Senior School Update
August 29, 2024
Upcoming Events
Thursday, August 29: Hockey Town Hall for M13-18 teams (Coristine Hall) from 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Friday, August 30: Grades 9 - 11: Fantastic Friday - House Shirts & Activities Day!
Monday, September 2: Labour Day - School closed, no classes.
Tuesday, September 3-5: Grade 12 Retreat, Eastman, Quebec.
Wednesday, September 4: Gryphon Sale of gently used Selwyn House uniforms and clothing.
Wednesday, September 4: Extracurricular Activities begin for senior students.
Monday, September 9: Parent Information Evening from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Thursday. September 11: Spirit Day - house t-shirts, athletic bottoms and running shoes.
Thursday, September 12: School Picture Day.
Friday, September 13: Terry Fox Run.
September 20-23: Grade 10/11 Upper Gatineau River Trip.
Need to Know
Fantastic Friday House Activities - Friday, August 30
The Student Leaders have organized a day of House activities for the Senior School students on Friday, August 30. Students should arrive at these set locations at 8:00 a.m. and should wear their House t-shirts and athletics wear (shorts & sneakers).
Grade 9 - Macaulay Mezzanine
Grade 10 - Rossy Agora
Grade 11 - Coristine Hall
There will be NO lunch service for Senior Students as students will be dismissed directly after their activities between 1:00 p.m. -1:15 p.m.
Absences/Early Dismissals/Late Arrivals: If your son will be late, absent or needs to leave school early, please send Ms. Kaur an email by 8:00 a.m.
Student Directory (Updated regularly): The student directory is available online through mySelwyn under the Resource tab. Reminder that your username for mySelwyn will be the email we have on file. For help accessing mySelwyn, contact Ms. Poulin. This online directory is the exclusive property of Selwyn House School. Please note that the directory is provided for the sole use of parents of current Selwyn House School students. The Student Directory is not to be reproduced or distributed.
Matériel requis pour tous les niveaux de français: Cahier Canada de 80 pages (en classe, pour la prise de notes). Dictionnaire et Bescherelle (à la maison, pour les devoirs).
Senior School extracurricular activities and clubs will begin starting next Wednesday. To sign-up for an ECA or a club, all you need to do is show up. The list of ECAs and Clubs that are running, along with their locations, can be found on the attached document. If you have any questions regarding ECAs or Clubs, please don't hesitate to contact Mr. Bracewell ( ECA and Club Locations may be found here.
Argyle Shop News: Final back to school rush! The store will be open next week on September 3, 4 & 5 from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. & 1:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. No appointments required. Regular store hours, (also where no appointments are required), will resume on Monday, September 9.
Intramurals: Intramurals begin Wednesday, September 4 and take place during senior lunch from 1:10 p.m. - 1:40 p.m. in the Macaulay gym. In order to participate, it is MANDATORY to wear running shoes in the gym. Intramurals will run Monday to Thursday for grade 9, 10, 11. Any questions, please contact Coach E.
Spirit Day! For all of the fun filled details, please click here!
Terry Fox Run: All Selwyn House students will be participating in the annual Terry Fox Run on Friday, September 13. Students will attend school in their house t-shirts and Selwyn House athletics wear and should be prepared to run outside regardless of the weather. Please read the following Parent Information Letter for specific details about fundraising, event timing, and expectations. Please encourage your friends and family to support our fundraising efforts by donating on our school fundraising page.
Grade 10/11 Upper Gatineau River Trip: September 20-23, 2024.
Four days, three nights on a gorgeous river with tasty food, some big rapids, some chill time, and an insightful guest from Kitigan Zibi.If you have been on it, then you know how impactful this trip is. Don't miss out on this opportunity.
Fill out this form asap if you want to come (click link) Deadline is September 5th!
Open to grades 10 and 11. Approximate cost: 1500$/student.
Priority will be given to students in grades 10 and 11 who have not been on this trip before.
Duke of Edinburgh Program: Ready for an adventure? The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is your ticket to fun challenges, new skills, and community impact. Interested? Reach out to Ms. Segal for more information. Stop by her drop-in hours on Monday and Wednesday at lunch in the Mac Mezz for more info. Click here to learn more about the program. For new students at Selwyn House, you will receive an email soon with information on The Duke of Edinburgh program. If you have any questions or would like to meet to discuss in person whether this program is the right fit for you, please reach out to Ms. Segal to schedule a time to talk.
Volunteering Opportunities
The Friendship Circle is an organization that provides support and friendship to families who have children with special needs. Starting in September, they will have opportunities on Sundays and weekday evenings to volunteer. Their programs include sports, yoga, dance, art, cooking, drama, music and more! To become a volunteer, you can fill out the form on their website
- BDO Cedars CanSupport Dragon Boat Race. On Saturday September 7, 2024, The Cedars Cancer Foundation is hosting their annual BDO Cedars CanSupport Dragon Boat Race and they are looking for volunteers. Click here to read more about this event.
Hockey Town Hall: Thursday, August 29, 7:30 p.m - 9:00 p.m. in Coristine Hall. Parents of hockey players are highly encouraged to attend this event. This information session will discuss the Selwyn House hockey program and lay out expectations for the upcoming season. Please RSVP by clicking the link here to confirm that you will be in attendance.
Summer Reading: During the first few days of school, students will be tested to determine if they have completed their summer reading, please come prepared.
Breakfast service begins on Monday, September 16: Our kitchen will offer an optional breakfast service of hot and cold food and drink items to all SHS students between 7:15 a.m.- 8:00 a.m. on school days. Student purchases will be logged and billed to corresponding Selwyn House accounts. No cash will be accepted. Throughout the year, on occasions when we cannot offer breakfast service due to special school events in the dining hall, we will notify families on our school calendar or via email.