Tiger Weekly Update #21
Friday, January 31st, 2024
Dear HMS Tiger Families,
Happy Friday, HMS!
I hope everyone had a wonderful week. Take some time to review the newsletter so you are aware of all of our upcoming events. Don't forget to join us this Sunday for our HMS Athletics & Activities event from 4:00–6:00 PM in the Hoboken Middle School gymnasium! Enjoy food, refreshments, snacks, and exciting raffles. We can't wait to see you there!
Please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns ryan.sorafine@hoboken.k12.nj.us
Please take some time to read through the updates below to learn some more about this past week and upcoming events. Some highlights are:
- HMS Athletics & Activities Expo ~ Sunday, February 2nd
- HPEF Corner
- HMS PTO Corner
- SEPAG: Special Education Parent Advocacy Group
- "Dedicated And Determined to Step Up" Movement Information
- The Great Kindness Challenge
- Hoboken Middle School CogAT 2025
- Athletics Corner ~Winter Sports Information
- HMS Clubs & Activities Corner
- Guidance Counselor Corner
- Nurse's Corner
- Grade and content level summary to give you a peak into the classroom
- 2024-2025 School Year Information for Families (Breakfast/Lunch Program; Technology; FAQs)
HMS Athletics & Activities Expo
Middle School Athletics & Activities Expo
Join us for an exciting Hoboken Middle School Athletics and Activities Expo THIS Sunday, February 2nd, from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM in the Hoboken Middle School Gym!
Come discover the incredible sports, activities, and programs that our HMS students are actively participating in—and get a sneak peek at the new programs rolling out for the 2025-26 school year.
This is open to 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Grade Families. We look forward to seeing you there and sharing all that HMS has to offer! Let’s build excitement for the next school year together as we learn what "Tiger Pride" is all about.
Enjoy the Ride!
Principal Sorafine
HPEF Corner
We hope you'll join us at the Hoboken Biergarten on Wednesday, February 26th at 7:30pm for drinks, bites, a photobooth, and more. This event is always loads of fun for a great cause.
We are thrilled to announce our first-ever Dads’ Night Out! After hosting 9 successful Moms’ Nights Out, it’s time to celebrate the dads who are just as invested in supporting our district public schools and community. Save the date for March 13, 2025, at Antique Loft for "The Agave Sessions." This event will feature live music, tequila tasting, and a chance to connect with fellow dads and community members—all while supporting the heart of our town, our district schools. Your involvement and contributions make a real difference, and we can’t wait to get to know you better. Let’s make this a night to remember.
Save the date and set an alarm — tickets will go on sale Tuesday, February 11th at 9pm. Follow us on social media and check our website for the registration link.
HMS PTO Corner
Krispy Kreme
Please help the PTO fund field day by ordering Krispy Kreme donuts. Pick up will be on Super Bowl Sunday between 11am and 1pm in the courtyard behind the Monroe Center! Complete your order here: https://forms.gle/Rzj613GL2Rs3bSmG9
Upcoming Events!
Our next event is the Parent/teacher vs students basketball game, at Hoboken High School on March 27th!
We need a parent to chair this event, if you are interested please reach out to hobokenmiddleschoolpto@gmail.com
Volunteer opportunities and a sign up to play will be shared soon!
Again, I want to thank everyone for your support and cooperation towards the PTO.
Sheillah Dallara - President
Kara Cohen - Vice President
Susana Hodge - Treasurer
Laura Block - Secretary
HMS “Live” Calendar
Stay in the know and up to date with HMS PTO and school events. Sync the PTO’s “live” calendar!
Click here for the calendar link optimized for Apple’s iCal and Microsoft Outlook.
Click here for the calendar link optimized for Google Calendar (click the + calendar at the bottom right to add to your calendar).
"Dedicated And Determined to Step Up"
The Movement "Dedicated And Determined to Step Up" for education is a way to connect the many people in our community that positively impact the lives of our youth. Research has shown that when fathers are engaged in a student's learning, grades, test scores, and attendance improves dramatically. We also know that when both parents are engaged in a child's learning it leads to greater mental, physical, social, financial and career development. While many of us may be fathers, you do not have to be a father to be one of the D.A.D.S.. D.A.D.S. are those who motivate, inspire, pick us up when we fall, and who are there to celebrate our victories large and small. Family members and family friends can also be positive role models. D.A.D.S for education is looking for community members to assist with the healthy development of our students. Be D.A.D.S. for them all. If you or someone you know would like to know more about our D.A.D.S. movement, please click or scan the QR code below.
