September 14 update
September 14 update
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Updates | May 15, 2024
Table of Contents
Dear Families,
Please see below for the announcements for this week’s family newsletter!
Updated Last Day of School
One Team Appreciation Thank You!
Intent to Return Survey
Title I Grants Family Meeting
Spring Arts Night
MCAS Testing
BPS Exam School Admissions
Athletics Corner
Enrichment Corner
Nurses Corner
Middle School Corner
High School Corner
CCO (College Counseling Office) Corner
Family Resources
Madelyn Ruizdeporras
Family Operations Manager
1. Updated Last Day of School - Thursday 6/20
There has been a recent update to our last day of school. This update has been made to accommodate dates that were not used as snow days. Our NEW last day of school for all students (except Seniors) is on Thursday, June 20th with dismissal at 12pm. If students ride the yellow bus, transportation will still be provided.
**Please also note that students DO NOT have school on June 19th due to the Juneteenth holiday.
2. One Team Appreciation Thank You!
We wouldn’t be able to do what we do without the support from our Boston Prep Families! THANK YOU for the generous appreciation breakfast and lunch sent in by our Boston Prep families. The breakfast and lunch items provided the energy needed for the day! Your support inspires us to put our very best each day!
3. Intent to Return Survey
We are at the time of the year when we need families to identify their school plans for the next school year (SY24_25).
Here: is the link to a brief survey that asks if you intend to have your child continue at Boston Prep next year (SY24_25).
We use this information to plan class assignments and to make new enrollment offers for families on our waitlist. Your answer has no impact on your child's enrollment for the current school year SY23_24.
A couple of things to know:
Any family that has multiple children enrolled at Boston Prep must respond for each student.
If you are not yet sure of your plans, please complete the form and select "unsure." We are asking all Boston Prep families to submit this survey by May 28th at the latest. The survey will only take a minute or two of your time.
Please reach out to Madelyn Ruizdeporras (Family Operations Manager) at: 617-910-5333 or email: if you have any questions.
Thank you and we are excited to start planning for the next school year!
4. Title I Grants Family Meeting
Join us to learn more about Title I Grants on Tuesday, May 21st from 4:00-4:30 PM via zoom.
Title I is a federal education program that provides financial assistance to schools with high percentages of low-income students. The goal of Title I is to provide an equitable and high-quality education to all students. Please join us to learn more.
Zoom Meeting Link:
5. Spring Arts Night
The Arts Department would like to invite you to our Spring Arts Night on Wednesday May 22nd from 5pm-7pm.
5:00-5:30: Opening/ Art Show + Piano performances from our HS students
5:40-5:50: Recorder Performance from our 8th grade music students
5:50-6:20: HS play “Malkema” the story of MLK and Malcom X
6:20-6:40: Awards Ceremony
6:40-7:00: Closing, students can bring their artwork home
Please make time to show up for our Arts Community and celebrate all of the hard work we have put into the year!
6. MCAS Testing
We are currently in the middle of state testing for MS and HS students. Upcoming testing dates are below. Save the dates!
Middle School MCAS Testing dates:
Civics: May 21 - 22 (Grade 8 only)
High School MCAS Testing dates:
Math: May 21 - 22 (Grade 10 only)
Science: June 4 - 5 (Grade 9 and select 10th graders)
7. BPS Exam School Admissions
BPS will use the MAP Growth test and grade point average (GPA) as admission criteria. Students in grades 5, 7, and 8 living in Boston can apply to BPS exams schools:
- Boston Latin Academy
- Boston Latin School
- O’Bryant School of Math and Science
For BPS students currently in grades 5 and 7:
- Testing will take place between May 28 and June 7 during the school day.
- No registration required.
For all non-BPS schools & homeschool students in grades 5, 7, 8; BPS students in grade 8; & grade 7 exam school students who wish to apply to a different exam school:
- Testing will take place on Saturday, June 1, 2024 across five BPS locations.
- Registration is required. Test registration opens on April 8th at noon.
- Register for the June 1 test by May 5, 2024 at
8. Athletics Corner
Spring Sports
Family ID Link is now open for Spring registration!. Please take some time to click on the link below and stay tuned for more details to come. Below are some details for Spring Sports.
Questions regarding Spring sports or any athletics? Reach out to Mr. Henry at:
9. Enrichment Corner
- High School Summer Enrichment Requirement Reminder: Boston Prep's high school graduation policy requires that high school students participate in a summer enrichment opportunity each summer of high school, for a total of 3 summer enrichment credits. Students earn one summer enrichment credit per year, the summer after 9th, 10th, and 11th grade after participating and providing proof of your summer enrichment activity to Ms. Fontes via email. Examples of summer enrichment opportunities include
- Enroll in a precollege program
- Enroll in leadership training institute
- Complete an internship program
- Obtain summer employment through SuccessLink, ABCD, or other organization
- Volunteer a minimum of 40 hours
- Ms. Fontes will provide students with information about summer enrichment opportunities by email weekly. Summer enrichment opportunities are listed on the Enrichment Opportunities Sheet (linked here). Please know that students and their family are exclusively responsible for finding and enrolling in a summer enrichment opportunity. Some programs (precollege programs, summer camps) will have an associated cost. Boston Prep does have a scholarship fund for summer enrichment programs that provide students with valuable experiences on a college campus; students may apply for this scholarship to be considered for assistance with these costs. This scholarship fund is limited so students are encouraged to apply early. Students can access Boston Prep's Summer Enrichment Scholarship Application from the link. For questions about summer enrichment, please email Fina Fontes at
- futureBOS Employment/Internships for Youth Ages 14 - 18 & Young Adults Ages 19 - 24: The futureBOS summer youth jobs application is live! Boston youth and young adults ages 14 - 24 can now apply for summer job opportunities on FutureBOS, the newly redesigned youth jobs catalog created to help young people secure summer jobs. Youth can apply for jobs in arts/entertainment, community/social assistance, education and childcare, environmental health care, government and advocacy public administration, STEM, sports and recreation, and more! Data from past years shows that if youth apply to at least three jobs by April 30, youth have a 70% chance of getting hired. Many jobs are competitive, and positions fill quickly - be sure to check futureBOS to see which jobs are still hiring before applying.
