AES Eagle Eye Tribune
February 14, 2025
Principal's Corner
From the Principal's Desk: February 14th, 2025
Dear Antrim Elementary School Families,
Happy Valentine’s Day! This week, I am so proud to share the amazing efforts of our students during Kindness Week. Despite snow days cutting our week short, they accomplished an incredible 1,833 acts of kindness in just three days! Their commitment to spreading kindness is inspiring. I've challenged our students to continue striving to be kind every day and to do something kind this weekend for family or friends in honor of Valentine’s Day.
Looking ahead, a reminder that February Vacation is coming up from February 24th through February 28th. We hope you all enjoy a restful and refreshing break! Before we head into vacation, we have an exciting school-wide Pajama Day on Friday, February 21st. The students earned this fun day by reaching another kindness challenge goal—way to go, AES!
As we gear up for Read Across America Month in March, we are thrilled to announce plans for special literacy-centered activities, reading challenges, and our annual Family Literacy Night on Thursday, March 20th. Please mark your calendars—we would love to see all of you there for an evening of fun, stories, and connection.
Thank you for your continued support of our students and school community. Have a wonderful Valentine’s weekend, and don’t forget to spread a little extra kindness wherever you go!
Warm regards,
Principal, Antrim Elementary School
Where Students Learn to Soar
Kindness Week
🌟 Kindness Week at AES! 🌟
We had a fabulous time celebrating Kindness Week at AES! 💛 While kindness is something we practice every day, this week we took extra time to reflect on what it means to be kind, complete acts of kindness in our school and community, and enjoy stories about how to be a "Cool Bean"!
Students who were caught being kind earned a bean for our school-wide Cool Bean jar! 🏆 Together we collected 1833 beans!
Students and staff members decorated classroom and office doors this week with themes of kindness. Students took a tour to see all the incredibly creative ideas!
💬 Family Connection: Please take a moment to talk with your child about kindness and encourage them to think of ways they can show kindness at home. 💕 How were they a Cool Bean this week? 😃
Important Dates
Upcoming Events: (see AES Google Calendar for more)
Monday, 2/17 - Antrim Public Hearing Related to Petition Warrent Article Budget Cap
Tuesday, 2/18 - Kindergarten Registration
Friday, 2/21 - Pajama Day!
2/24-2/28 - No school - Vacation
Thursday, 3/20 - Family Literacy Night
4/12- Skate Night 6PM-9PM
Reminder: Bikes for Books
Community Engagement
Join our community engagement planning
The Community Engagement Committee is also looking for a family member and a community member to join the committee. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact Beth Gibney at bgibney@conval.edu or call the main office.
February Bus Buzz
What is Happening at AES??
Regulation Strategy of the Week
Classroom News
We have had lots of fun in First Friends 2 this week with hearts, Valentines, and Kindness.
Kindness Week and 100th Day of School and Valentine’s Day, oh my! What a busy week we’ve had in Kindergarten! This week Ms. Lawler’s class has been celebrating Kindness Week by reading The Cool Bean by Jory John and trying to do as many kind things for one another as we can. We’ve been “cool beans” all week by sharing, giving compliments, and helping one another. We worked together as a class to decorate our door to show everyone that kindness is cool! We also celebrated the 100th day of school by counting out groups of 100 objects, reading 100 sight words, counting to 100 and drawing pictures of what we would look like when we’re 100 years old.
Second Grade
This week, our second graders have been spreading kindness like confetti! 🎉
We’ve celebrated Kindness Week with fun activities and meaningful discussions. A favorite has been the Kindness Beans Challenge! Each act of kindness—helping a friend, using kind words, showing respect—earns a bean for our class jar. The students are working hard to fill it!
To cap off their reading of The Wild Robot, Ms. Del Rossi’s class embraced National Love Your Robot Day by designing their own robots, bringing them to life with recycled materials. During Kindness Week, the students made heartfelt cards to brighten the day of residents at a local nursing home. For the 100th day of school, they dressed up as if they were 100 years old and participated in fun centers centered around the number 100. A favorite activity was creating a list of goals to accomplish before turning 100. What an eventful and inspiring time for these young learners!
Valentines for Seniors
Second Graders created valentine cards to send to seniors in hopes to brighten their Valentine's Day.
This Week: Third grade learned how to use Google Slides in preparation for a larger project we will do in March. Ms. Revaz’s second grade learned about researching and finding and citing sources.
Next Week: Next week Fourth Grade Group A and Miss Starr’s PreK have library.
Upcoming: The children have read yet another person’s height in the hallway and to celebrate they decided they wanted to have a PJ Day. We will be having it on Friday, February 21st.
Girls on the Run Sign Up
This week in Muzart fourth graders continued their work learning ukulele and began learning their song to sing at the district-wide concert coming in March. This concert is an optional performance for fourth grade that takes place at Con-Val highschool and includes grades 4-12. Students will be able to hear choirs from GBS, SMS, and Con-Val and participate in a song that includes all choral students across the district. Stay tuned for more info to come!
Kindergarten continued with their alphabet series, learning how to draw and Eagle from the letter E and a house from the letter H. First grade finished up their Types of Line Winter Hats and began their paper “Our Class Weavings”.
Counselor's Corner
Classroom Counseling Lessons
Ms. Lawler's Class: No lesson this week due to the snow day.
Mrs. Phaneuf's Class: In this week’s lesson, your child learned different ways they can show kindness at school. The class shared ideas for kind acts they could do for one another. Ask your child to tell you about the kind acts they and their classmates have been doing for one another at school this week.
Mrs. Sullivan’s Class: We finished our bullying prevention lessons with the book Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes and working on a bullying prevention poster.
Ms. Voorhees’s Class: No lesson this week due to the snow day.
2nd Grade: We finished our bullying prevention lessons with the book Juice Box Bully by Bob Sornson and Maria Dismondy. Students then did an activity where they practiced a variety of statements they can use to stand up against bullying.
3rd Grade: We finished our bullying prevention lessons with by reviewing a variety of scenarios to determine if they were examples of bullying or of someone being mean. Students then worked on identifying ways they can stand up against bullying.
4th Grade: We continued our bullying prevention unit with a lesson about the power bystanders have in a bullying situation. Students watched a video showing a bullying situation and identified how the bystanders helped to stop the bullying. Students then completed a handout showing a variety of ways bystanders can intervene in a bullying situation.
Antrim Elementary School
Email: bgibney@conval.edu
Website: https://aes.conval.edu/
Location: 10 School Street, Antrim, NH, USA
Phone: (603)588-6371