Hoboken Middle School CogAT 2025
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)
Throughout the month of February, all first grade through seventh grade students throughout the district will be administered the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT). The CogAT is designed to measure a students' reasoning and problem solving skills using verbal, quantitative and nonverbal (spatial) symbols. An informational letter about the CogAT, including the purpose of administering, was sent home with students in grades 6 - 7.
It is important to note that sitting for the CogAT is not mandatory. If you choose to have your child opt out, please communicate your child’s name, grade and school to Supervisor Christy Gaudio via email at cgaudio@hoboken.k12.nj.us no later than Wednesday, January 29th.
HMS CogAT Administration Dates:
- Sixth Grade: Monday, March 3rd
- Seventh Grade: Tuesday, March 4th
- Make-up Date for Grades Sixth - Seventh: Monday, March 10th
Please review the following CogAT Informational Guides to learn more:
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Grades 3 - 7 Informational Guide
HMS Athletics Corner
HMS Boys Basketball
The HMS boys basketball team came away with two wins this week, continuing their undefeated season. Chance Rivera scored 20 points and Aaron Bishop chipped in 15 in a 61-12 home win against Weehawken on Monday. The boys also came out on top in a road battle at Kearny on Wednesday. Rivera netted 17 and Bishop added 14 in the 48-39 road victory. Great job, Tigers!
The upcoming schedule has the boys on the road Friday, 1/31 @ Fairview and on the road Monday, 2/3 @ Cliffside Park. The Tigers will then host Secaucus on Wednesday, 2/5. We hope you can come out and show your Tiger Pride!
HMS Winter Athletics
HMS Athletics Participation Guidelines
Game Attendance Requirement: Athletes must not miss more than 2 games during the season.
Practice Attendance Requirement: Athletes must not miss more than 3 practices throughout the season.
Consequences for Non-Compliance: Failure to meet these participation commitments will result in removal from the team.
We expect all athletes to adhere to these guidelines to ensure the team’s success and maintain a fair and competitive environment for all participants.
Thank you for your support, and we hope to see your child participate in our new sports program. If you are interested in trying out for the HMS Sports competitive teams, please ensure that all registration requirements are met by the deadline. If you have any questions regarding the HMS School Athletics program or the registration process, please reach out to Mr. Benway directly at cbenway@hoboken.k12.nj.us.
HMS Winter Athletics Schedule (Click to View)
Tryouts: Week of January 6th
Season Begins: January 20th
Season Duration: 6 weeks
Practices and Games: 3 days per week
We look forward to an exciting and successful winter season!
Hoboken Schools Theater Department
Hoboken Middle School Theatre Department Presents "Alice in Wonderland"
Hoboken Middle School Theatre Students have been working hard on preparing for their newest production, "Alice in Wonderland". This incredible performance can be enjoyed by HMS Students, Families, and Hoboken Community members. Please see production dates and ticket sale information below:
Hoboken Middle School
158 4th Street
Hoboken, NJ07030
Ticket Information
Purchase tickets in advance at hhsnj.booktix.com
*Any student in grades K-8 must
be accompanied by an adult for
admission to the performance
District Wide Talent Show
Friday March 7th at 6pm Hoboken High School
If you are interested in performing in the district wide talent show, please fill out this form completely Talent Show Sign Ups. All performers are required to submit a video of the exact act that they will be performing at this event for pre-screening. Acts will be accepted based on the timestamp of this google form. There are only a certain amount of time slots per grade band for this event. Grade bands are K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, and faculty/staff. There will be a gift card prize for the best act per grade band. You will be notified by a production team member once your act is accepted into the performance.
Google forms are due by February 3rd.
All acts must be 4 minutes or less
Talent can work solo or you may have up to six participates in a group
No profanity or insensitive subject matter will be permitted, this includes lyrics of songs
Costume may be worn for the performance but must be school appropriate. (No tank tops, crop tops, biker shorts, slides, or face coverings of any kind are permitted)
Props may be used but are the responsibility of the performer to obtain
Music used must be a karaoke instrumental track and needs to be submitted in the google form
Each participant may only perform in one act
District Musical Information: Newsies
Dear Parents and Guardians,
The Hoboken Theatre Department would like to invite your child in grades K-12 to participate in this year’s district production of Newsies. If you are interested in having your child participate in this year’s musical please read this link District Production 2025 FAQ . It will help acclimate you to policies for rehearsals and the entire district musical experience, as well as answer any questions you may have about the audition process.