- Join Neighborhood Pop Up Fairs & Learn about Youth Summer Jobs: To bring youth employment opportunities to all parts of Boston, the Office of Youth Employment & Opportunity is hosting neighborhood pop-up fairs! This event will connect young people citywide to local youth employers, foster their professional development, help them complete their applications, and assist with the onboarding process. Click here to register.
- Locations
- Dorchester: BCYF Perkins, Thursday, May 16 at 3pm - 6pm
- Jamaica Plain: BCYF Curtis Hall, Saturday, May 18 at 11am - 2pm
- Allston: BCYF Jackson Mann CC, Tuesday May 21, 4pm - 7pm
- Mattapan: BCYF Gallivan, Thursday, May 30 at 3pm - 6pm
- Roxbury: BCYF Shelburne CC, Tuesday June 4 at 3pm - 6pm
- Artward Bound @ MassArt for 8th, 9th, & 10th Graders: Summer Session: A six-week, full-day experience with engaging and relevant academic mornings and art-filled afternoons. Students participate in both Artward Bound and Youth Programs classes, take Math and ELA courses to prepare for the next year of high school, and engage in team building challenges, community day experiences, and field trips. Artward Bound provides breakfast and lunch for every day of the summer. Learn more about the program structure and apply online by May 10, 2024.
10. Nurses Corner
11. Middle School Announcements
The BPS Exam School Initiative (ESI) program is currently accepting applications from families with students currently in grades 4, 5 and 7 to participate in their free summer program.
The ESI program is an equity initiative designed by the Office of Opportunity Gaps to increase diversity in the exam schools (Boston Latin School, Boston Latin Academy, and the John D. O’Bryant School of Mathematics and Science) by increasing opportunities for students from traditionally underrepresented communities: Black and Latina/o/x communities, economically disadvantaged communities, multilingual communities, and students with disabilities.
The family letter is available here, which includes a link to the online registration form. Seats will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. The application will be closed once capacity has been met.
12. High School Announcements
None at this time.
13. College Counseling Office Corner
Junior Events
- Junior Family Info Night: We invite all juniors and their families to attend our Junior Family Info Night on Wednesday, May 29th from 5pm – 7pm. This event will kick off our work with juniors as they begin the college process. More details, including the RSVP form, to follow. Dinner will be provided.
Senior Events
- Class of 2024 Senior Signing Day: Please join us on Monday, May 20th to recognize and celebrate our seniors as they announce their post-high school plans. This event is the culmination of the CCO’s work with seniors, and is always a celebratory event. Please aim to arrive at 7:45am and be ready to cheer and celebrate the Class of 2024 and their college and career plans!
- Senior Dinner: On Wednesday, June 12th, we will be holding our annual senior dinner in the HS Café. Each year, the dinner marks the beginning of graduation week. Please join us to share a meal and gratitude with your senior and the larger school community. To RSVP, please have your senior complete the RSVP form that they were emailed. Dinner will be provided and the event will begin promptly at 5:30pm.
14. Family Resources
For information about resources, please familiarize yourselves with our Boston Prep Resource Page:
If you need further assistance, please reach out to our Family Operations Manager, Ms. Ruizdeporras @ or call 617-910-5333
- Wednesday, May 22: Spring Arts Night
- Monday, May 27: Memorial Day - No School
- Thursday, May 30: ELPAC Meeting 5:30PM-6:30PM
- Friday, May 31: Seniors Last Day (Finals after)
- Thursday, June 13: SEPAC Meeting 5:30PM-6PM - via zoom
- Friday, June 14: Senior Graduation
- Monday, June 17: End of Q4
- Tuesday, June 18: 8th Grade Step Up Ceremony
- Wednesday, June 19: Juneteenth - No School
- Thursday, June 20: Last Day of School - dismissal at 12pm
Have questions?
Please don’t ever hesitate to reach out with questions! You can contact your child’s advisor or utilize any of the emails/websites below.
- For questions about buses, MBTA passes, and transportation:
- To report an absence or tardiness or any attendance related matters:
- To submit a physical exam record or to discuss health-related topics:
- For questions or documents related to enrollment:
- For information about resources, please familiarize yourselves with our Boston Prep resource page:
- For other questions: