Electronic Backpack & Newsletter
Hello DeMello Families!
Happy December! We hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving with family and friends. As we make our way towards the holiday break, there is so much going on at DeMello. Here is a rundown of all of the wonderful things we worked on and did here this week!
Early in the week, I spent a bit of time in Mrs. Pickering's 2nd grade watching more of the literacy instruction she is piloting. Once again, I was amazed to watch our young students engage in a structured read aloud on The War of 1812! I have to say, the content addressed in the literacy pilots has been rich and rigorous. Our students rise to the challenge of complex themes and vocabulary. If you have a student in Mrs. Pickering's class, asked them about impressment and the part it played in the War of 1812. You will be impressed😊
This week I was also able to get into Mrs. Markey's class to observe students synthesizing research on Native Americans into a ChatterPix video. I was able to get a sneak peak of several students' videos, which feature an animated, student-drawn character talking about a Native tribe. Very informative and very delightful!
My travels into classrooms also took me to Miss Kaylor's 3rd grade for partner work on place value, and into Mrs. Grant's first grade for reading groups. I know I say this often, but it bears repeating--your students work so hard and enjoy their learning! I admire them all for their positivity and perseverance. And I have so much respect for our talented teachers who put so much energy and love into their students.
Finally, a big THANK YOU to our PTO and parent volunteers for running our Holiday Shop during recess this week. By all accounts, it was a big success. If your student shopped, we hope you enjoy the presents they purchased. They certainly put a lot of time and effort into selecting them!
That is it for this week! Don't forget that Monday is the first of two December early release days devoted to parent-teacher conferences. I look forward to seeing you then!
Have a great weekend-
Mrs. Correia
Place Value Presentations in Ms. Kaylor's Room!
ChatterPix in Mrs. Markey's Class
Mrs. Pickering's 2nd Graders Learn About the War of 1812!
Please Support the DeMello Giving Tree!
We know that the holidays can be a time of great joy, but for some, can also be a time of stress. During this holiday season, we will be assisting DeMello and Cushman families in need with gift cards. If you would like to contribute to the our Giving Tree, you can do so by sending in gift cards to Stop & Shop, Target or Walmart, or by writing a check to DeMello/Cushman PTO with ‘Giving Tree’ on the memo line. Please send anything to school in an envelope labeled ‘Giving Tree’. Thank you in advance for your generosity. If you are in need of assistance this holiday season, please reach out to Mrs. Correia, Mr. Hill, Nurse Rachel, Nurse Kate, Mrs. Swainamer or Mrs. Brooks at Cushman so that we may help as best we can.
Thank You Student Council!
A big SHOUT OUT to our 5th Grade Student Council for collecting canned goods for the Dartmouth Council on Aging's food pantry! We know that the COA runs low on non-perishable food items after Thanksgiving and we were happy to deliver so many goods to them this week! As always, thank you to our teacher advisors, Mrs. Kolbeck and Mrs. Aguiar for overseeing the wonderful work they do with this group of DeMello role models!
A Note from Nurses Kate and Rachael
As the weather cools down, please remember to send students in with appropriate clothing for recess.
As the holiday season approaches so does the concern of flu and other respiratory illnesses. Please remember to keep your child home if they are sick to help prevent the spread of germs. If your child has a fever, vomits, or has diarrhea, they cannot return to school until 24 hours
after the fever has broken without medication or 24 hours after the last time they threw up/had diarrhea.
Thank you!
The NOVEMBER Howler Newspaper Is HERE!
Please click on this LINK for the latest edition of the Howler newspaper, proudly produced by our 5th graders under the supervision of Mrs. Jasmine Olean. Enjoy!
DeMello Spirit Fridays Are BACK!
Our staff enjoys showing their school pride by wearing fine DeMello swag on Fridays! We would love to see our students represent also! Please check out our SPIRITWEAR STORE online if you are interested in purchasing some cool DeMello clothing!
Important Dates and Upcoming Events
12/9/24: Early Release Day-Parent Conferences-Dismissal @ 12:55
12/16/24-DeMello Spirit Week Begins- Bring a Favorite Holiday Book to Share with a Partner!
12/17/24-Holiday Hat or Hair Day!
12/18/24: Wear Holiday Colors, a Holiday Shirt or Sweater!
12/18/24: Early Release Day-Parent Conferences-Dismissal- 12:55
12/19/24: Flannel/Plaid Day!
12/20/24: Pajama Day!
About Us
Email: elizabethcorreia@dartmouthschools.org
Website: dartmouth.school
Location: 654 Dartmouth Street
Phone: 508-996-6759