All participants in the district production must commit to the audition process. Students will attend one day that will encompass everything needed for their entire audition. Failure to follow the audition process and policies will result in your child being ineligible to be cast in the show. The audition song will be provided in advance for you to practice at home. We ask that you look it over before the audition so that you can make informed choices while performing at the audition for us. The more prepared you are, the stronger your audition will be. The dance portion of the audition will be taught the day of auditions.
While we hope to include every child who wishes to participate in the production, we also need to make sure that we have the resources needed to provide a safe and effective learning environment. In this production approximately 100 students will be cast equally across all five public schools, per grade, and through the lens of equity, diversity, and inclusion. Please discuss this with your child in advance as not everyone who auditions will be in the production.
In an effort to expedite auditions, every student must pre-register using this google form Registration Link for Newsies. Online sign ups will be accepted through January 31st. We can not accept late audition registrations. Parents are welcome to stay for the duration of their child’s audition in the auditorium only. Please keep these audition days cleared from other activities as your child may be here until 7pm. We will dismiss students as quickly as possible.
The callbacks list and cast list will be emailed to you. If your child is cast in the production they will also be invited to a Google Classroom (for students). Parents will be invited to join a Class Dojo. These platforms will be where information such as rehearsal schedules, costume requirements, and dance videos will be posted weekly.
Auditions and all rehearsals are held in the Hoboken High School Auditorium. Please also note that the production team is NOT responsible for getting students back and forth between buildings after school. We are only responsible for your child once they have arrived at Hoboken High School’s auditorium.
Reminder, you must pre-register your child before January 31st in order to be eligible to audition.
Important Dates:
Monday February 24th: Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grades
Tuesday February 25th: 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades
Wednesday February 26th: Middle School
Thursday February 27th: High School
Friday February 28th: Callbacks (your child is only needed if they are asked to come back). The callbacks list will be emailed out late on February 27th. These callbacks will take place from 3:15-6pm as a group as it's a small number of students who will be called back. If your child is NOT called back, that does NOT mean they are not cast. A final cast list will be emailed to all who audition by March 2nd.
Monday March 3rd: 1st rehearsal is 3:15-6pm (check rehearsal schedule to see if you are needed/mostly leads).
Show Dates:
Friday May 16th at 7pm
Saturday May 17th at 2pm
Sunday May 18th at 2pm
Do not audition if you cannot attend all of the performances. Please pack a water bottle and snack for your child for auditions and rehearsals daily. Dress your child in sneakers. No slips-ons, UGGs, or Crocs.
The K-2 grade ensemble will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays weekly from 3:15-5pm. If your child already has commitments after school these days please do not send them to auditions.
Additionally we will be holding a “Mock Audition Fundraiser” on Saturday February 22nd from 9am-12noon at Hoboken High School. Information will be sent home about this event at a later date. It is meant to help prepare your child for the audition process. Casting will NOT be based on who participates in this fundraiser event. This event coincides with the high school’s Makers Day (12noon to 3:00 pm) and is sure to be a family fun-filled day of STEAM activities.
On behalf of the entire production team, we look forward to working with your children in this production.
HMS Clubs & Activities Corner
NJHS Member Obligations & Criteria for Induction
Membership in the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) is one of the highest honors that can be awarded to a middle school student. Our chapter strives to give practical meaning to the Society’s standards of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. These four ideals are considered as the basis for selection. The National Junior Honor Society strives to recognize the whole student—one who excels in all of these areas.
Membership, however, is more than an honor. It is an ongoing responsibility and an obligation to continue to demonstrate those outstanding qualities that result in a student’s selection. Membership also carries a responsibility to the chapter. In order to be inducted into the Hoboken Middle School Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society students must achieve the following:
High Honors in all subjects for 3 consecutive marking periods
Demonstrate exemplary attendance and punctuality (fewer than 14 absences and 21 tardies for marking periods 1, 2, & 3)
Consistent demonstration of good character through adherence to school rules and district policies
Demonstration of leadership by being a model for other students to follow
Students eligible for induction will be notified in late May, 2025.
HMS Student Council
HMS Student Council would like to thank our school community for participating in The Great Kindness Challenge. As leaders of the school, Student Council created a kindness chain to be hung in the cafeteria. Additionally, Student Council delivered notes of encouragement and kindness to Empire Coffee for “Coffee Kindness Day.” Student Council is also busy planning a Valentine’s Day treat for our HMS Tigers and our 1st Annual HMS Snow Ball at the end of February.
As a gentle reminder, attendance at Student Council is important! If a student is unable to attend Student Council, please email me.
If your child would like to join Student Council please email Ms. Falcone: sfalcone@hoboken.k12.nj.us.
