focus on their character, not just grades.
Pay attention to your own anxiety. Your child can, and will pick up on it if you are experiencing it.
Get enough sleep. This is a basic need and a simple way to set your child up for success!
Build quality time into your daily routine. Some ideas would be reading together, cooking dinner together or snuggling before bedtime.
Identify ways at home your child can unwind and release stress. The same thing won’t work for everyone, so try a few different activities and see what helps. Some examples would be coloring, exercise, deep breathing or time outside.
We are here to serve your child and you; just ask us if you have any questions or concerns. We LOVE loving on your child here at school.
Please don’t ever hesitate to reach out to me, Sarah Maxwell
My email is smaxwell@otsegops.org.
My office number is 269-694-7619.
Elementary Cross Country
Registration is open to join Elementary Cross Country! EXC is for kids in 3rd-5th grades and meets twice a week after school starting August 26th/27th. Kids will slowly build running endurance to participate in two meets. Each elementary school will have a team to compete in the finale of the city championship, a two-mile race! The cost is $30 and includes a t-shirt, water bottle, after-school snack and entry into the meets (including the Bulldog Invite). Practices will be after school on Monday's and Wednesday's
Register by September 3rd. We cannot wait to get started!
FREE Lunch For ALL Students
Good news! With the passage of Michigan's budget this year, breakfast and lunch will be FREE FOR ALL STUDENTS for the 2024-25 school year! However, it is still vital that you fill out the Free & Reduced Meal Application because it is tied to more than school lunches. If you qualify, you could receive discounts on internet service, school Chromebook insurance fees, testing fees and more! These applications are also tied to a portion of the district's federal funding that helps provide tutors, summer school, counselors, programs and materials and more. It's a quick form to fill out - you only complete one per family. Fill it out today at https://www.otsegops.org/departments/food-service. *Please note: students who take a second meal will be charged the regular meal prices for that meal.
Digital Lunch Menus
To help save on paper, we will not be printing lunch menus unless requested. We will begin including them in the school newsletter or you can visit our website or the OPS App to view the menu each month.
Remind for Alamo Parents
Join Alamo Parents REMIND
Would you like to receive text updates on important dates and activities taking place here at Alamo Elementary? REMIND is a safe and efficient communication app designed for teachers/schools to communicate important classroom/school information. If you are interested in receiving updates from Alamo Elementary via text, text this message @alamopare to the number 81010 or click on the link below.
Athletic Passes Available This Year
Alamo Elementary
Email: nknight-lucas@otsegops.org
Website: https://alamo.otsegops.org/
Location: 8184 North 6th Street, Kalamazoo, MI, United States
Phone: (269) 694-7600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/415538888654020
Twitter: @otsegoschools