Hickey 3rd Grade News
Week of May 20-24
Last week of school!!
Peek at the Week:
- Reading: Reader's Theater
- Earth's Resources Research and visual presentation
Social Studies:
- Be the Change: local heroes
Thursday Schedule:
- Class parties from 12-1- You are more than welcome to come along to your child's class party!
- pass out awards
- sign yearbooks
Friday Schedule:
- Kickball game against teachers
- Early release at 12:00
Mark your calendar:
May 23- Class Party 12:00-1:00
May 24- Last Day of School: Early Release Day
Please send students with closed toed shoes for the days they have PE 😀
Summer Reading Flyer
Plano East Basketball Camp
Plano East Summer Camps
Free Parent Support Groups
Summer Camp Ideas
Visit the 3rd Grade Website
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Roxanne Barnes
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