Snow-Ball Dance
Dance Criteria for Attendance
Newsletter Club
Members of Newsletter Club are busy conducting interviews with our teachers, coaches, and club advisors for our quarterly newsletter. The Tiger Quarterly will highlight our field trips, River Keepers, Alice in Wonderland, and winter sports.
If your child would like to join Newsletter, please email Ms. Falcone: sfalcone@hoboken.k12.nj.us.
Academic Team
Junior Thespians
This week due to the set construction for Alice in Wonderland the Junior Thespians club met in the cafeteria. Some whole group word association games were played. Then several student led theater games branched out. Next week Junior Thespians club will not be meeting as we prepare for opening night of Alice in Wonderland. We hope to see you there!
Ms. Falcone's Guidance Counselor Corner
I hope our HMS Tigers had a great week! I would like to thank all of our HMS Tigers for participating in the Great Kindness Challenge this week. The Great Kindness Challenge is a week-long program dedicated to creating a culture of kindness and compassion in communities worldwide. To help students practice kindness and put our compassion into action, students received a Great Kindness Challenge checklist in the beginning of the week. The goal was to accept this challenge and complete at least 15 kind acts to be entered into a raffle during grade-level lunches on Friday. Congratulations to our raffle winners! Together, we will lift each other up, cheer each other on, and show the world that kindness matters!
Marking Period 2 ended yesterday, 1/30. Marking Period 2 report cards will be available on OnCourse on 2/7. If you would like to schedule a conference with your child’s teachers at any time, please reach out to me (sfalcone@hoboken.k12.nj.us).
Partners in Prevention: We're Not Buying It (WNBI)
Hoboken Middle School is pleased to announce that our 7th grade students will be participating in the We're Not Buying It (WNBI) program, beginning January 29, 2025. This program is offered by Partners in Prevention, which aims to strengthen Hudson County through evidence-based primary prevention programs that feature "real life situations", and build on educational assets teaching students important life skills.
WE'RE NOT BUYING IT (WNBI) is a prevention education strategies program aimed to reduce early first use of alcohol, marijuana, and prescription and over-the-counter medications, as well as bullying behavior. The primary focus is on raising awareness of messages about substance abuse and bullying that are included in popular, non-advertisement media.
WNBI will be offered to your child's Social Studies Class for six consecutive weeks. Below is an overview of the six lessons.
If you decide to not have your child participate, please sign and return the opt-out form no later than Monday, January 27th. A hard copy of the consent form was sent home with your child today.
If you have any questions or need further information about WNBI please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Individualized Learning Pathway - Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth
During the Individualized Learning Pathway (ILP) period, students who have qualified to
participate in the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY) programming engage in a
wide array of verbal course offerings that address their specific strengths and interests. Johns
Hopkins CTY believes in researching and advancing ways to identify and nurture academically
talented learners. CTY furthers research, guides educators and families and inspires students
from diverse communities and backgrounds to pursue their intellectual passions and create the
world of tomorrow.
This week, we highlight one of the Johns Hopkins CTY courses offered to qualifying students
this fall.
CTY Honors Grade 7 Mathematics
In CTY Honors Grade 7 Mathematics, students explore proportional relationships, statistical
sampling, linear expressions and equations, and two- and three-dimensional geometry. Here, our
sixth graders are taught with 7th-grade concepts by engaging in fun online videos, lessons, and
practice problems; diving into theory, applications, and modeling; working on creative projects, and
participating in forums.
HMS Nurse's Corner
HMS Health Information
Crutches, Ace Bandages
If your child experiences an injury and needs to come to school with an assistive device or any kind of wrap, please send them in with a doctor’s note so that we know the type of injury that occurred and the doctor’s recommended restrictions. Wraps put on by parents at home cannot be adjusted by the school nurse without a doctor’s note. Gym and recess excuses also have to come from the child’s doctor. It is important to keep me updated and notify me of any change in physical status so that the appropriate measures are put in place.
If your child has any medical needs, please feel free to call me to discuss any questions or concerns you may have. As a reminder, if your child has any kind of over the counter or prescribed medication that needs to be kept in school, please let me know, have your doctor fill out a medication administration form and supply me with the medication. Please do not send in the medication in your child’s backpack. This is a safety concern! All medication must be handed to the nurse, by the parent, with orders.
Also, a reminder that there are two required immunizations for all 6th graders as per the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services. If your child has been immunized and is up to date on their required immunizations please send me a copy as soon as possible. If they have yet to receive the two required immunizations please make an appointment and provide proof of immunization.
