CHS News
August 23, 2024

Thanks Is a Small Word That Speaks Volumes
Homecoming 2024 was a spectacular day of events showcasing the extraordinary spirit of community that is the hallmark of Centennial High School. Our heartfelt thanks to EVERYONE who made this day memorable for our students, their families, our staff, and the community. There were so many people who worked behind the scenes, as well as at all of the events.
Homecoming started long before September 28, with meticulous planning and inspirational creativity spearheaded by the CHS Student Government Association (SGA). A special shout out to our SGA faculty sponsors, Ms. Shalonda Holt and Dr. Kelli McDonough, who were there every step of the way – along the parade route and everywhere else!
The SGA Board worked tirelessly on Spirit Week, Pep Rally activities, parade routes, floats, decorations, the dance, and so much more. It was remarkable to watch this group in action, as well as to see them inspire their classmates to participate and show their Eagle pride. This was student leadership at its finest!
Our thanks to SGA Board Members: Moyo Adebanjo, Ethan Burgoon, Neya Chandrasekaran, Joy Dong, Bryan Feng, Angela Huang, Divya Joon, Jiwon Kim, Joseph Kim, Ruby Kim, Johan Lee, James Li, Hibah Mehreen, Jenny Min, Daisy Navarro, Ava Rudy, Benjamin Wan, Emily Zheng, Hannah Zhou.
2024-25 SGA Board Members
Classes Coming Together
Homecoming is a time to recognize students coming together – freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors – as individuals and as a class. To that end, we thank our staff class boards and sponsors:
- Class of 2025: Toni Ireland and Cheryl Beall
- Class of 2026: Lizz Engle and Colin Moe
- Class of 2027: Katie Carr and Teri Stevens
- Class of 2028: Dani Holzman and Erin Parisi
If Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Our school is supported by the remarkable commitment of our PTSA, Boosters, and Friends of Music – networks of dedicated people who share their time and talent so that our Centennial students and families enjoy endless opportunities.
We are grateful to Melissa Major, PTSA President, and Tracy Lynge, PTSA Pancake Breakfast Chair, along with their corps of volunteers who shopped, prepped, cooked, served, and cleaned up the most amazing Pancake Breakfast ever! This is truly an Eagle Tradition!
A special shout out to our Boosters Co-Presidents, Brooke Brown and Tracey Conrad, as well as Friends of Music President Cheryl Jenkins, who support us all the time in more ways than we can count. Thank you for all that you mean to our school.
Let There Be Music!
CHS musicians set the mood throughout Homecoming. On Friday morning – the day of Pep Rally – the Jazz Band played as students entered the school. It truly was the best start to the day! Later in the day, the Steel Band, the Jazz Band, and the Marching Band all performed at the Pep Rally.
Jazz Band was back early on Saturday morning at the Pancake Breakfast, and then the Marching Band did an amazing job at both the parade and football game.
Thank you David Matchim for teaching and organizing these young musicians!
Show Us Your Spirit!
Rock with the Red
Roll with the Blue!
A very special thanks to the Junior and Senior Dance Company and the Drill Team. We are so proud of your spirit and the way you always go above and beyond for our school.
Eagle Strong
We are proud of our Varsity Football Team, whose members demonstrated determination and great sportsmanship on the field. Many thanks to Coach Corey Eudell for his dedication to the team!
So many delicious choices!
This crew worked so hard to keep the pancakes coming!
Top notch performance by the CHS jazz band!
Photo courtesy of Mason Byrd
Photo courtesy of Mason Byrd
- Centennial High School’s website is a great source of information at https://chs.hcpss.org.
- On Twitter @hcpss_CHS and Instagram @CentennialHS.
- Read the Wingspan, CHS student newspaper
- CHS PTSA https://www.chs-ptsa.org/and CHS Boosters https://www.centennialboostersonline.com/.
- CHS Friends of Music http://www.centennialmusic.org/
- Register to receive school system updates and alerts at https://www.hcpss.org/hcpss-news/, click on Subscribe and select Centennial High School.
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