The 2 required immunizations are as follows:
N.J.A.C. 8:57-4.10: Diptheria, Tetanus and Pertussis Vaccine (TDap)
Every child born on or after January 1, 1997 and entering or attending grade 6 on or after September 1, 2008 shall have received one dose of TDap, given no earlier than his/her 10th birthday.
N.J.A.C. 8:57-4:20: Meningococcal Vaccine
Every child born on or after January 1, 1997 and entering or attending grade 6 shall have 1 dose of meningococcal vaccine such as the medically preferred meningococcal conjugate vaccine.
HMS World Language Corner
Grade & Content Level ~ What Have We Been Learning?
Each week, our grade level teams will be sharing content highlights from the week. Please check out the sections below that highlight the content for your child.
6th Grade
Language Arts
ELA students began the week by adding their finishing touches to their Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Scrapbooks, utilizing the project’s instructions and rubric to revise/finalize the artifacts included in their scrapbooks. Next, the students enjoyed a Gallery Walk to view their peers' scrapbooks, offering Glows and Grows for their classmates' final products. The week ended with an exciting Scavenger Hunt to help introduce their Unit 3 novel, Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, and familiarize students with Greek Mythology and the various mythological creatures which appear in the novel.
Early in the week, our 6th grade mathematicians discovered that ratio tables could be used to compare ratios and solve problems. Students used multiplication and division to generate equivalent ratios organized in ratio tables. They gained the understanding of how to compare ratios using common terms and applied this understanding as they solved real-world and mathematical problems. Then students discovered that equivalent ratios could be represented in a table, and the pairs of values could be plotted on the coordinate plane. To split up the week, students completed the Topic 5 mid-topic assessment. To end the week, students started to learn about rates and unit rates. Students were able to see a plethora of examples in which they use rates and units in everyday life.
This week in science, we worked on our trifold board for the STEM Expo coming up on February 20th! Students worked in groups to come up with an invention that is sustainable and benefits society. Students made slides on this invention that included information regarding sustainability, advertising, target customers, etc. These slides are now being transformed into trifold boards that will be displayed in the cafeteria for parents and students to come and see!
Social Studies/Civics
This week in 6th grade Civics the students learned about the powers of Congress and how compromise played a role in how much power members of Congress would have. They completed a critical thinking exercise that had them categorize certain laws under certain Congressional power, enumerated or general powers, that are listed in the Constitution. The class analyzed Article 1, sections 8 and 9 of the Constitution. Article 1, section 8 lists the enumerated powers of Congress while section 9 lists the powers that Congress does not have. We ended the lesson with our review and using the lesson which gave the students the opportunity to apply what they have learned about the congressional powers within the Constitution.
Tiger Advisory
This week in advisory, students shared their habit of character presentations created during the previous meeting. Students shared their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to habits such as initiative, collaboration, responsibility, and perseverance. Afterwards, students discussed ways in which they can foster their strengths and improve in areas of weakness.
7th Grade
Language Arts
This week in ELA, seventh graders began Unit 3. Students participated in an inquiry-based gallery walk, analyzing a series of images and using inference-making skills to determine the unit theme. At the end of the week, students received their Unit 3 core novels, We Beat the Street by Drs. Sampson Davis, Rameck Hunt, and George Jenkins. Texts in this unit will center around the theme, Chasing the Impossible. Next week, we will dive into the novel!
This week our mathematicians completed Topic Four: Generating Equivalent Expressions by adding and subtracting algebraic expressions and analyzing equivalent expressions. Students wrapped up the unit with a review Jeopardy game and took the Topic Assessment. Next week, 7th graders will begin Topic 5: Solve Problems using Equations and Inequalities.
This week the students presented their project on Natural Disasters and Safety plans. Each group did a fantastic job utilizing their research data, and providing plenty of detail from class discussions to strengthen their projects. It was the perfect ending to Unit 2, and we are now ready to begin Unit 3 next week.
We also were notified by the NJSBA STEAM Tank Challenge Application Committee that all 26 teams entered into the challenge have been reviewed, and all will be competing in the 2025 STEAM Tank Regionals. Our groups have been working extremely hard and should be very proud of this accomplishment. The excitement has all groups motivated, as they have begun preparing for the live judgement round which will be held in March.
Group Name
TCB: The Cleaning Boat
Evan Jervis, Jacob Reese, Daniel Rodriguez
Makayla Fargosa, Mikayla Colvin, Mckayla Malave, Jocelyn Perez
Clean Air Everywhere (C.A.E)
Alex Zelaya, Isiah Gutierrez, Xavier Crayton, Maxwell Eckert, John Esposto, Otto Hasselberger
Danieliz Barragan, Brii Newby, Jordyn McKenzie
Kitchen Clean Up
Willie Hernandez, Robert Lazorchick, Elliot Decker
The Style Brush
Alexandra Crimmins, Skylar Della Fave, Emily Haneny, Grace Shoemaker, Janaliz Champion
Hydroxy:The Infinite Water Bottle
Emraan Gasal, Brant Angley, Cayden Willis, Jaden Lionel
Charm Locators
Avery Crain, Paige Forman, Sadie Volkman
Hand Bird
Amy Morales, Nivea Freeman, Zamyiah Serrette, Logan Morrissey, Jaleah Rice, Scarlett Baez, Hennah Herbst
Smart Spray
Teagan Thiede, Nahla Lisa, Rose Simons, Alexandra Simpson, Alexa Baez
Kat Kloud Cat Bowl
Leyla Monroe Fuller, Keira Parker, Evee Sanchez, Eliana Field, Philip Larozchick
Good Doggy
Daniel Tarinelli, Westin Rumph, Lukas Nelson
Zepp Assistant
Sebastian Cannavale, Santiago Torres, Brandon Su, Quinn Popkoski
Oogle Bear 3000
Alessandra Giuntoli, Julianne Aponte, Merilah Aviles, Arabella Lopez
Rat Trapper
Randy Colon, Nathaniel Goldberg, Martin Roche
Net Opener
Alexander Magaletta, Tommy Anter, Tomas Callamari
Danger Wear
Kendra Robinson, Cheyenne Martinez, Alexandra Poucki
Matthew Barr, Acrisius Ortiz, Ky'on Howard, Eugene Lennon Wynn, Moses Espiritu
Food Finder
Alexa Sigler, Ali Church, Charlotte Powers, Riley Simons, Shaely Rodriguez
The Chillin' Box
Madison McKeown, Katherine Jabbour, Guiliana Oquendo
For Women by Women
Sophia Curbelo, Egypt Cortez, Eva Warner
Liannah Reyes, Saniyah Gibbs
The Disease Detector
Maksim Suspitsyn, Mason Morales, Caleb Galvani
The Bag Pass
Gabriela Stein, Dahlia Pollack, Yazleen Roman, Mia Mina
Cleat Covers
Gavin Watkins, Pavle Tomin, Cooper Whitmore, Cainan Rawhouser
Kayden Atkins, Ethan Genao, Mason Hampton, Jadon Justice, Sincere Hines, Joshua Leohwing
Social Studies
This week the 7th graders spent reviewing for their Unit 2 test. Students researched more of the Canadian provinces and learned details of each that sets them apart from the rest of Canada. Students played Kahoot and Blooket review games to help them study for the USA and Canada test they took Friday. Next week, the students will begin learning about their third Unit of the year, Mexico. They will focus on an overview of Mexico, then dive into Mexico’s geography.
8th Grade
Language Arts
This week in ELA students continued to analyze The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by completing a Literary Analysis Square to display their understanding of the novel and incorporate some artistic interpretation as well. Students also continued to master 125 Words Every 8th Grader Should Know, through a quiz on list 5. Not to mention our exciting field trips that took place this week!
Pre-AP Algebra
This week during Pre-Algebra students created and presented their correlation projects. Students compared 2 variables of data based on a topic of their choice in order to see if the data was correlated. We had a fun time presenting our projects with Mrs. Quist’s class during our Friday periods. Student’s also enjoyed our field trip to the Buehler Science center where they completed a space exploration exhibition. Looking forward to next week when we start to discuss frequency tables. Have a good weekend!
In 8th Grade science this week we wrapped up the lessons on light and took a field trip to the Buehler Space Center in Paramus NJ. The fun filled field trip included learning about the Challenger Space Shuttle along with other activities. Students got to participate in a mock setup on a Mars landing craft along with mission control. Finally, there was a hands-on project where students got to build and drop a device that would protect an egg that would be dropped from a height of ten feet without breaking. The most successful designs for the egg drop project were ones that resembled a parachute to slow the fall.
Pre-AP World History
Students ended this week with their January Research Task on the Fall of Ancient Rome. Earlier in the week, students dived into the study of ancient religions in Afro-Eurasian civilizations through primary source analysis. They also learned about the legend of Gilgamesh through a video analysis where they collaborated with one another to study the video and respond to questions.
Social Studies
Students began the week studying the Age of Exploration through an analysis of the Columbian Exchange. Students were able to identify the items that originated from each hemisphere and the positive and negative effects that came along with it. Students then did a primary source analysis of the Spanish Conquistadors interactions with the natives in the West Indies and wrote a constructed response where they took a position on their treatment. Classes ended the week with the January Research Task on the Fall of Ancient Rome.
Ms. Martinez/Ms.Scott/Ms. Burke/Mr. Huaranga
Fine & Performing Arts / Physical Education Corner
Pre-AP Visual Arts
It fills my heart with a bittersweet feeling to write this message to you all. In my past 5 years working at Hoboken Middle School, I have found friendship, love, fulfillment, and the deepest connections possible with amazing, talented students.
As many of you now know, I will be starting a new chapter in my life across the country next week. This week has shown me in full force how much I am appreciated by my students, as they have shared heartfelt thoughts and messages with me and moved me to tears with their honest, beautiful sentiments. My students at Hoboken Middle School have taught me as much, if not more, than I have taught them. As I write this now, I feel tearful, but happy for the memories I have had the opportunity to make here. I will fondly remember my time with this school community, and always consider Hoboken my home.
If you wish to stay in touch with me, please feel free to send me an email at olive.whelan3@gmail.com My line will always be open.
Thank you for all that you have given me, HMS!
Pre-AP Dance
Mind Over Matter: Critical Thinking
This week we wrapped up our class and will rotate to our new electives. Each student worked on exploring GRIT and how they can establish this in their own life.
Pre-AP Theater
This week in Pre-AP Theater students across all grade levels participated in a new game called werewolf. This role identification game gives students an opportunity to attempt to deceive their peers. Additionally students in all grades completed writing a one page play. On Friday the new marking period began and students moved on to the next course in the rotation. Next week the new students will begin working their way through the Pre-AP Theater curriculum.
2024-2025 School Year Information for Families
HMS Cell Phone and Personal Electronics Policy
HMS Dress Code Guidelines
The objective of the Hoboken Middle School Dress Code Guidelines are to promote an atmosphere of respect, academic success, and school culture while recognizing freedom of student choice and expression. Please find below a clear outline of acceptable student attire in our HMS Quick Reference Chart, HMS Dress Code FAQ's, and HMS Dress Code Style Guide.
Please forward any questions you may have to rsorafine@hoboken.k12.nj.us
Quick Reference Sheet
Dress Code FAQs
HMS Spirit Wear Vendors
The Local Thread
Because Tiger Pride = Hoboken Pride, the HMS Swag Team is excited to announce our new Spirit Wear partnership with Hoboken's own The Local Thread! Currently our Online Store is CLOSED but will reopen again in the Fall.
Our Online Store is NOW CLOSED but Visit Here: HMS Tigers Online Store
Prep Sportswear
Prep Sportswear is another vendor for students and families to purchase HMS Spirit Wear. Prep Sportswear is currently OPEN. Please visit the link below for ordering/purchasing information.
Hoboken Middle School Tigers Apparel Store (click me)
HMS Help Desk
Here are some helpful items for our families:
My child is going to be absent...what do I do?
Email WVasquez@hoboken.k12.nj.us and SFalcone@hoboken.k12.nj.us to inform us about the absence.
I need to pick up my child early...what do I do?
Call the main office 15 minutes prior to pick up so your child can be waiting at the Bloomfield Street entrance. The main office is (201) 356-3754. You will need to come into the security area to sign the book for your child to leave.I have an issue with my Chromebook...what do I do?
Please visit the HPS-Tech in Our Schools Site for any tech related questions or problems with Chromebooks.
I have a question about dress code or purchasing...what do I do?
Email Dr. Baskinger (robin.baskinger@hoboken.k12.nj.us) for information
I have a question for about my child making up work if they are absent...what do I do?
Email Ms. Falcone for assistance (SFalcone@hoboken.k12.nj.us)
HMS Lunch & Breakfast Information
If you are not interested in applying for free or reduced lunch, we kindly ask that you submit a hardcopy of the free/reduced lunch application by filling out your child’s name on Step 1 and note anywhere on the application that you are not interested in applying for free/reduced lunch.
What is for Lunch?
We offer hot school lunch daily in our cafeteria through Chartwells, our district’s food provider. You do not need to order lunch in advance, however, you can preview the daily lunch menu using the following link and then clicking on Hoboken Middle School. Each day, we offer a vegetarian option. Lunch is $3.85 per day per child, however it is at no cost for all students who qualify for free or reduced lunch. https://hoboken.nutrislice.com/menus-eula
How can I pay for Lunch?
Please ensure that you made a My Meal Time. Use the link below for the instructions that will walk you through the process of making an account.
Is there School Breakfast Available?
Morning Breakfast is from 7:30-8:10 am in the cafeteria. Breakfast is $2.60 per child per day, unless your child qualifies for reduced or free breakfast/lunch, in which both breakfast and lunch will be at no cost for you. All children who would like breakfast should enter through the 4th Street Entrance. There will be staff at the door to greet you and your child. Additional staff members will escort your child to the cafeteria. There will be additional staff members supervising morning breakfast in the cafeteria. At 8:10 am, students will be escorted by our staff members to their designated homeroom location. In order to receive morning breakfast, please ensure that you have filled out the online lunch application when it is available as well as created an account.
Attendance... It Matters!
Technology Usage & Insurance Information
Please Complete the Following Form:
District Technology Use and Policy Information
- All Chromebooks utilizes an Internet content filter that is in compliance with the federally mandated Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA).
- Parent Technology Site: https://sites.google.com/hoboken.k12.nj.us/guardians/home
How do I purchase insurance coverage? (For School year 2024-2025)
- Insurance coverage ($26.00 per device) for 2nd to 12th grade students can be purchased through Securranty anytime as long as your chromebook is in working order.
- Please Visit: https://sites.google.com/hoboken.k12.nj.us/guardians/home
What does it cover? (click me for coverage information)
**Chromebook insurance is of no cost to students that qualify for free or reduced lunch. Only one form should be completed per family each school year.
Helpful Links & Information for Families
- Hoboken Parents & Guardians Technology Support
- Mealtime (payment site)
My child forgot their Gmail password. Can you please reset their Gmail account?
- Call/email the HMS Main office for assistance.
My child’s Chromebook is broken. Who do I contact?
Fill out Hoboken Public School Technology Help Request for Parents, Guardians and Students
Return the broken Chromebook to Ms. Munoz in the main office as soon as the damage is apparent.
Do not wait to turn in a damaged Chromebook!
Ms. Munoz will send your Chromebook for repair and will arrange for your child to receive a loaner Chromebook until their Chromebook is repaired.
Oncourse Connect ~ Parent Information
Here is the link for parents to sign up for Oncourse Connect:
I am also including the link that has FAQ's and videos to assist parents logging in:
HMS Locks and Lockers
HMS Tigers received new locks and lockers for the 2024-2025 School Year. Every student is assigned a locker and a school issued lock. Both the locker and the lock are considered school property. Students may not share lockers. Lockers are school property and, as such, may be inspected periodically. It is the student's responsibility to take proper care of the locker, its contents and the lock. If a locker does not work properly, a student should notify Dr. Baskinger immediately. If a student loses their lock, a $10 fee will be charged for a replacement.
HMS Locker Schedule
HMS Locker Schedule
Students are not permitted to utilize lockers between class periods. Backpacks, coats, cell phones, and sporting gear must remain in student lockers from 8:15am - 3:00pm.
Locker Schedule (6th)
8:15 arrival
11:18 Before 5th Period Lunch
12:03 After Period 5th Period Lunch
3:00 Dismissal
Locker Schedule (7th)
8:15 arrival
12:03 Before 6th Period Lunch
12:48 After Period 6th Period Lunch
3:00 Dismissal
Locker Schedule (8th)
8:15 arrival
12:51 Before 7th Period Lunch
1:33 After Period 7th Period Lunch
3:00 Dismissal
Arrival & Dismissal Information
The entrance on the 4th street side of the building is open to all students beginning at 7:30. If your child arrives early, they should report to that door and enter the building. Students will then report to the HMS Cafeteria where breakfast will be served. Grade Level entrance doors open at 8:15am each day.
- Grade 6: Garden Street
- Grade 7: 4th Street
- Grade 8: Bloomfield Street
Any student arriving after 8:15 is to report to the Bloomfield Street entrance. Parents/Guardians that must pick up their child from HMS prior to the end of the school day must call the Main Office (201) 356-3754 at least 15 minutes prior to pick up. All early dismissal pickups are to report to the Bloomfield Street Security Entrance to sign out their child.
Parent Resources for Cell Phone Monitoring
Most children today have a cellphone on hand and use it extensively to do homework, communicate with friends, and view social media platforms. It is almost unimaginable to think of a modern-day child who doesn’t take full advantage. These rapid advancements in technology have been proven to be a recent challenge. Below are two suggested cellphone monitoring services that include activity monitoring, location services, filtering, and screen time management. Though not offered through Hoboken Public Schools, these resources may be helpful in managing cell phone usage. Click on each link below below to be taken directly to the resource website.
Qustodio: The All-In-One Parental Control and Digital Wellbeing Solution